When designing a home, many are wondering what to do with the free space, which is formed under the stairs. It is quite difficult to use the benefit and losing square footage wasted very sorry. What can you do with this space?

The space under the stairs is quite suitable for decorating a small closet or a bathroom with a shower room
For common options include a small utility room equipment or additional bathroom under the stairs. Of course, this is not easy. Indeed, in a small space outside the box is suitable not any furniture, and not every model plumbing. However, you can find out in this article about how to plan toilet under the stairs so they were easy to use.
What are the requirements for an apartment sanitary under the stairs
- What are the requirements for an apartment sanitary under the stairs
- Interior design and choice of colors
Decorating the bathroom
- Walls
- Ceiling
- Floor
plumbing installation
- Small near-wall toilets
- compact bidet
- Furniture for the bathroom
- accessories
- Lighting
- conclusion
- Video: Review of bathrooms in a wooden house
- Bathroom under the stairs - 50 photos
To translate this desire into reality, it will require not only the time and financial investment, but also the presence of suitable conditions. The need to take account of the specificity of bathrooms, as well as the materials from which made the house in general and in particular the staircase.

Under the long flight of stairs is enough space to install a toilet and washbasin
Read more about what to consider when planning a closet under the stairs in a wooden house:
- Possibility to equip the selected area with all utilities, namely water and sanitation.
- The need for a forced ventilation device.
Provide toilet ventilation is quite simple, if staircase runs along the outside wall of the house. When the location ladder inside the house will have to think about the construction of communications under the ceiling or through the second floor.
- Mandatory provision of waterproofing.
And that's not all the important parameters. The selected area must meet certain size. Bathroom under the stairs must comply with the following parameters:
- If you plan to install only the toilet, it will be enough space 0.8 * 1.2 meters (if the plans include placement of sinks, bathtubs or washing machine, you need a larger area);
The height of the space under the stairs should be comfortable, perfect - a little taller than a man
- in the place where it will be installed toilet, the ceiling height should be at least 1 meter;
- ceiling height in front of the toilet should be slightly higher than the highest member of the family;
- above described rules apply to the height of the ceiling above the sink and other fixtures;
- In this room the door should open outwards.

The outer cladding of the door leaf can be discharged from the ladder trim
If space does not allow the area to set the door opens outward, it is possible to select, sliding and folding options. However, they have a major drawback: sound insulation and protection against odors such designs do not provide.
If the selected premises does not meet even the minimum recommended size, the way out will be the current compact model plumbing.
Interior design and choice of colors
As a rule, a bathroom under the stairs is not is large, and a key objective of interior design becomes a visual increase in space. This comes to the rescue bright colors. Sticking to its worth in the selection of all design elements.

A bathroom will seem visually larger when using finishing materials of light tones
Light - is not necessarily white, you can use shades of beige, pink, yellow, blue, olive, and other pastel colors. Well reflect the light, and, consequently, increase the visual space, mirror and glossy surface.

Over the toilet, you can put the original panels of assorted mirror and metallic tiles
In addition to the mirror in the bathroom to hang cabinets, doors which are mirrored. Significantly increase the space angled mirror. A good idea is to install a large mirror in a full-length or full-length of the wall.
Decorating the bathroom
When choosing materials for finishes, note that items must be small in size. This is especially true tile. If you use tiles of different colors, you can make several different zones in the bathroom, which also help to visually enlarge the space. Another method to increase the area by a tile - the use of an interesting pattern or ornament with an unusual texture on a wall.

Finishing small toilet should facilitate visual increase space
If the walls of the room are made of wood, they are sure to be treated with special protective equipment to protect against mold and rot. In some cases, the tree can be hidden under a tile or plastic panels, but if those are not available, you can use stain, varnish or tinting impregnation.

Ceramic tiles can be finished with only a part of the walls near the sink
Standard finishes for the bath water-resistant materials are used. What it depends on personal preference. Well suited tile, plastic panels, water-resistant paint and so on.

For wall tile used as the base water-resistant drywall
Important requirements to materials for finishing the ceiling will also be moisture. If the space dimensions allow, you can install complex multi-level and curly design, ceilings, but if the ceiling height is already small, is quite suitable standard painting.

When choosing a ceiling finishes should be guided by the state of the ladder. It is possible that you can do simple painting surfaces

Otherwise, the stage is easier to hide behind a sheet material - plasterboard or plywood
Before proceeding to the toilet under the stairs finishing, you need to plan the way in which the floor will be carried out waterproofing. Choosing a method of waterproofing, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the material from which made the floor, as well as features of the type of the finishing flooring:
- Natural wood flooring is recommended to varnish or water-repellent impregnation in several layers;
- Concrete using polymer-bitumen mastic, then screed is laid and linoleum or tile;
- under the laminate can be put roll insulation on bitumen basis.

Installing a toilet bowl on a wooden floor - a real challenge, if the base is strong enough. In other cases, the need to add the location of the beam under the plumbing
plumbing installation
Because of their small size, the space under the stairs and forced to seek the best options for compact furniture and sanitary ware. Fortunately, the modern market offers a variety of different options to suit even the limited space.

The smaller the room under the stairs, the plumbing should be selected carefully
Let's consider some options for plumbing, which is both functional and meet the small bathroom size.

If you only need to sink to rinse your hands, pay attention to the compact mini-sinks

If necessary, you can choose a model that is installed above the washing machine

Perhaps the best solution would be a narrow wash basin wall type
Small near-wall toilets
You might consider installing a wall-hung WC. The fact that these models do not have a visible cistern, as it is tucked away in a box. Since the place under the bottom step is quite difficult to use, it often remains unused. It was at this place, you can set the installation.

Small hanging toilet - the optimum solution for compact toilet
compact bidet
Bidet themselves are compact versions of sanitary ware. Current models are very functional and ergonomic.

To the toilet interior looked nice, a bidet and a toilet is to choose from the same collection
Save space and help hygienic shower, which is mounted next to the toilet. It can replace a bidet, as well as be comfortable during the wet cleaning in the house.

Hygienic shower can be very useful if the toilet is no place to install a bidet
Furniture for the bathroom
In such a small and non-standard room it is quite difficult to pick up furniture. It is almost impossible to accommodate full cabinets or cabinets for storing clothes, household equipment and tools, as well as household chemicals. Way out furniture sets can be made to order. It may be narrow cabinets, canisters, or separately mounted overhead lockers. Hanging furniture not only saves space, but also make it more spacious.

The modest size of the space can not clutter up the pieces of furniture will be quite enough a cupboard under the sink and a couple of shelves for small things
The smaller sanitary appliances will be very visible (towels, cleaning supplies, and so on), the spacious room will look.
Also, you can always find a place for a variety of open shelves. If the room is mounted box for installation, it is (or rather its horizontal surface) can be used to hide in the cavity are all communications pipe and Water supply.

Modestly, but has everything you need - toilet paper holder, for washing hands and a hanger for towels
In such a small space it is quite difficult to talk about other things decoration. However, you always want to add flavor to the interior of the bathroom under the stairs in a private home. Even if it comes to the bathroom, which is located under the stairs. This space is also possible to arrange a variety of accessories, most importantly, that they are still functional.

closet space can be arranged in any style, on the basis of which must be chosen and decorative elements
Consider the most popular options:
- elegant faucets;
- beautiful curtains for the bathroom;
- Mirrors with decorative, but not bulky frames;
- towel;
- beautiful door handles;
- stylized laundry baskets;
- stylish tank under the debris;
- unusual lamps and so on.

Figurine on the shelf with light - original and stylish solution
It is extremely important to establish a competent lighting. If the lighting system is chosen and installed correctly, by the light space will visually look more spacious. To achieve a good effect, it is recommended to install multiple point light sources, which are located around the perimeter of the room.

Fixtures better use of built-in, if the ceiling height allows, or overhead compact model
In addition, separate light sources must be in each functional area. Even if the zoning of the premises is not carried out by partitions, this function can take on the lighting. For convenience, as well as to achieve the best effect, the most suitable lighting with bright light and cold.
At first glance, the task registration toilet under the stairs in the country seems to be difficult, and sometimes even impossible. However, to realize this idea in his country house, enough space to plan wisely, taking into account the recommendations of professionals. You can also see photos of bathrooms with under the stairs to the second floor.