- Where to start fighting pigeons?
- Basic ways of bird control
- ultrasonic pigeon scarifiers
- Bioacoustic repellers
- laser bird repellers Advices for choosing bird deterrents:
- Pig repellenters with their own hands
- Why do they have to repel?
The most common birds that live in cities, towns, villages and other settlements are pigeons. Residents have long been accustomed to such a "neighborhood", many feed them with crumbs of bread, but these sweet creatures can cause significant inconveniences, and even emotional and physical discomfort. Many people are wondering what kind of pigeon scapegoat to choose to dodge obsessive "neighbors" from their windowsill, roof visor, balcony, feeders of farm animals. You will learn more about different versions of devices from this article.
to the contents ↑Where to start fighting pigeons?
Feathers often prefer the ebbs of windows, roofs and balconies of multi-storey houses, constantly trample, make noise, make characteristic sounds and eventually, shit.
To find the effective repeller of pigeons, it is necessary to understand the reason for the appearance of birds and to understand what exactly attracts birds in a particular place. Perhaps they are fed by your neighbors. In this case, recommend to tenants to take care of the birds in another place.
to content ↑The main ways to combat birds
To date, not many people have negative feelings for birds. In addition, birds contribute significantly to the stability of the ecological system, but the damage from them is not small, so the question of how to deal with birds does not lose its relevance.
Important! Until recently, only folk remedies were used to scare pigeons out, including strings or bogeys. Today, you can choose more effective devices for scaring pigeons, absolutely harmless to humans and the environment. It will not harm such a device and feathered neighbors.
To date, there are special means for scaring away birds, which can be selected according to the mode of action, the area to be protected, and, importantly, at cost. The devices have different dimensions and technical characteristics, which also need to be taken into account when choosing. In the modern market, the following pigeon scavengers can be purchased:
- Ultrasound.
- Sound bioacoustic.
- Laser.
We introduce you to them closer.
Ultrasonic pigeon repeller
At the heart of the ultrasonic repeller is a high-frequency, constantly changing radiation. Feathers will not fly to the source of this sound, but for people it is completely safe, since the human ear does not perceive the sounds of such frequencies.
Important! The human ear catches mechanical oscillatory movements with a frequency of 20 to 20 000 Hz, but over 20,000 Hz there is a region of inaudible human ultrasounds.
Application of
During the radiation the device changes the frequency, which makes it impossible for birds to adapt or get used to this device. Some models of repellers are equipped with infrared sensors, which work only if motion is detected in the protected area.
Important! Ultrasonic means from pigeons are used on small, open and enclosed areas: a house, a private garden, a garage or a warehouse. Advantages of the device:
Important! The range of the device can be in the range of 100-600 m. The effectiveness of the ultrasonic repeller can be increased if you choose the option with light emitters, as well as motion sensors.
- Low-frequency ultrasound during motion in the atmosphere with decay from the source is damped, so the action of ultrasonic devices is ineffective in open spaces.
bioacoustic deterrents Bioacoustic devices are based on sounds that scare away birds: bird voices that indicate an alarm, as well as others recorded in real conditions and reproduced through special waterproof speakers.
Important! Thanks to the alarm signal and volume, high efficiency is achieved.
You can buy a pigeon repeller with recorded voices of starlings, swallows, crows, jackdaws, predators. Instruments can be either narrowly focused or universal. Bird scares are applied to the following objects:
- Residential buildings.
- Vineyards.
- Architectural monuments.
- Warehousing.
- Facades and roofs of buildings.
- Food industry enterprises.
- Agricultural land.
- Granary.
- Airports.
- Outdoor swimming pools.
- Various open areas.
- Fisheries and livestock farms.
Advantages of
The advantages of bioacoustic repellers include:
- Reliable design.
- Resistance to climatic influences.
- Maximum coverage area.
- Efficiency.
- The impact of such a pigeon repeller is designed for a certain group of birds, although there are universal options.
- The need for programming the recording, its sequence and operating time.
Laser Bird Repeller
The laser pigeon repeller functions with light. Such devices are very specific and require the constant participation of a person in their work. This is not an autonomous complex, but rather a professional hand-held device.
Designed for use on large areas, for example, at the airport.
Stationary laser installation, although a good tool against pigeons, but not effective in the daytime. Use the laser method as a means of repelling pigeons in places where the use of a bioacoustic deterrent is not allowed, and ultrasonic protection is not effective due to large areas.
to the table of contents ↑Tips for choosing a bird repeller:
- To protect a small house and the adjacent area, we recommend buying an ultrasonic device, and the price for this device is quite acceptable.
- If you use ultrasound in open areas, then choose a device with a good degree of climate protection.
- Use a bioacoustic device to control birds in large areas, objects. The main thing is to ensure a good connection of the repeller to the electrical network and in time to service it.
- Ultrasonic pigeon scarpers act silently for humans, unlike bioacoustic ones. Therefore, ultrasonic scarers should be chosen for continuous work in places of constant human presence.
Pig repellent by own hands
Modern pigeons are almost not afraid of bright objects, human screams and other elementary means of scaring away. The best way to fight birds is to use several methods of "scaring away" from your home. For example, pigeons, unlike forty, do not like shiny objects, so the canopy of the balcony or the ebb of the window can be painted in golden or silver color. In case you do not want to radically change the interior of the home, then wrap the outer sill with a shiny foil.
Instead of special devices( electronic devices), you can build a repeller yourself.
Option 1:
- Cut the tape fragments from the video cassettes.
- Fasten the tapes together on one side.
- Attach rustling fragments to the ebb or balcony.
Important! The pigeons will frighten not only the constant movement of the tape, but also the rustling.
Option number 2:
- Pass through a dozen CD-ROM drives rope.
- Tie the ends of the rope.
- Attach a bunch of disks to a problem location.
Important! Such a repeller will sparkle in the sun, thanks to the surface of the discs, and feathers will not like this neighborhood.
Option number 3
Pull the line along the perimeter of the window sill. As soon as the doves try to land, they will face certain inconveniences, and they will not be able to physically execute the maneuver, which means they will not bother you more.
Important! When constructing an efficient repeller of pigeons on a window sill, balcony or window, make sure that it is not dangerous to life and health - not only the person, but also the feathered guest. Be humane with living beings.
to the contents ↑Why to do repellers?
All the above-described scarers are ecologically safe, but at the same time effective ways to combat birds. Using pigeon scarers, you are guaranteed:
- reduce the risk of spreading many of the diseases of which they are carriers;
- will save money spent on repairing or cleaning balconies, roofs, fences and facades;
- in some cases, ensure the safe operation of transport - both airborne and terrestrial.
Now you have several options for repellents to choose from. Do or buy one that seems more convenient and convenient for you and provide yourself with a comfortable silence and cleanliness in your home.