Moss in the kitchen - how to get out and where do they come from?


  • What leads to the appearance of midges in the kitchen?
  • Warning of the appearance of midges
  • Fighting with midges
  • Installing a fumigator
  • Insect traps
  • Other ways of
  • Several folk ways

Moss in the kitchen appear quite often. Moreover, there are so many of them, that this spectacle causes horror. They can densely cling pots with jelly, a fruit bowl, a bottle with a sweet drink and much more. But it's very scary, when they get to the bathroom and cling all the lockers there. And despite the fact that the midges are small insects, they can bring a lot of trouble.

What leads to the appearance of midges in the kitchen?

In fact, the factors that contribute to the appearance of midges in the apartment, not so much.

  • Indoor Flowers .They are often inhabited by small insects of black color. Adult individuals do not pose a danger to plants, but their larvae can have a disastrous effect. Fungal mosquitoes appear due to high humidity, so it is not recommended to keep flowers in the kitchen. Their watering should also not be abundant.
  • Appearance of rot on fruits, berries, vegetables .As a rule, in this case, insects also appear in the kitchen and clothe the decayed fruit almost completely.
  • Can not avoid the appearance of midges and those who do not monitor the cleanliness of their apartment .In addition, these insects can attract as a few fruit fruits, rolled into a secluded corner, and an old rag that fell into the sink.
  • If you have pets in your apartment( rabbits, parrots), the midges can settle in their cage .This is due to the fact that in the sawdust there may be remains of animal food.
  • If you do not clean the sewer in time, then in the pipes can accumulate putrefaction, which is very like the insects .


Before you begin to destroy these pests, you need to determine why they appeared exactly in your apartment. Sometimes, if the source of their appearance disappears, they also disappear.

Preventing the appearance of midges

Moss in the kitchen only occur if there are conditions for their life. Therefore, one should not allow these conditions to appear. For this, regular preventive measures must be taken. First of all, you need to pay attention to the cleanliness of the trash can. In addition, cleaning should not be thrown out in the bucket itself, but in a special bag that is placed in it. Therefore, you will not need to constantly wash this container of dirt, because the filled package can be easily removed.

In order not to start gnats, do not forget about the systematic wet cleaning in this room. Always remove the crumbs and other food remnants from the table. If the apartment has a cat or a dog, then you have to clean every day or even wash a bowl of a pet. In no case should you leave dirty dishes for the night in the sink. Fruits and vegetables should be stored in the refrigerator.

Many also do not know where the midges come from. In fact, they arrive from the street or from neighbors. Therefore, you need to ensure that windows are closed, ventilation( especially in summer).If the room is hot, you can install on the windows a mosquito net through which insects will also not be able to enter the apartment.

Fighting gnats

There are many reasons why gnats appear in the kitchen. How to get rid of them, unfortunately, not everyone knows. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that contributes to their occurrence. If after careful cleaning of the premises did not appear any results, then you can use other ways.

Fumigation unit installation

One of the simplest methods of fighting is installing a fumigator. Within a couple of hours, the insects will be much less, and in a day they will be almost gone. But completely midges are unlikely to disappear. Therefore, for best results, it is recommended to use a sticky tape, which is usually used for catching flies. To quickly get rid of insects, you can grease the tape with wine, the smell of which will attract them.

Insect traps

To remove the fruit fly, you can build a special trap for them. To do this, you need to take a jar with a wide neck and pour the solution into it, which is prepared as follows.

  • Take 2-3 tablespoons of water and apple cider vinegar and stir. Vinegar attracts fruit fly, so they will fly on the bait, trapped.
  • Add a few drops of dishwashing liquid to the resulting solution.

To insects could not leave the trap, it is necessary to insert a paper funnel into the jar. Due to this, the input will be quite wide, and the output will be narrow. To change a solution it is necessary time in 2-3 days, as after this time its smell any more does not involve midges. If there is no apple cider vinegar, then you can use the remains of fruit juices, compotes, kissels.

You can make an even simpler trap, for the creation of which you need to take a plastic bag, in which a piece of sweet fruit is placed. It does not need to be closed for the night. By the morning it must accumulate a huge number of insects. To get rid of them, you need to close the package with a sharp movement. Now it can be thrown together with pests.


If there are so many Moss in the apartment that they have already settled in the bathroom, then they can usually be taken out with water. It is necessary to grease a part of a shell or a bath with jam, and after the midges get together in this place, they should be washed off with a stream of water.

Other ways of

It is known that small midges are very harmful to alcohol. Therefore, quite a bit of red wine left at the bottom of the bottle will help get rid of these pests. The bottle should be left open. Insects will try to refresh themselves with wine, which will lead to their death. You can also withdraw gnats with beer, which should be poured into a wide vessel.

Quite an interesting method of combating Drosophila is the acquisition of a predator flower. One of the most popular options is the venus flytrap. Of course, it is not easy to care for such a plant, but it independently catches insects, which will allow them to be taken out within a relatively short time.

If you do not know how to get rid of midges in the kitchen, then it's easiest to use a vacuum cleaner. You just need to vacuum the places where Drosophila is most likely to accumulate. After that, the dust container must be shaken out, but it should be done away from your home.

Several folk ways

As you know, small midges react sensitively to any smells. Therefore, it is necessary to do the following.

  • Heat the frying pan and pour some camphor on it. When it starts to evaporate, you should take a frying pan and walk with it to all the rooms. This smell is completely harmless to humans, but the bugs are very afraid of it.
  • You can also remove insects with the help of fruit structures. It is necessary to take an orange and stick a stick of cloves into it. To place such traps it is necessary in all places of dislocation of Drosophila.
  • Take fresh roots of horseradish and clean them. After that, they should be left in the open places in the kitchen. Insects are very irritated by this smell.

In order for the kitchen to not have gnats, it is necessary to make sure that they have nothing to eat. So they will look for a more suitable environment for themselves. It is also recommended to close the ventilation holes, through which insects often enter the room, regularly clean the sewage drains.

If you yourself can not get rid of small "roommates", then you can use the help of special services. Of course, their services are worth a lot. And in general, in the process of work, the disinsectors use chemical preparations harmful to health. Therefore, resort to this method of fighting insects is necessary only in extreme cases.