- How to clean the refrigerator?
- Cleaners for refrigerator
- Popular cleaning products
- Rules for keeping the refrigerator clean
The refrigerator is a store for products. There is it in any apartment and house, and cleaning such equipment is an integral process of the usual, and even more so - the general house cleaning. What a modern means for cleaning the refrigerator to pick up that the cleaning was qualitative and fast, and the glossy covering is not spoiled - we'll tell in this article.
to the contents ↑How to clean the refrigerator?
There are external and internal cleaning of the unit:
- External cleaning includes cleaning the front and side walls, as well as the rear panel.
- Internal cleaning includes cleaning removable shelves, drawers, as well as the internal surface of the unit.
Important! For each process, you must use the appropriate cleaner for cleaning the refrigerator. Only in this case it is possible to obtain the optimum result, to spend minimum of effort and time and to extend the service life of the unit.
External cleaning
Maintenance of the side surfaces and front wall of the equipment is carried out as often as required by the appearance of the unit. You can clean the surface with the following simple and affordable means: soda, dish soap, a cloth soaked in vinegar.
Important! Do not use unchecked detergent for cleaning the refrigerator, as well as organic solvents. Their use can most adversely affect the beautiful glossy surface of household appliances. In addition, the formed scratches will not only look unaesthetic, but will lead to the beginning of the corrosion process.
During the cleaning process, observe the following rules:
- With special care, clean the handle of the unit, because it is on them that there are greasy stains from the fingers.
- If the equipment is made of stainless steel, read the instructions beforehand. It will indicate recommendations for the care of such surfaces. Also, you can get a detailed instruction on the operation of this surface on the site of the manufacturer of equipment.
- Unplug the appliance from the power supply before cleaning the rear wall. Dust, accumulating on the back surface, can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner with a suitable nozzle. This is especially true when the capacitor is pulled out, and not located on the rear wall.
Important! Regular dust cleaning will improve the heat transfer of the device, as well as reduce power consumption.
Internal cleaning of refrigerator
The refrigerator should be washed as the ice accumulates in the freezer. Before proceeding to the general cleaning of the internal surface of the unit, remove all products from it and disconnect the device from the power supply so that the refrigerator is slightly defrosted.
The cleaning process for internal surfaces is as follows:
- Remove the removable shelves and drawers from the refrigerator.
- If the sliding parts are not heavily soiled with food residues, then immerse them in warm water. To speed up the process, you can add a dishwashing detergent.
- Remove stubborn stains from the withdrawable parts, using specialized antibacterial agents for cleaning the refrigerator or natural home-made preparations.
- Thoroughly wash the inside of the unit with special tools or use folk remedies, of which we will write below.
- Clean the outer surface to prevent bacteria from entering the refrigerator.
- Rubber door seal, and also the evaporator, wash with warm water.
Important! While washing the equipment, make sure that no water enters the lighting system and the temperature switch.
- Wipe the washed household unit dry with a soft cloth - both inside and outside.
- Leave the appliance door open for a couple of hours to ventilate the working chambers. After that, load the refrigerator with food.
Important! During the care of the unit and with the use of chemical agents, protect hands with individual protective equipment, in particular rubber gloves.
to the contents ↑Cleaners for the refrigerator
Modern cleaning products for the refrigerator will help you quickly cope with various types of dirt - both inside and outside the appliance.
Important! It is specialized tools that eliminate the unpleasant odor in the refrigerator, fight mold and have an antimicrobial effect.
You can buy similar products for cleaning the refrigerator in most hardware stores. Many of them, for ease of use, are sold in bottles-sprayers.
Important! This product is odorless, non-toxic and leaves no residue after harvesting. Use sprays very easily: just spray the product on the surface and wipe it with a tissue.
Determining which means for cleaning the refrigerator will be better for your model of kitchen appliances, consider the following tips:
- Choose cleaners for the purpose of cleaning refrigeration equipment. If you do a simple hygienic cleaning, then use simple folk remedies, especially for the inner surface. If you need to get rid of unpleasant odors, then use special tools - chemical and folk( a weak solution of vinegar or ammonia).
- For the treatment of internal surfaces for the purpose of maintaining hygienic cleanliness, use a weak soda solution and a soft cloth.
- You do not need to use household chemicals for washing the inside of the refrigerator, as it can not be washed to the end and get on the food.
Popular household chemical products
Here are some examples of the most sought-after means for cleaning a refrigerator:
- LightHouse( trigger).The product is available in 500 ml containers and includes a spray gun. Highly effective means can be used for everyday washing of the inner and outer surfaces of the refrigerator, as well as for the care of the freezer and any other household appliances. The product is safe for metal, plastic and glass surfaces. Has the following advantages:
- Effectively removes food residues and fat.
- Does not require flushing with water.
- Has antibacterial properties.
- No abrasive particles that can scratch the surface.
- Removes unpleasant odors.
- Products Cif. This is an effective multi-function cleaner for cleaning the refrigerator, which is also used for cleaning other household appliances. This option is really indispensable for any device in the kitchen, as it allows you to quickly put them in order.
Popular cleansing products for
Use the following folk recipes for household appliances:
- Dilute the soda in warm water until the consistency of the paste. Treat the mixture with the inside of the refrigerator. Rinse the soda with water and wipe the surface dry.
- Dilute distilled vinegar with water, adding a few drops of lemon juice or a couple of granules of citric acid powder to the solution. Wipe the inside of the unit.
- To get rid of the smell in the freezer, chop a handful of charcoal or use activated charcoal. Put charcoal in a saucer and leave it in the fridge for 1 day.
Useful advices:
To prevent odors in the refrigerator, use food absorbents for your taste:
- Rye bread. Bread( suitable only black) cut into small pieces and lay out on plates. Place one saucer on each shelf. Rice corn. Pour the grains onto the saucers and place them in the refrigerator.
- Apple, potatoes and cut onions also perfectly absorb odors. Such natural absorbents should be changed every few days.
- Orange, lemon, use as an air freshener.
- Flavored herbs or spices: basil, cloves, turmeric, cinnamon, thyme, celery, and vanilla extract can be stored in the refrigerator, and if necessary, wipe the shelves with solutions of these ingredients.
- Salt, sugar, put in the refrigerator in an open container, so that there is not a trace left of the unpleasant smell.
Important! Preventing the appearance of an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator is an important stage in the care of household appliances. By acting in such simple ways that do not require any special waste of time from you, you significantly reduce the need for household chemicals, which is far from as harmless as manufacturers of cleaning products convince us.
to the contents ↑Rules for keeping the refrigerator clean
- Do not store raw meat and fish on the top shelves, otherwise their juices will drip onto other foods and there is a risk of food poisoning.
- Separate raw and ready meals on different shelves.
- Spill spilled beverages or spilled food immediately, without letting the stains dry.
- Check the refrigerator daily for stale and spoiled products, do not wait until the food is covered with mold.
- Daily wipe the door handle of the device with antibacterial napkins to remove clusters of microbes.
- Clean the refrigerator at the first signs of contamination, but not less than 1 time in three weeks.
Regularly clean the refrigerator using a safe cleaning agent and your household helper will last for many years, pleasing you with freshness and safety of the products.