Little flies in the kitchen: where do they come from and how to deal with them?


  • Reasons for the appearance of midges and the consequences of
  • How to fight?
  • Preventative measures

Responsible housewives always strive to ensure that they have perfect purity in the kitchen, and they succeed. But sometimes it's not clear where small flies can come from, which instantly spoil the perfect picture, and how to get rid of them is not always clear. In order to understand what to do, we first have to figure out where all these midges come from.

The causes of the appearance of midges and the consequences of

Drosophila( and this is exactly what they are) appear in the case when your apartment has suitable conditions for their residence and reproduction. It's food and warmth. If you have free access to spoiled fruit or vegetables, there is an open jam or honey on the table, the trash can is left undetected or the sewage system has not been repaired for a long time, then you are more likely to expect flies to settle in your room. If we add to this the air temperature above +16 and humidity, then evil in the form of small insects becomes inevitable.

Sometimes it seems that the midges are taken from nowhere, by themselves. In fact, this is not so. You could bring the eggs of flies from the store to fruits and vegetables, without even knowing it. They could also come from neighbors, attracted by the smell of food. By themselves, these flies do not harm people in any way: they are not poisonous, do not bite, and do not tolerate diseases. But the very fact that they got you, says that in the kitchen or bathroom is not perfect cleanliness. And the flickering of these insects, which can fall into tea or climb into food, is not the most pleasant situation. Despite the fact that live flies only a few days, they are able to postpone hundreds or even thousands of eggs during this period. From them new hordes of insects will hatch, which can spoil life for all. So if you started to notice the presence of small flies, you should immediately take all possible actions to get rid of them.

How to fight?

Methods of fighting gnats in the kitchen there is a great variety - from folk to chemicals. But before you get rid of these annoying insects, you should restore order. With this simple action, you will deprive small flies of an ideal habitat. Otherwise, you can endlessly apply a variety of methods of struggle, but the midges will appear in even larger quantities.

  1. Eliminate all fruits and vegetables that have already become too soft or even begun to deteriorate. And wash the rest with warm water and soap, dry and put away for storage in a cool place.
  2. Take out all the garbage. Especially if you have fulfilled the previous paragraph. And try to throw out the remains of food every day, so as not to provoke the multiplication of flies.
  3. Check all drain holes in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Pour in the cleaners. If it does not help, you'll have to disassemble everything and clean it well.
  4. Be sure to see if there are leaks. Little flies are very fond of moisture, and even a tiny stretch of water can become their refuge. Therefore, inspect all the pipes, the space under the bathroom and under the sinks. It is worth checking out even furniture, because moisture can accumulate there.
  5. Still flies love heat very much. Therefore, open the windows and start to ventilate all rooms well. Just do not overdo it, especially if the street is very cold. Otherwise, you can ruin plants and spoil the heating system.

Now that you have flies the perfect habitat, you can get rid of flying individuals.

  1. The simplest thing is to use a vacuum cleaner. Simply turn on the unit and start hunting for pests. Fast, efficient, although somewhat tedious and noisy.
  2. Another easy way to get rid of small flies is sticky tape. Just hang them in places of congestion of insects and wait, when they all stick to the trap. Then it will only be necessary to remove the tapes and discard. You can additionally hang next to the traps piece of spoiled fruit to attract flies. And walk around the apartment carefully, so that you do not stick your hair to these ribbons.
  3. Fumigators against flies also help well. It is enough to put the plate, turn on the device in the socket and wait until the flies leave a trace.
  4. You can resort to the sprays that we have been using for decades. They help to get rid of insects instantly, but the smell leaves much to be desired. In addition, such funds are unsafe for humans and animals. Therefore, first take everyone out of the room, clean the food, put on the protective mask - and only after that start spraying the product. After treatment, be sure to wash your hands and wash yourself, and after a due time( it is indicated on the bottle), ventilate the rooms well.
  5. There is a less harmful way for health to get rid of small insects - a trap from a can. To make it, you will need an ordinary glass jar, a paper hopper and a bait. As bait, you can use rotten fruit or sour juice. Put the lure in a container, insert a paper funnel with a narrow neck down and seal the joints with adhesive tape. Overnight, a huge number of insects will enter this trap, where they will not be able to escape, and will only have to eliminate them.
  6. Another similar interesting way to get rid of flies is a plastic cup with bait. As in the first case, put a fruit in the container or pour the juice, close the top with a food film, in which you make several holes with a thick needle.


    Try replacing the film with adhesive tape. So you already then do not have to puzzle over what to do with the gnats that are inside the tank. They all stick to the ribbon, and it will only be necessary to throw out the glass with the sticky flies.

  7. You can try and use essential oils. Simply light an aroma lamp with oil of a carnation, ylang-ylang, fir or any other with a strong smell for the night.
  8. Try using natural vanilla, the smell of which does not like flies. Boil some spices and sprinkle this water on the surface of the furniture.
  9. You can still grate the pieces of camphor in a frying pan. As soon as smoke begins to appear, walk through this capacious apartment. Camphor is completely harmless to humans, but flies do not like it very much.

Now you only need to choose a way to your liking - and you can start getting rid of annoying flies.

Preventative measures

Well, if it turned out to take out the small flies from the apartment quickly. But it's better not to let them appear again, then you do not have to think about how to get rid of them. Since you already know what flies like and where they come from, it is not difficult to take preventive measures.

  • Take out the garbage daily.
  • Get rid of spoiled food immediately.
  • Do not leave jam and honey on the table.
  • Bring fruit and vegetables home, immediately rinse them and dry well.
  • Make sure that there is no excessive humidity in the kitchen and bathroom.
  • Try to ventilate the rooms more often.
  • You can put as a supplement on the windowsills geranium, which insects do not like autumn, or periodically light the aroma lamp.

A little care, love for purity and a desire to prevent the appearance of midges - and you can easily create in your apartment unbearable for them the situation. Even if it happens that you bring these creatures home with fruit, they are unlikely to want to stay in your kitchen. They are more likely to move to their neighbors. But this will not be your headache.