How to get rid of lice and nits quickly - 10 ways


  • What is pediculosis?
  • Symptoms of pediculosis
  • What is the danger of pediculosis?
  • Treatment of pediculosis
  • Means based on insecticides
  • Antiparasitic drugs with physical principle of action
  • Getting rid of lice folk methods
  • How to remove lice with kerosene and turpentine?
  • How to treat pediculosis in children?
  • How to be protected from lice?

The appearance of an unpleasant problem - pediculosis - makes you look for the answer to the question: how to get rid of lice and nits? Often those who have encountered these insects are shy about telling their friends and relatives about it, so they have no one to consult about effective drugs and methods. Meanwhile, the faster the treatment, the more chances that lice will not be acquired from the rest of the family. The methods that will help to remove lice and nits, depend on who they are wound up. The treatment of a child and an adult is different, so we will consider separately the disposal of children from parasites and all the drugs suitable for this. Also, the methods depend on the type of lice.

What is pediculosis?

Pediculosis can be in both adults and children. This infection of insect parasites - any of the three types of lice:

  • head;
  • pubic( ploschitsy);
  • underwear( clothes).

These ectoparasites have a small size - up to 6 mm, live 30-36 days. Their small size and short life span are more than offset by fertility. One female lays up to 300 eggs( nits), so only one individual caught on the head of a person can become the ancestor of the whole colony in one to two weeks.

Head lice can live only in the hair on the head, pubic - in intimate places, underarms, in the eyebrows and eyelashes. Another version - linen lice - lives in folds of clothes and bed linen. They all have one thing in common: they are parasites that feed on human blood.

Symptoms of pediculosis

Since lice are small in size, it is rare to notice the appearance of one or two parasites infrequently. However, there are symptoms by which you can determine the beginning of pediculosis.

  • People with sensitive skin can feel the movement of insects.
  • Severe itching, predominantly in the occipital or parietal region of the head, in the armpits or the area of ​​the hair in intimate places.
  • Bluish-gray spots on the skin. It is the reaction of the human body to the enzyme produced by parasites.
  • Traces of bites on the body or head.
  • Nits that are on the hair close( about 1 cm) from the scalp.
  • If the disease lasts for a long time, pustules and scabs can form in the places of bites.

In children, parents may suspect the presence of pediculosis, if they often scratch their heads. Crying and anxiety of the infant can also be caused by ectoparasites. To check up the suspicions it is possible simply enough - to examine a head, to check up presence of lice and nits. If the small white "beads" are not shaken off like dandruff, but firmly hold on to the hair, the skin has traces of wounds or scratching, it's time to get the right remedy and get rid of lice.

What is the danger of pediculosis?

Vinegar from lice is an unpleasant thing, but it can be a source of not only itching, but also diseases. Native pediculosis can cause the development of typhus and Volyn fever. Lice on the head are carriers of recurrent typhus. All bloodsucking parasites are mechanical carriers of pathogens of vector-borne diseases.

The appearance of parasites in young children is dangerous when the immune system is not completely formed. The transmitted diseases manifest themselves with lubricated symptoms, which makes it difficult to diagnose in time, and their bodies can not yet fight viruses and bacteria on their own. We should not forget that lice feed on human blood. If you start the process and do not get rid of the lice on time, the child will develop pediculosis, which can cause weakening of the body, and in especially severe cases, lead to death.

Treatment for pediculosis

Withdraw lice in the home at this time is easy on one condition - if the source of infection is eliminated. For example, if a child has insects that appear after kindergarten, then no treatment will produce a result for a long time, because the breeding center remains. Parents should solve this problem in a complex way, carrying out treatment against parasites in all children simultaneously with additional processing of bedding in a kindergarten.

Treatment of pediculosis is carried out in the old fashion - folk remedies - or purchasing modern, more effective drugs in the pharmacy.

There are several ways to get rid of lice without chemicals:

  • kerosene;
  • with vinegar;
  • with turpentine;
  • tincture of chaos.

Pharmaceutical preparations against lice are of two main types. Insecticides are poisons( mainly permethrin), which exert neurotoxic effects on insects, affecting not only the central nervous system but also the peripheral nervous system of lice. The second type - preparations based on dimethicone, which have a mechanical effect. Such a means clogs the airways of the parasites. The form of release at drugstores can be different:

  • shampoos;
  • sprays;
  • lotions;
  • emulsion;
  • creams.

In addition, in the pharmacy you can buy a frequent comb, for combing insects.

Insecticide-based products

To quickly remove lice at home, you can use insecticide-based drugs. They are suitable for an adult, and for a child older than 5 years.

The following preparations against parasites proved to be well:

  • "MediFox";
  • "Nix";
  • ointment is permetrine;
  • "NOC";
  • benzyl benzoate ointment;
  • "Lauri".

The way they are used depends on the type of release. The spray can be applied to dry hair, the rest of the preparations are spread or soaped after moistening the head. To enhance the effect on the head, it is recommended to wear a rubber cap or a polyethylene bag. The time that must elapse before flushing out the remedy, the producers specify in the instructions.


Wash hair thoroughly with a slightly acid solution of vinegar. For 600 ml of 9% vinegar is added 600 ml of water. After that, the remaining nits can easily be combed with a special scallop.

To get rid of lice forever, simultaneously with the treatment of the head, you need to disinfect the combs, hairpins and elastic bands, bed linen and clothes. Lice can live for about 24 hours in an environment without a carrier. That is, a louse that has fallen from head to bed, will again "settle" in the evening for a washed head, and the treatment will have to be repeated again.

The comb should be wiped with the same means used for hair, and rinsed under hot running water. Clothing and bed should be soaked in the solution of any drug against ectoparasites, and then stretch in hot water with the obligatory subsequent ironing. Things that can not be heat treated are sprayed with Aerosol A-steam.

Antiparasitic drugs with a physical principle of action

Preparations based on dimethicone are less toxic than insecticides, they have fewer side effects and no risk of poisoning. How to get rid of lice and nits with these tools? All procedures are similar to the use of insecticides. Shampoo, lotion or spray is applied to the habitat of parasites( on the head, under the armpits or on the hairy part of intimate places), it stays there for 40-60 minutes, and then is washed off.

Also it is obligatory to carry out processing of personal things and comb out nits with a scallop. After 7-10 days the remedy should be applied again, because during this time new lice hatch from the eggs. On nits, all drugs are weak, and combing does not give a 100% effect. Re-treatment provides complete disposal of parasites.

Getting rid of lice folk methods

Folk remedies for lice had no alternative before, so they were tested for years and improved. Some of them are recognized as safe and effective, therefore they are prepared in pharmacies and are sold in pharmacies. As an example, you can bring the crooked water, which helps to quickly remove the parasites. This is a herbal tincture of chinese, which can be cooked at home.

For this, add a tablespoon of chopped dry grass to a glass of boiling water, prepare the broth and insist it for an hour. Ready tincture rubbed into the scalp, as well as the entire length of the hair and left for 1 hour, wearing a rubber cap or polyethylene bag. Further processing is similar to that performed with pharmacy products.


Apparent harmless decoction of herbs is deceptive. In the Keller, there is a poisonous alkaloid, so the tincture is used only externally, observing the same precautions as when using insecticides.

Another time-tested folk method is rinsing the head with vinegar. Preparing a 3 or 4.5% solution of vinegar, they rinse hair. This allows you to partially destroy the chitin nits and comb them out. This method is especially relevant for thick and long hair. In this case, it is impossible to select or comb out all nits.

How to remove lice with kerosene and turpentine?

Turpentine and kerosene are substances that literally saved us from the invasion of the blood-sucking parasites of our ancestors before the appearance of more effective drugs. Although their effect is not as effective as permethrin or dimethicone, these substances are still used today. To remove lice with kerosene, prepare its solution or turpentine solution, since applied to the head in its pure form, it will cause a severe burn.

There are several recipes for preparing emulsions.

  • One part of kerosene is added with 2 parts water and 1 part grated soap on a large grater.
  • Stir the spoon of kerosene in two tablespoons of shampoo.
  • A kerosene spoon is mixed with a spoon of sunflower or olive oil.
  • 1 part kerosene, 1 part shampoo, 6 parts honey and 4 parts hot water are mixed.
  • Turpentine is added to vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 1.

The application of the resulting kerosene emulsion is the same regardless of the other ingredients. It is applied on dry head for 1 hour, after which it is washed off with shampoo. At the time when the emulsion is applied to the head, there may be slight tingling or mild burning. However, if unpleasant sensations increase, you need to wash off kerosene immediately, so as not to get a burn of the scalp. To remove lice from a child this method is allowed only if there is an allergic reaction to other drugs and its age is more than 5 years.

How to treat pediculosis in children?

Of the drugs sold in the pharmacy, a lotion Parasidosis + may be suitable for the baby. It is allowed to be used to get rid of lice, in children of any age, including for babies from 3 months. The effect of this lotion is based on the enveloping of the respiratory tract of parasites and their asphyxia. Absolute absence in the composition of poisons makes it possible to apply Parazidosis + to nursing mothers and pregnant women.

The main active ingredients of the drug are coconut acid and surfactant( surfactant) cocamidopropyl betaine.


  • moisturize hair;
  • apply lotion;
  • leave on the head for 45 minutes;
  • to wash hair with usual shampoo;
  • carefully comb out.

The product allows you to get rid of lice in one application, as it dissolves the chitin nit, and also the sticky substance with which they hold on to the hair. If the focus of infection is not eliminated and the child is again found lice, treatment can be repeated.

For children from 3 years you can use any means based on dimethicone - "Paranit", "Nyuda".After 5 years, the use of preparations containing aniseed oil, for example "Pediculena", is permitted. Folk remedies for lice - kerosene and a tincture of chegery - to treat a child from pediculosis are not suitable. Kerosene can cause a chemical burn, and the alkaloid chegery is a poison, which through the wounds( bites) gets into the body.


Some instructions for insecticide preparations state that they are allowed to be used for children from 2 years of age. However, such preparations should be treated with caution, since their active substances are classified as 3-4 grade danger.

How to be protected from lice?

Earlier it was widely believed that pediculosis - a disease only those who are not friends with the rules of hygiene. However, this is not at all the case. Everyone can infect it, and in the 21st century, when everything is washed, washed and disinfected, this problem remains relevant both for adults and for children.

In order not to have to look for funds against pediculosis, some precautions must be followed:

  • to avoid foci of infection;
  • do not use someone else's comb or headgear;
  • to give up promiscuous sexual relations.

However, for a child attending pre-school or school, it is almost impossible to avoid contact with infected children. The same situation occurs in adults who are forced to work in close contact with different people( medical personnel, social workers, etc.).

In this case, you can secure yourself by performing the following actions:

  • clothes and bedding should only be washed at high temperature;
  • regularly check the head for the presence of lice;
  • use deterrents, adding them to shampoo( tincture of lavender, coarse water, coconut oil or tea tree oil).

If the risk of infection is high, it is also recommended to comb the hair with a scallop every evening. So you can comb out the adult one before she has time to lay her eggs.