- What is the harm of pigeons?
- Why do doves love balconies so much?
- What are pigeons afraid of?
- How to wean pigeons off the balcony?
Many residents of high-rise buildings that have open balconies or loggias are wondering: how to dodge the pigeons from the balcony?
What is the trouble with these guests, because the pigeon is a bird of the world that lives all its life near people?
to the contents ↑What is the harm of pigeons?
In addition to the owner of an apartment with a balcony on which pigeons build a nest or stop regularly to goad, they bring inconvenience to his neighbors.
It consists in the following:
- Constant trampling of small claws of pigeons moving along the balcony visor. It can continue throughout the day: from early morning until late at night.
- Roofing and hassle of the wings.
- White traces of litter. Pigeons leave them almost everywhere. Not only does litter look, to put it mildly, unattractive, it can also provoke damage to the surface of roofing materials and other things: railing, visor, furniture and things on the balcony.
Important! The greatest danger of pigeon droppings is the presence in it of a number of fungi and bacteria that are dangerous to human health. They can cause diseases such as ornithosis, encephalitis, histoplasmosis, thorulosis.
to the contents ↑Why do doves love balconies so much?
In order to learn how to dodge pigeons from a balcony, it is necessary to understand why these birds so like this part of a multi-storey building. These can be several:
- Balconies are generally well protected from adverse weather conditions: wind, rain, snow.
- Wide sills are an excellent takeoff and landing strip for these birds.
- Often people store food on the balcony, which also attracts birds to these places.
- Old furniture, cardboard boxes and other trash that the apartment owners take out on the balcony, birds are perceived as excellent places for the comfortable hatching of chicks.
What are pigeons afraid of?
There are things that birds are very afraid of. Based on this knowledge, the basic methods are based on how to scare away birds from the balcony. So, pigeons do not like the following:
- Sharp sounds.
- Moving items.
- .
- Pets and birds of prey.
How to wean pigeons off the balcony?
If pigeons have already visited your balcony more than once, then be ready to start serious actions to win back your territory. Having cursed the place, birds simply do not surrender.
Important! The biggest mistake the owners of the apartment - it's feeding the birds on their balcony, windowsill, railings. If you want to feed the birds, then do it in a neutral territory, but not at home. Trying once, they will come back again and again.
To discourage pigeons, try to scare them off first. To implement this there are several methods.
Do not worry, do not have to bake pigeons. Use this material for a different purpose:
- It is necessary to cut the foil into strips.
- Attach the stripes in different places on the balcony.
- The glare and rustling of the foil will for some time frighten away the obsessive guests.
Important! For these purposes, you can also buy items in the store such as "wind music".
To implement this method, you will need a number of unnecessary disks. Such actions will make the design of your balcony original and vivid and help to dodge the pigeons from the balcony fast enough:
- Attach the discs to the inner wall of the balcony.
- External wall is also desirable to decorate with discs.
- Bright solar reflections on disc surfaces can scare off the birds.
Important! Several mirrors placed along the perimeter of the balcony will perform the same function as the attached discs.
Scarecrow or predator
Annoying birds are not as bold as they seem at first glance. Therefore, it makes sense to teach the domestic cat to be on the balcony or place there stuffed raven. These representatives of the fauna are avoided and afraid of pigeons. You can also put on the terrace a stuffed falcon or a hawk.
Important! Due to the fact that the effigy is motionless, pigeons quickly realize that the bird is not real and cease to react to it.
Loud sounds
Pigeons are afraid of loud sound effects, but not all neighbors will understand your intentions and accept them. So, applying this method, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances. To dodge the pigeons from the balcony you will find useful advice:
- Take the speakers to the balcony and turn on the music loudly.
- The radio receiver can work continuously on the balcony.
Important! This method is not very effective due to the fact that birds can very quickly get used to sound changes. But for a while, such actions will really scare away pigeons.
Ultrasonic repeller
This device is a special device for repelling pigeons. It produces unpleasant and frightening sounds for birds that are not audible to the human ear. The most advanced ultrasonic devices have in their design an infrared sensor that detects approaching birds.
Important! The area of influence of such a device is about 4 km, which makes it possible to use it effectively in order to get rid of pigeons in the yard.
bioacoustic device Such a device is very similar to ultrasonic. Its main action is not only an ultrasonic signal, but also sounds simulating the hunting of bird predators - eagles, hawks, falcons. The devices have automatic and manual adjustment.
Important! The most expensive of them are equipped with a solar panel. Such devices can protect large areas( more than a dozen hectares), so they are often used on private quays and ports.
Creating discomfort
If simple repellent methods did not help, you can try to create conditions on the balcony that would cause discomfort in the birds:
- Remove all food and water from the balcony. You need to hide even those products that birds do not seem to eat in your opinion. Hungry pigeons can stick almost everything, even dog or cat food.
- Different spices are unpleasant for the sensible sense of smell of birds. The most effective ones are cayenne pepper( one of the most bitter varieties), cinnamon, mustard, black sweet pepper. Sprinkle the spices on the windowsill, railings, cornice and other bird landing sites. You will notice that the visits of persistent guests have stopped.
Important! Spices need to be updated periodically, since in the fresh air they have the property of losing their specific flavor.
- To dodge the pigeons from the window sill and other chosen surfaces, you can try this method. Having determined the most convenient and favorite bird places on the balcony - a railing, a visor, beat them with plywood with not completely clogged nails. Thus, the place for planting pigeons will be spoiled.
Important! In large hardware stores you can purchase special protection from pigeons on the windowsill - protivosadochnye spokes. They look like metal needles protruding in different directions. Spokes have an adhesive backing, so they are attached absolutely to any surface.
- Pull the mesh over the window sill or pull a few lines of thread, fishing line. So you will achieve that birds can not fly to the balcony.
- To disaccustom the pigeons sits on the windowsill or visor of the balcony, you can use vegetable oil or petroleum jelly. Lubricating a visor or vegetable oil with a visor with a window sill, you will ruin a landing for pigeons. On a slippery surface, such actions are inconvenient.
Radical measures
Sometimes you have to fight hard for your territory with pigeons, no matter how sorry we are.
If all the above methods did not result in the result, the pigeons still fly to your balcony and even start nesting on it, then you should think about the cardinal measures how to take the pigeons out of the balcony:
- Remove all pieces of furniture and things that were chosen by birds. If there is no possibility to remove, cover them with plastic wrap. Pigeons do not like her.
- If the actions with the film did not scare away the birds, and they still nest in your territory, then you need to learn how to destroy the built-in nest. Such troubles should be made until the pigeons understand that they are not happy here and that they will not be able to build a house in this place.
- Find pigeon eggs on the balcony, replace them with a dummy. For this, you can use chalk pieces or toy eggs. When the pigeons, incubating the heirs, will not wait for their hatching at the appointed time, they will be upset and leave your balcony forever.
- To get rid of pigeons in the yard, you can try to water them regularly with water from a hose. To do this, use a good head. Several repetitions of such a water procedure will make it clear to the feathered that they are not welcome here.
- The most radical and inhuman method is the harassment of birds. This method is only used in extreme necessity. Birds are fed grain poisoned with diazinon or any other food. Surviving after this birds will forever understand what is and is in this place is unsafe.
Moving to the pigeon house
If you love birds and yourself caused them to visit your balcony, as they regularly fed them, we advise you to organize a pigeon in the courtyard. Here, amateur ornithologists can freely feed the birds, without irritation, enjoy their cooing and observe the beautiful birds. And all this will be done without damage to your balcony. Birds will no doubt appreciate such actions and will happily settle in new beautiful houses.
Pigeons are peaceful and pleasant birds, until they begin to wreck your balcony. Now you know what to do, so that pigeons do not sit on the windowsill, do not nest on your balconies and do not eat your supplies. No doubt, you will cope with the problem peacefully, safely protecting your shelter and not harming nature.