Rating of water filters( under the sink)

The flow-through filter for water purification can improve the taste of tap water, and even protect your body from harmful impurities. Modern filters are easy to install and convenient to maintain, contain as a filter element reverse osmosis or a nanofilter that cleans water even from bacteria.

Most of the models in the rating filter the liquid from:

  • active chlorine;
  • cadmium;
  • nitrates;
  • of phenol;
  • pesticides;
  • of organic impurities;
  • of colloidal iron;
  • ions of heavy metals.

Introducing the water filter rating for the , based on user feedback and the price / performance ratio of each model.


  • 10. Omoikiri Pure drop 1.0
  • 9. Aquaphor Crystal Quad B
  • 8. Aquaphor OSMO-50-4
  • 6. Aquafilter EXCITO-B
  • 5. Gejzer Nanotek
  • 4. RAIFIL Novo5
  • 3. Aquaphor Crystal Eco H
  • 2. Aquaphor Crystal Eco
  • 1. Barrier PROFI OSMO 100

10. Omoikiri Pure drop 1.0

The price is from 6 888 rubles.

Compact water purifier, with three cartridges. The standard filter module is designed for 10 000 liters. This is one of the few filters in the rating that filters microorganisms.

Of the cons: is often not on sale original components, does not purify water from phenol.

9. Aquaphor Crystal Quad B

The price is from 2490 rubles.

The first model with four cartridges in the rating of filters for water treatment. The resource of cartridges is 8 thousand liters. For the convenience of draining water from the device in the design of the cleaner has its own faucet.

Disadvantages: does not cope with nitrates and cadmium.

8. Novaya Voda Expert M420

The price is from 5 819 rubles.

The rating of filters for water purification has enlarged the model from the Russian brand Novaya Voda. It has 4 degrees of purification and the water at the output is very delicious and crystal clear. Resource - up to 8 thousand liters. A stylish filter design will appeal to those who appreciate not only practicality, but also aesthetics. An additional advantage: the filter works even if the pressure is not more than 1.5 atm.

Cons: instead of the declared 6 months maximum cleans the water only 2 months. Then a scum appears in the kettle again.

7. Aquaphor OSMO-50-4

The cost is from 5 499 rubles.

Model with reverse osmosis, has four degrees of purification. In the delivery set there is a separate tap. The filtration system has a storage tank with a capacity of about 10 liters and an air conditioning unit. Cleans water from bacteria.

Disadvantages: The filter is demanding on the input pressure. In winter, the pipes of the system will always have small droplets due to the ice water coming through them.

6. Aquafilter EXCITO-B

The cost is from 5440 rubles.

Maybe this is not the best filter for cleaning water in the apartment, but it has five degrees of purification - more than most competitors. Replacement of cartridges is very simple and will not take more than 15 minutes. The chrome-plated faucet in high-tech style looks very beautiful.

Cons: after 2 months the scale in the kettle can be formed again, does not purify from phenol and cadmium. A small resource - 6 000 liters.

5. Gejzer Nanotek

The price - from 8 890 rubles.

This filter with ultrafiltration membrane has five cleaning stages, and the delivery set has its own tap. Bonus: the possibility of a free firmware. It is recommended for families with children, as mineralized water is a source of calcium and magnesium for a young organism. Resource - from 6 to 12 months, this affects the quality of water.

Of the disadvantages: inflated price and lack of filtration from oil products.

4. RAIFIL Novo 5

The price is from 3100 rubles.

Another representative of "five-step" home filters for water treatment. The rating of the best cleaners for a sink, he replenished due to quality assembly, a pleasant taste of filtered water and an acceptable price. The resource of the filter module is 11 000 liters.

Cons: does not purify from oil products, phenol, cadmium.

3. Aquaphor Crystal Eco H

The price is from 5 330 rub.

Compact filter with four cartridges. Connects without problems even by a specialist. The softening cartridge must be regenerated. The resource is 8 000 liters.

Disadvantages: a flimsy tube from the mixer to the filter, after a month, a scum appears in the kettle.

2. Aquaphor Crystal Eco

The price is from 3 950 rubles.

Differs from the previous top-10 participant in that it has three, not four, cartridges.

1. Barrier PROFI OSMO 100

The price is from 5 251 rubles.

If you compare the filters from this rating, then this model will have the best quality-price ratio. Its advantages include five stages of purification, the presence of reverse osmosis, compact dimensions and clean water at the outlet.

Disadvantage of - module resource is only 5 thousand liters.