Building vacuum cleaner - which one to choose?

  • Building and household vacuum cleaner: find N differences
  • How
  • works How to choose the best construction vacuum cleaner?
  • Overview of construction vacuum cleaners

A special feature of construction sites where perforators, shrouds or electric jigsaws are used, is a large amount of construction debris. A huge amount of fine dust is not just discomfort, but also a health hazard. In addition, dust is the reason for the failure of the electric tool. A reasonable solution will be the acquisition in a similar situation of a construction, or industrial, vacuum cleaner. It will create a safe working environment, significantly reduce the cleaning time. And if you do not want to change after the first cycle of completed work is not a cheap building vacuum cleaner, which one to choose - every buyer of such equipment should know. And with this you can easily cope after you learn the information from this article.

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Building and household vacuum cleaner: find N differences

Before choosing a construction vacuum cleaner, you need to figure out for which specific purposes it is intended. Knowing the capabilities of the equipment and its characteristics, you can choose the best option for you. The information published below in the text will help you choose the best industrial vacuum cleaner.

An inexperienced customer immediately asks the question: are there any differences between the building and household vacuum cleaner? Is it possible to replace the industrial device with household power with a large capacity?

At first glance, these two devices do not differ in anything special. But having much in common in the device and the principle of action, they are designed to solve fundamentally different tasks.

Household Models:

  • The main difference between these devices is the object with which the fight is to be fought. Household devices are not bad "fighting" with ordinary dust. However, if there are small pebbles on the way of an ordinary vacuum cleaner, then the probability is high that they do not get into the dust bag.
  • The case is even more complicated if you try to use a household appliance for fine-grained construction dust. Most of it will fly out of the unit with air. If the building dust gets inside the electric motor, then the probability is high that the device will fail.

Industrial models:

  • The industrial unit has been adapted from the outset to collect construction and industrial waste. And the amount of dust with which we have to deal is only possible with an industrial design.
  • Construction vacuum cleaners are equipped with impact-resistant housing. They have a large volume of dust collector, increased hose clearance and an effective filtration system.
  • Industrial models are distinguished and significant engine power and the ability to continuously work for a long time.

So, we will sum up the differences between industrial models and household ones in the following:

  • High performance.
  • Quiet operation.
  • Compactness.
  • Long service life.

Important! Industrial units are enclosed in a shockproof steel case and painted with protective paint.

Design features of building vacuum cleaners are as follows:

  • Engine with increased resistance to wear.
  • Multistage system for air filtration.
  • A potent waste collection tank.
  • Wheels with rubber coating for movement on different surfaces.

Important! Industrial aggregates do not just effectively absorb fine dust, but also absorb liquid. Their cost is quite high, so the question of which type of construction vacuum cleaner is very serious.

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Principle of operation of

The principle by which household or industrial dust collection equipment works is not particularly difficult. The fan creates a vacuum inside the vacuum cleaner. It is this rarefaction that is the driving force. Air with solid particles and dust is sent to the zone of low pressure.

Most of the debris settles inside the dust bag. The particles suspended in the suspended state are trapped by additional filters. Passing through the filtration system, the air, purified of impurities, is again discharged into the atmosphere through the outlet.

Important! Dust removal can be carried out both in the process of work and at its end. Naturally, the first option is preferable.

The following options are possible:

  • Suction directly from the working area. The hose of the industrial vacuum cleaner is fixed at a minimum distance from the workpiece being processed. Of course, this option is not ideal, but it makes it possible to reduce the dust content in the work area.
  • Connecting the machine to the tool. Many electrical tools are equipped with a dust removal system. This is the nozzle to which the vacuum cleaner hose can be connected. In this case, the concentration of dust in both air and processed workpiece will be minimal.

Important! The connected hose slightly interferes with the work with the hand tool, but comfortable working conditions cover this small drawback.

  • Cleaning of the premises after completion of work. Dirt and debris accumulated in the workplace can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner in the usual way.
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How to choose the best building vacuum cleaner?

If you ever encountered repair and construction, you know firsthand that a good industrial vacuum cleaner is indispensable in the fight against wood and metal chips, sawdust, dust from concrete and other wastes.

Important! A sign of manufacturability and reliability of a construction vacuum cleaner is an insignificant level of noise during operation.

Selection according to purpose

Depending on the tasks to be solved, the technique is divided into classes:

  • L - appliances that are designed for garbage collection with a small degree of danger.
  • M - help to remove wood and concrete dust, which refers to the average level of danger. The permissible transmittance is 0.1%.
  • H - vacuum cleaners of this class are able to remove waste with carcinogenic properties, as well as asbestos dust, which can contain pathogenic bacteria and viruses. The permissible transmission level is 0.005%.
  • Class ATEX.Devices of this class are capable of removing explosive dust.

In modern models of building vacuum cleaners the following types of filtration are possible:

  • Dust bags of paper or fabric that need to be periodically cleaned and dried. Paper products are preferable for combating dust, allergens, to eliminate foreign odors, and fabric - for larger debris. Paper bags are not suitable for particles with cutting edges. Often paper bags are disposable and discarded immediately after use.
  • A cyclone is a container built into a vacuum cleaner. Garbage enters the dustbin through centrifugal force. This system is ideal for collecting liquid and wet debris.
  • The water filter is a container with foamed water. Air passes through the container, and large dust remains in it. Fine dust is trapped by means of a special separator. This is a very effective filtration system, but it requires a large amount of water, which is not always provided by construction sites.

Important! All filters must be periodically cleaned, because when they are contaminated, the performance of the device is significantly reduced. Manufacturers offer different ways of cleaning filters:

  • Manually, using a special comb( the unit does not need to be dismantled).
  • By pneumatic impact( air passes in the opposite direction through the filter, and its purification takes place).

Some models of building vacuum cleaners are equipped with different types of filtration. Their kit includes filters, containers and bags.

Important! Nylon filters are used for disposable dust collectors, polyurethane filters for collecting liquids. Corrugated filters are used for containers.

The choice of the assembly of the construction vacuum cleaner

Before making the final choice, you need to study the rating of construction vacuum cleaners with characteristics, and pay attention to the following nuances:

  • If you want to collect a large amount of debris, it is advisable to choose a vacuum cleaner with a container capacity of 50-60 liters. With a significant amount of modern models have a relatively small mass and compact dimensions.
  • If a large amount of garbage is not expected, you can stop the attention to an easily transportable model with a small container. With a suction equivalent of 5.4 kg, the container volume can be as low as 9.6 liters.
  • Pay attention to the location of the corrugated filter. The best option is when the filters are moved out of the vacuum cleaner's reservoir.
  • To protect the power system of the unit from overheating, there must be a special device. There are models that automatically turn off during overload and when filling the tank with water.
  • Useful options - the presence on the body of the LED indication indicating the filling of the dust container, clogged filter or hose.
  • It is necessary to take into account also such "trifle", as wheels. They should not leave traces on the floor covering. Optimal in this regard are trolleys with rubberized wheels on which the unit is located.
  • Some models are equipped with foot brakes, which make working with the unit extremely convenient.
  • As for the case material, it can be stainless steel, brass or aluminum. Brittle plastic for industrial vacuum cleaner does not fit.

Important! The presence of a special socket for placing baits, a long power cord make it much easier to work with a vacuum cleaner.

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Overview of construction vacuum cleaners

The best and most popular models are those produced by firms supplying equipment for washing, dry-cleaning and cleaning companies:

  1. Karcher is an aggregate that can be used for dry and wet cleaning both indoors and outdoors.and outside it. You can use this vacuum cleaner on a sink or during the general cleaning of large objects.
  2. The company "Makita" has created a number of models for cleaning construction debris. The model "Makita-448" is equipped with four nozzles for cleaning. There are 2 hoses of different lengths and spare filters. Vacuum cleaner "Makita-449" has a complex filtration system, which minimizes the release of harmful substances and building dust into the air.
  3. Bosch products are units equipped with a high degree of consumer protection from dust and microparticles. The technique can be equipped with a semi-automated filter cleaning system with different equipment and engine power.
  4. DeWalt vacuum cleaners have good maneuverability. The volume of the container is up to 38 liters. There is a system of self-cleaning filters, folding telescopic handle. Despite the rather large mass of the unit, it is perfect for removing garbage on construction sites and workshops.

With this information, you can easily choose the best industrial vacuum cleaner.