Coffee tones, invigorates and energizes, adds bright colors to our lives. In many countries, this drink is found everywhere. Each variety of coffee prepared with its temperature conditions and specific conditions. Used for the preparation of the coffee maker.
- Geyser coffee
- carob coffee
- drip coffee maker
- capsule coffee
- Tea for Turkish coffee
- Tea with Cappuccino
- Automatic coffee machine
- Tea with built-in grinder
- Tea Timer
- induction kofevarkaa
Geyser coffee

It operates by using steam pressure.
The structure includes a clean container for filling with cold water and the finished product. Between tanks installed a special filter, which is filled with ground coffee.
Coffeemakers geyser type divided into conventional and electrical. In contrast to conventional (for preparing kitchen stove) Electric models are powered by the network is automatically switched off and are able to prepare a latte and cappuccino.
Upon heating, the water evaporates through the filter into the container for the finished beverage. Passing through the filter, the steam is saturated taste and flavor of the ground beans. The beverage ready when all the water moves to the upper bowl.
For proper preparation, perform the following steps:
- Separate the water tank, and a filter prepared beverage;
- Fill a clean cool water in the water tank to said mark;
- Fill the coffee filter medium ground. Do not pack coffee into the filter - vapor overcomes its dense layer;
- Clean the rim of the filter from the surplus;
- Set a bowl of water, filter and cup of finished drink and turn the coffee machine to the mains or to put on electrical or gas stove;
- After filling, the top of the plate removed from the automatic shutdown or wait to the electrical model.
- calculated on the volume of the beverage preparation installed. If you wish to prepare two cups at a time, and the coffee is a four, you get exactly four (with a decrease in the volume of water the device may not work). Before you buy be sure to check on how much coffee machine is designed;
- made of aluminum, ceramics and stainless steel. Made of steel robust, durable, suitable for washing in the dishwasher. Aluminum specimens can give characteristic taste of aluminum as long as the upper walls of the container are formed plaque of coffee oils;
- the handle must be at a distance from the housing to prevent possible burns. The coating does not handle heat conductivity and has no unnecessary odors.
carob coffee

Cheap and easy to use, preparation takes a few minutes.
The principle of operation involves passing steam through the filter with ground beans, is poured into a special horn.
- at coffee makers carob used plastic and metal horns. In models with plastic horns is only one advantage - they are cheap. Coffeemakers with metal horns are more expensive, but they have more advantages. The metal cone is well warmed coffee beverage. It is derived from saturated pleasant taste and aroma;
- to obtain a quality beverage power should be in the range of 1000 - 1700 watts. The optimum pressure for the horn - 9 bar, pumps - 15 bar;
- be careful that the water is heated to a maximum of 95 degrees. Greater temperature regime will result in deterioration of taste of the beverage.
The prepared coffee has excellent flavor and aromatic qualities. To save them before the use of cups is recommended to warm up.
Functional features:
- kapuchinator installed. Some coffee machines prepare milk foam. To do this, they are equipped with Cappuccino;
- coffee pod coffee. On the market you can find already pre-packaged portioned milled grain. Using the pads, you free yourself from the need to measure the amount of backfill. In addition, the horn is not necessary to clean and wash. Very handy when the machine uses pods, although it is not economical;
- set a safety valve. It is intended for relieving excess pressure steam;
- indicators. Are optional, but help to keep the coffee machine in operation for many years. Water level indicator will not allow include a coffee machine, if the liquid in the tank is low or in overabundance. The temperature indicator will automatically turn off the unit, if there is overheating;
- the second pump. Usual coffee maker is equipped with a pump that is responsible for creating the desired pressure for beverage production. The second pump allows you to cook two dishes at once.
drip coffee maker

For the preparation of large volume.
Used glass flask of one liter. It is filled with cold water. The filter is a cone. It is filled with ground coffee beans. When heated, the water rises through a tube into the filter. The filter coffee is brewed, and then dropwise flows back into the pot.
After evaporation of the whole volume of the pot there is automatic switching to the preheating mode. With this beverage stays warm for a long time.
- drip coffeemakers relatively cheap, they are equipped with plastic filters. They can be washed repeatedly. One plastic filter is sufficient for life. Used as paper filters. They can be purchased separately. The paper filter is used only once and then thrown away. In the market there is a reliable metal filter, but it is much more expensive than others;
- must be present in a coffee machine fortress setting function. If the vapor is fast, the drink will not strong, and aroma - weak;
- glass coffee pot is the most common. It is convenient, can be seen through the glass of the number of finished beverage. Minus the glass pot is that it is easy to beat. Metal coffee pot is not beating, it durable. Coffee pot thermos keeps coffee hot for a long time;
- Protection System "drop-stop", Which are equipped with all the drop model, allow to pull out the coffee pot for a short time (2 minutes) and pour the coffee into the cup. Some models are equipped with automatic shut-off function. The timer is set at the amount of time, after which you need to turn off the heating pot. If the coffee thermos is not in use, the coffee cools down quickly.
capsule coffee

Coffee through the use of ready-made capsules. The capsule contains ground coffee. The capsule itself consists of a plastic foil and hermetically closed.
The coffee capsule is installed. After turning on the unit in the capsule holes are formed. Through them under pressure the contents of the capsule is washed with water. The drink is filtered and fills the cup.
- We need to prepare capsules a few minutes of free time;
- small size and weight make it possible to place in the limited square footage;
- clean is not necessary. Periodically wipe it from dust and remove the scum.
- taste can be compared to soluble. Like undemanding fans;
- in the manufacture of capsules is no uniform standard. This means that you are tied to a manufacturer of capsule coffee makers, because only he makes capsules for their models;
- use constantly - it's expensive. The reason - in the cost of the capsules.
- power. Determines the flavor intensity and speed of preparation. Power of 900 watts is enough to obtain a quality beverage;
- pump pressure. Determines the rate of leaching of ground coffee capsules and saturation. Pump pressure should not be lower than 15 bar;
- container volume. In order not to add water, choose a model with a water tank about 1 liter;
- Useful functions. For ease of use it integrated additional functions: timer, waste reservoir, a pressure gauge and others.
Tea for Turkish coffee

cooking principle no different from the classic. The advantage lies in the fact that to follow the foam is not necessary. At the end of the process she is automatically turned off. It includes one or two containers for coffee - the Turks.
The model has a heating element. It established a Turk. Light and sound indicators help determine readiness.
To prepare the take Turk, sleeps in her ground coffee, sugar and spices, pour water. We put in the coffee maker. Preparation takes 2-3 minutes. After rang characteristic sound signal is taken out and give Turk beverage brew. The undissolved part will settle to the bottom of the Turks.
Used for the preparation of coffee is very finely ground (to dust), otherwise the foam will not work.
Tea with Cappuccino

Cappuccino - special nozzle is attached to the steam tube. To prepare cappuccino using milk and cream are whipped to a foam.
- Mechanical (Pannarello). Coffee machines are equipped with a special cup, into which poured milk and whipped to form a foam using Pannarello nozzle under the influence of steam. Thereafter, the foam is poured into the cup with prepared coffee beverage;
- Circuit (avtokapuchinatory). Divided into two types:
With outlet nozzle.
Tea is completed nozzle extending from the steam nozzle. The nozzle is lowered into the vessel and comprising supplying milk. In this case, coffee and foam are prepared separately. Minus is the inability to prepare a cappuccino at the touch. Nor is it possible to adjust the density of the froth. The advantage of this embodiment in its value;
With a capacity for milk.
Tea is completed with glass, which is filled with milk. When you click on "cappuccino" automatically prepares it. Sometimes even the most advanced are not able to properly prepare a cappuccino. A small amount of preparation have full automation but are expensive.
Automatic coffee machine

Tea with full cooking cycle. There are models for the home and for professional use in bars, cafes, restaurants.
Main characteristics:
Grinding grains. The devices are equipped with grinders, which are able to perform fine and coarser. Expensive models in addition to the degree of the grinding offer choose a variety;
Flow grains. It depends on the block and the grain tank sensor which reads the number in the block. owners automatic coffee machines They are often faced with the problem of sensor malfunction. In the milling process sensor signals the lack of grains. Ground coffee powder is sent to waste or is poured on the block designed to supply coffee.
If you encounter such a problem, it can be solved, having stuck in the clearance section for grains, thereby disabling the sensor. Less of this situation is that you yourself have to control the grain level.
Look for models with high-precision sensors. They are more expensive, but the probability of a correct, smooth operation of the above.
Location compartments and containers. The best are the coffee machine with compartments with vertical loading;
The device control unit. In simpler Coffee buttons and relays in complex patterns - touch display. There are apps on your phone or tablet lets you manage the coffee machine;
Additional devices. Coffee machines are equipped with additional accessories, Cappuccino, elevator cup;
Care. Well-designed and engineered coffee helps the owner to clean. Light and sound indicators alerted fullness compartments for waste and need cleaning.
Tea with built-in grinder

Grinding grains occurs in a coffee grinder. It is a reservoir with sharp blades. Number of blades from 2 to 4.
Coffee grinder sets the degree and duration of milling. The number of degrees depends on the quantity and quality of the blades and their sharpening.
some models coffee makers with grinders allow you to adjust the number of servings of ground powder.
There are models with built-in grinder governing preparation of the beverage remotely from your smartphone or tablet. To do this, the grain fell asleep, and the other parameters are set at a distance. The program will let you know about the availability of the beverage by means of a characteristic signal.
The overwhelming majority of coffee machines with integrated coffee grinder are arranged on the principle of the geyser and carob coffee makers.
Tea Timer

The presence of the timer allows to program the cooking time specified by the user or set automatically heated.
The main requirement - the presence in the water tanks and grains. The rest will be for the time indicated on the timer.
Not all models come with a timer. Most of the devices to the mid-range and higher. Modern coffee maker with a timer set are automatic.
induction kofevarkaa

used on induction (electrical) plate.
The base model is made of alloys having ferromagnetic properties. This allows it to interact with the plate surface.
In fact, the induction coffee maker - a geyser model with ferromagnetic base.
Completed containers for filling pure cold water and for the finished beverage. Between tanks installed a special filter, which is filled with ground coffee.
Upon heating, the water evaporates through the filter by the pressure of steam into the vessel for the finished coffee beverage. Passing through the filter, the steam is saturated with flavor and aroma.
- Decompose to: a water tank for the prepared coffee filter;
- Fill a clean cool water to the lower part of said mark;
- Fill the filter medium ground coffee;
- Clean the rim of the filter from the surplus;
- Collect the coffee machine and put on a plate;
- After filling, the top of the container removed from the plate.
- The size. Designed for the preparation of a certain amount.
- Material. Made of stainless steel, aluminum, cast iron, ceramics. steel coffee makers reliable, durable and can be washed in dishwasher. Ceramic coffeemakers beautiful, light, but easier to break;
- A pen. Handle material should not have an odor.
Among coffee makers there are simple and inexpensive models that are available to everyone - it drip and geyser model. They are suitable for those who like not strong coffee in large quantities.
Drip coffee maker is ready for use again immediately after completion of the cycle. In the case of a geyser coffee-maker will have to wait, because it needs time to cool down.
There are automatic models, which are equipped with additional functions of the timer, pre-tabs and other grains.
Capsule models are suitable for people who do not like to wait. Ready-ground coffee is placed in a sealed capsule, which is installed in the coffee machine. Capsule coffee machines are relatively inexpensive, because the manufacturer is making money on the coffee capsules.
Automatic coffee makers belong to the middle and higher price range. They are integrated coffee grinder and additional options.
Not necessarily expensive model with a huge amount of incomprehensible buttons and settings make coffee better than a simple geyser or locust bean coffee makers. Advanced settings help facilitate, automate the process. Only need to learn to use them properly.
Popularity among the coffee got a cheap, simple to operate and easy maintenance drip, geyser and carob Coffee model. The rest is a variety of choice for aesthetes, gourmets or specialized institutions.