Rating of the most popular antivirus 2012

Most recently, we published a rating and selected the best antivirus in 2012, it's time to present to you the most popular antiviruses according to the results of a survey of site visitors during the month. In the voting for the title of the most popular antivirus program, 1,700 people took part, of which 5%( or 83 people) responded, but did not use anti-virus protection at all. Editorial site basetop.ru strongly recommends that you always use anti-virus programs to protect your computer, although it would be free versions.

So, let's move to the results:

On the last line, with a result of 13 votes, Panda is located. And although the tests show a high degree of protection by this program, it was not possible to win the trust of users.

A slightly better result was shown by Norton , 2-3 years ago it was one of the favorites by the number of users.

One step ahead is Avira antivirus, for which users have given 82 votes, which is about 5% of the total number of voters.

The antivirus Dr. Web , which was popular at the time, could not get into the series of the most popular antivirus , taking the "golden mean" with 135 votes on board, it is used by only 8% of users.

Three leaders, with a large margin opens NOD32 , it is installed on computers 21% of users( 354 votes).

Silver this time deservedly gets one of the best antivirus programs Avast! . Results: almost a quarter of visitors use this particular antivirus program, 24% and 416 voters.

The most popular antivirus 2012 , and even the last few years, again becomes a product of Russian production, Kaspersky .The user's love has long been earned thanks to a really high degree of protection against virus threats, constant updates, various versions and quality support. As a result, 485 votes were given for him, which is 29%.

Other anti-virus programs account for 6%( 103 votes).