Swimming season is in full swing and many owners household plots bought and installed inflatable and frame pools. Not everyone will have the opportunity to regularly drain water, clean the walls and fill in fresh water. And for some, the bathhouse is completely filled with liquid from the nearest reservoir, which is used for watering the garden. Therefore, it is important to think over all the options for disinfecting the pool in advance. Today in the HouseChief review we will talk about the most effective method - purification with hydrogen peroxide - and consider all the pros and cons of this method.
Read in the article
1 Hydrogen peroxide: can or cannot be added to the pool
2 What concentration of drugs are suitable for processing
3 Pool water purification: nuances and precautions when working with hydrogen peroxide
4 Detailed instructions for use
4.1 Hydrogen peroxide: how to calculate how much to add to the pool
4.2 How to properly dilute hydrogen peroxide
4.3 Pool preparation before cleaning
4.4 Hydrogen peroxide: recommendations on how to use the drug for disinfection of the pool
4.4.1 How to quickly clean a pool manually
4.4.2 How to pump a pool
5 Is it possible or impossible to disinfect water with hydrogen peroxide
6 Swimming pool cleaning with perhydrol: common mistakes and incorrect calculation
7 Hydrogen peroxide: consumer reviews of the quality of cleaning
8 At what price can you buy hydrogen peroxide
9 Summary
Hydrogen peroxide: can or cannot be added to the pool
Regular cleaning is necessary and there are two simple explanations for this:
Taking care of the health of the bathers.
Correct and timely maintenance will prolong the life of your pool.
PHOTO: kolodezman.ruFor complete cleaning of the reservoir with perhydrol, 24-72 hours are enough
Many do not know how to purify water, and think that only bleach is suitable for disinfecting the pool. This is not entirely true, today manufacturers offer a large list of drugs with different properties of impact on water. And one of them is hydrogen peroxide.
Perhydrol solves several problems at once:
removes mucus from the bottom and walls;
destroys bacteria;
carries out complex disinfection;
prevents flowering.
The drug is suitable for any pools, including small ones.
PHOTO: avito.ruPerhydrol is one of the most effective disinfectants
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What concentration of drugs are suitable for processing
To begin with, you should clarify which perhydrol is produced by manufacturers:
grade "A", with an active substance content of 37%;
a similar 60% drug brand "B";
medical - up to 40%.
The first two types are technical, they are used to clean water bodies. Before use, it is necessary to carefully study how much the selected product is designed for.
PHOTO: kolodezman.ruTechnical perhydrol is produced in large cansPHOTO: klinika-krovi.ruMedical peroxide is not suitable for cleaning the pool
Pool water purification: nuances and precautions when working with hydrogen peroxide
Since peroxide belongs to chemistry, you must first familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for the use of the drug:
If the composition gets on open areas of the body, it is necessary to rinse them with clean water.
If you experience any discomfort such as itching or burns, consult a doctor immediately.
For storage, select a place inaccessible to children.
After treatment, you can swim no earlier than a day later. If a strong concentrate was used for cleaning, the time is extended to 3 days.
You can clean the reservoir with perhydrol 1-2 times a month.
PHOTO: npr.orgHands and eyes must be protected
Detailed instructions for use
When using hydrogen peroxide, it is important to correctly calculate its dosage. Let's consider in more detail all the stages of cleaning.
Hydrogen peroxide: how to calculate how much to add to the pool
The consumption rate of the drug depends on the following indicators:
the degree of water pollution;
the volume of the reservoir;
air temperature.
You should know this! Hydrogen peroxide is less effective at ambient temperatures above +28 ° C.
PHOTO: aqua-him.comThe table shows the consumption, knowing which, you can calculate how much to pour hydrogen peroxide, multiplying the rate by the volume of the pool
How to properly dilute hydrogen peroxide
As we said, before adding hydrogen peroxide, it is necessary to protect the exposed areas of the body and eyes. Then calculate the dosage and prepare the preparation for cleaning. It should be borne in mind that the effect of perhydrol slows down in highly polluted water.
Advice! If more peroxide was poured into the reservoir than required, it is better to start bathing no earlier than three days later.
PHOTO: fotostrana.ruIt is better to disinfect the pool in the evening, when the temperature drops below +28 ° С
Pool preparation before cleaning
Before filling with hydrogen peroxide, it is necessary to mechanically clean the pool. You can remove large debris from the surface with special nets. Then, with a vacuum cleaner or a brush, clean the walls and bottom from plaque.
PHOTO: momoyo.ruFor cleaning large debris, it is better to use a net.
Hydrogen peroxide: recommendations on how to use the drug for disinfection of the pool
There is no difficulty in cleaning the pool with peroxide.
First you need to choose any convenient method of drug administration:
using a pump.
PHOTO: leto-krasnodar.ruBefore disinfection, you need to check the acidity level of the water and level it to 7.2-7.6 using special preparations
How to quickly clean a pool manually
The drug can be simply poured around the perimeter of the pool or used for these purposes. watering can. It is advisable to mix the perhydrol with a long net. If filters are connected to the reservoir, you can turn them on to evenly distribute the chemical composition.
Important! If the concentrate gets on the walls, they can change color.
How to pump a pool
With the help of a circular pump, it is much more convenient to introduce the drug into the pool. It will more evenly distribute the composition throughout the entire volume. It is enough to calculate the dosage, fill the container with hydrogen peroxide, place the tank on a ladder next to the side, lower the pump and treat the pool.
After cleaning, plaque will remain on the walls and on the bottom. It can be removed with a brush or vacuum cleaner. During processing, the reservoir should not be covered with a cover or a lid so that active oxygen can freely come out to the surface.
PHOTO: homius.ruInstalling a circular pump in a container
Is it possible or impossible to disinfect water with hydrogen peroxide
Perhydrol has both positive and negative aspects.
The advantages include:
the drug perfectly cleans and disinfects the reservoir;
the liquid has no pronounced odors;
in a maximum of three days, the water will be purified;
there is enough peroxide to treat the pool from microorganisms 1-2 times a month;
the price is much lower than imported chemicals.
We also note the disadvantages:
if the composition comes into contact with open areas of the body, there will be burns;
the product is ineffective at temperatures above + 28 ° C.
PHOTO: kolodezman.ruWater after oxygen decomposition is absolutely safe
Swimming pool cleaning with perhydrol: common mistakes and incorrect calculation
It is necessary to choose the correct dosage of the drug and observe the proportions.
In addition, the owners make a few more typical mistakes:
you cannot use several types of chemistry at the same time, they become ineffective and dangerous;
the pause between different types of chemistry should be 5-7 days;
mechanical cleaning is required before using perhydrol;
if fresh water is subsequently added, additional prophylaxis with perhydrol will be required;
after cleaning, it is imperative to collect the suspension and plaque from the bottom and walls.
PHOTO: homezada.comAcidity check is mandatory
Hydrogen peroxide: consumer reviews of the quality of cleaning
Before using the product, it will be useful to study consumer reviews, which can tell a lot - about the drug, and about the duration of its effect, and about its effectiveness.
Review of 37% concentrate:
Read more on otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_6832210.html
Another tip about peroxide:
Read more on otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_9460852.html
Review of perhydrol 37%:
More details on Reviews-mf.ru: https://otzov-mf.ru/perekis-vodoroda-dlya-bassejna-otzyvy/
At what price can you buy hydrogen peroxide
The cost depends not only on concentration, but also on volume. We have prepared a sample of prices on YandexMarket as of June 2020.
Volume and concentration
Average price for June 2020, rubles
10 l, 60%
1 750
30 l, 60%
3 450
10 l, 30-40%
1 300
30 l, 37%
2 300
10 l, 50-52%
1 750
As you can see, hydrogen peroxide is a great alternative to expensive imported chemicals. All work can be done with your own hands in 30 minutes.
Tell us if you have any experience with perhydrol.
In the video, you can see how to properly clean the pool with hydrogen peroxide: