How to remove fleas from a cat without harm to the animal?

Probably, every owner of the animal encountered the appearance of bloodsucking parasites, which bring a lot of unpleasant moments to the pet and can be just dangerous for the health of a four-legged friend. How to get fleas from a cat - this question probably did not bother a rare cat. They appear instantly, the animal combs the skin to the blood, worries. Therefore, if you notice the first insects on your pet, you should immediately take action to get rid of this scourge.

Purchased funds

The simplest thing you can do in this situation is to go to the store. Here are a lot of tools for getting rid of pests. And it is not necessary that you have to spend a substantial amount: many insecticides are cheap enough, but at the same time they can effectively fight blood-sucking insects.

  • Collars

This, on the one hand, is the easiest and inexpensive way to get rid of pests. And on the other - it is effective only in the case when the fleas are still very few. But this is an excellent prevention of their appearance. Therefore, in order not to think about how to get the fleas from a kitten, before you take the baby into the house, get an insecticide collar. Only be sure to see that the composition was not only essential oils, but also chemicals( but organic phosphate, amitraz and permethrin should not be categorically!).Although not entirely natural, but such a collar is guaranteed to protect your pet from the appearance of fleas.


You can try to make an antiparasitic collar yourself. For this, an ordinary leather or fabric accessory soak with essential oil of cloves, eucalyptus or tea tree. If there is no possibility to purchase an industrial product, this can be a good substitute.

  • Shampoo

This option can be considered the most popular. Once the animal has fleas, the owners go to the store and buy the shampoo. The choice in the outlets is quite rich, there are even the means that take care of the wool. Just do not exclude the possible allergic reaction in the cat to the components of the shampoo. Therefore, first, check the shampoo on a small area of ​​the skin to avoid irritation. And get ready for the fact that you have to bathe your pet more than once, if he has a lot of fleas.

  • Drops on the withers

Help not only to get rid of parasites, but also to prevent their appearance. If your pet is often on the street, and the collars do not accept, do not forget to drip such a tool. And then such a problem as fleas, just will not bother you and your four-legged friend.

  • The most effective means of blood-sucking insects at home is the spray.

He instantly kills insects. If in other cases there is a risk that fleas can leave the cat for other animals or even for humans, then in the case of sprays of this risk is no longer. They get rid of parasites at once. But it should be borne in mind that these are very toxic agents and should be used only in very neglected cases. When processing the owner should wear a mask and gloves. After treatment, care should be taken so that the animal does not lick itself to avoid possible poisoning.

  • Oral medications and injections.

This is an effective tool, but it should be used only if, for some reason, the use of drops, shampoos and sprays is impossible. Medical preparations quickly rid the animal of fleas, but proper use is necessary. For this procedure, it is better to consult a veterinarian so that there is no negative effect on the animal.

These are the main tools that can be purchased in stores, if you are concerned about how to get fleas from a kitten. They are quite inexpensive, they work well and quickly. The only negative - the animal may have an allergic reaction to components of such insecticides. And people have intolerance to smells and irritation from some components. If this happens, then you can try to use something from the people's arsenal. Perhaps the result will not be so fast, but they are completely harmless.

Folk remedies for fleas

Despite the abundance of industrial products that help the owner of cats to save their pets from fleas, many prefer old, proven methods for years. If you can not go to the store or you just do not want to use chemicals, you can try at home something from the following list.

  1. Conventional combing. This method will require patience and a lot of time, but you will be sure that the animal does not swallow insecticides and it will not have skin irritation from the collar. If you are worried about how to get the fleas from a cat that has kittens, this method will be especially useful. During this period, you must be especially careful with the preparations, and often it is the combing out - the only possible method. Prepare a basin with a hot soapy solution and a comb with frequent prongs. Comb the cat and periodically rinse the comb in the solution. So do this until there is no insect left on the animal.
  2. You can try using salt solution. To do this, dissolve a pack of salt in a bucket of warm water and keep the pet in this solution for at least five minutes. Then, again, comb the hair with a frequent comb to remove the dead fleas and larvae. Do not forget to wash off the leftover salt.
  3. If you do not trust industrial shampoos, try to prepare the product yourself. To do this, grind a quarter of baby soap, dissolve it in a half cup of hot water and cook on the fire until the mixture becomes similar to jelly. Separately, pour two tablespoons of nettle with a glass of boiling water and wait for 20 minutes. Then take a spoonful of this infusion and add to a soap solution. Here, chop the onion and add the raw yolk. Mix everything well, and apply the resulting mass to the animal's coat. In this form, leave the cat for 20 minutes( make sure that the cat does not eat off the remedy), then rinse well and wipe the coat. If the first time to get rid of fleas did not work, wash the cat after a couple of days again.
  4. Helps to fight fleas at home with garlic infusion. Grind the garlic head, mix with 700 ml of warm water and leave for 14 hours in a dark place. Then infusion strain and rub into the pet's fur in places where it does not reach( withers, spine).For greater effect in the infusion, you can dissolve a few beer yeast - literally a pinch.
  5. You can also prepare a decoction of lavender and geranium - strong odors well repel insect pests. Take a tablespoon of each plant, fill with warm water - 650 ml - and cook on the fire for 15-20 minutes. The resulting decoction otudite, strain and bathe in it your pet. Do not forget to comb the comb then to get rid of the eggs too.
  6. You can also prepare a decoction of citrus - these flea flavors also can not stand. Grind one lemon completely, along with the crust, and cook in half a liter of water for 5 minutes. Then leave the broth in a dark cool place for a day. After a while, pour the liquid into the atomizer and spray the cat's fur several times a day until the fleas are completely gone.

Even these options will be enough to help your pet get rid of insects. Remember that it is necessary not only to withdraw the fleas from the cat, but also to process the room to prevent their return to the animal. Steam the place where your pet usually sleeps, rinse all crevices and plinths with "White" or mortar soap, sprinkle the room with decoction of tansy or eucalyptus. These simple actions are enough to get rid of bloodsucking insects completely. And in the future, try to accustom your pet to a special collar or pick up safe drops, so that such a problem as fleas, you no longer bothered.