Black cockroaches in the apartment: how to get rid of folk remedies


  • Where do cockroaches come from?
  • Sanitary treatment of
  • Folk remedies
  • Shop facilities

Few people will be pleased to be an unrestricted owner of their property and share it with some insects, especially since they sometimes appear not only in bathrooms and kitchens, but also in living quarters. And in such cases it is useful to know how to get rid of black cockroaches.

Where do cockroaches come from?

These annoying insects love the humidity very much. Therefore, if the bathroom is poorly ventilated, somewhere a faucet or pipe leaks, households inaccurately use water, sprinkling it around plumbing fixtures, then the probability of black cockroaches is very high. Often they penetrate into the housing through various mines - both ventilation and with water pipes, if they are badly embedded and form cracks.

Someone may say: "You think, creep!" But these insects are not so harmless. They creep into the most secluded corners, in various household appliances, into the wiring ducts, spoiling them, laying eggs there and leaving the products of life. Because where only they do not crawl, then, naturally, they carry a large number of microbes, dangerous for humans, and for domestic animals.

Sanitary treatment of

If there is free money and the possibility to leave the apartment for a while - you can always contact the special services that will conduct the disinsection treatment. Some of the drugs they use are absolutely harmless to humans, after others, they have to be ventilated, and utensils and plumbing fixtures should be thoroughly washed. But the result will be achieved - for good or for some time the cockroaches leave the apartment.

But you do not have to resort to outside help. From unpleasant neighbors you can try to get rid of yourself.

Folk remedies

  1. Single individuals can be slapped with a sneaker or an old magazine, but with a horde of cockroaches so unable to cope, you need something more effective.
  2. One of the most effective cockroach poisons is boric acid. At the same time for humans and pets it is completely harmless. The product is available in any pharmacy, it costs cheap, does not leave unpleasant odors after use. The acid powder is sprinkled with all places where the most common cockroaches are observed. The poison acts quickly, but not instantaneously, and if the poisoned insect has time to touch one of its relatives, it will also destroy it, which allows one to get rid of a large number of them at once.
  3. To poison even attract insects, boric acid is mixed with yolks of raw eggs, balls are rolled from this mixture and allow them to dry, and then they are laid out in the places where the insects appear. The edible component attracts cockroaches, and the poison successfully etches.
  4. Previously used thermal impact - simply speaking, freezing the building. Now this option is suitable except for a country cottage, but not for a private or multi-apartment house, where it helps to get rid of insects, but it will ruin communications.
  5. Like other insects, black cockroaches do not like harsh odors. Therefore, fragrant herbs, bay leaves from balsa leaves, strong spices, etc., can be effective for their scare for a while. But all of them quickly disappear, and cockroaches get used to smells in time and do not react to them.
  6. Cockroaches do not creep past food that lies in a conspicuous place, but they definitely try to taste them. And they can be lured into a deadly trap, if the walls of the container where the food lies lie lubricated with oil or a sticky substance.

However, all these tools are not fast, and to completely transfer the number of black cockroaches in an apartment or house, it will take several weeks.


Perhaps, noticing the unpleasant "guests" at home, it is worth cooperating with neighbors and getting rid of insects at the same time so that during the persecution in one apartment they do not run to another.

Store Tools

The chemical industry and household goods stores offer a large selection of very effective means to get rid of cockroaches. They can be divided into several groups.

  1. Gels. They are usually sold in syringes or similar containers that facilitate extrusion. Such a preparation is fully ready for use, it only needs to be applied along the perimeter of the skirting, near the cracks, holes in the shaft and other places where there are insects. Usually, they get rid of them in a week.
  2. Traps. Insects are quite curious, and any new objects tend to explore. This is the basis of the action of traps - a box with a slowly acting poison, poisoned by which, the black cockroach does not die right away, but sends it to infect other individuals.
  3. Sticky traps. Their design is extremely simple - inside is an appetizing bait, and the tank itself is covered with a very sticky tape or glue composition, get out of the captivity of which the cockroaches are beyond their strength. Traps are also effective against other insects planted in the house, the same ants or midges.
  4. Powders. They are scattered among the favorite places of black cockroaches and are waiting for them to poison themselves and go to poison their relatives. However, the powder can attract a pet or a curious little child, and the effects of poisoning by chemicals can be very serious.
  5. Aerosols. They allow not only to poison places of stay of cockroaches in an apartment, but also to catch up and destroy individuals trying to escape. However, getting the product on the skin can cause irritation or allergy, and inadvertent inhalation - a minimum of coughing and watery eyes, and maximum - problems with breathing up to choking. Therefore, trying to get rid of cockroaches in this way is better in gloves and protecting the nose and mouth with at least a dense cloth.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard you try, you can not get rid of black cockroaches in an apartment building with a 100% guarantee. Usually there are always apartments, which can be called unfavorable in this respect. And even if all the tenants are clean and brought insects in their home, there are always mines and cellars, where something often flows, and cleanliness in these rooms is not particularly supported. And if at home you can fight cockroaches on your own, then the treatment of such unsanitary parts of the house certainly should be entrusted to experts in the field of disinsection.