Top 5 Ways to Fight Insomnia

Bessnnnitsa with time begins to torment an increasing number of people, scientists and doctors note. Apparently this is due to poor ecology or an increase in the pace of life. In addition, as it turned out, it shortens life. In this case, doctors tried to give ordinary advice, which will help quickly fall asleep


  • 1. You need to stick to the regime and try to go to bed only at a certain time.
  • 2. Before going to bed, you definitely should not use exciting drinks, for example, such as tea, coffee or alcohol.
  • 3. Before going to bed, you should not exercise.
  • 4. To sleep better to prepare, adjust yourself to rest.
  • 5. Walk before going to bed.

1. It is necessary to adhere to the regime and try to go to bed only at a certain time.

2. Before going to bed, you definitely should not use exciting drinks, for example, such as tea, coffee or alcohol.

It's also not better to go to bed with a stuffed stomach. This is not only harmful for digestion, and prevents a good sleep. And it is better to limit yourself to a cup of chamomile tea or warm milk with one drop of honey.

3 .Before going to bed, you can not exercise.

And it's also better not to read books, not to watch TV, do not listen to very loud music. By the way, but sex, scientists recommend, it's also better to practice during the day, and not late in the evening.

4. To sleep better to prepare, adjust yourself to rest .

Excellent before going to bed to take a slightly warm bath, you can also with aromatic oils. Excellent calming lavender or hops.

5. Walk before going to bed.

If there is an opportunity and besides you have more forces after work, get some fresh air. In the latter case, you can just air the whole bedroom.

If you wake up in the middle of the night can not fall asleep, for you will help such an unusually a cure for insomnia. So, prepare a drink: a glass of slightly warm, necessarily boiled water, and 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and two teaspoons of honey. Either a tablespoon of dill pour a glass of boiling water. In this infusion, moisten a piece of unsweetened cotton cloth and attach to the forehead in the form of a compress, reports

There is also a traditional remedy for insomnia - mop up st.spoon poppy and pour boiled milk, then let it brew for 10-15 minutes and drink an hour before bedtime.