High beds - this is no longer a fashion, but a technology proven over the years, thanks to which summer residents get a high yield and at the same time maintain their health. In addition, tall beds make it possible to turn your garden into an admirable attraction. The only problem is finding an inexpensive and strong enough material for making high garden fencing. Consider the most budgetary options.
Read in the article
- 1 Remains of lumber
- 2 Croaker and log for high beds
- 3 Garden bed slate: it couldn't be easier
- 4 Bricks and blocks for planting fencing
- 5 The grid and all the consequences
- 6 Decking and no problems
- 7 Gabion beds
- 8 Wicker bed: and this is possible
- 9 Beds of plastic boxes
- 10 King of the cottage: plastic bottle
Remains of lumber
Well, what can I say, it is not difficult to make a candy from lumber. Collect the boards left over from construction, and you will surely get a great result, especially if you treat the boards with wood stain and varnish so that they do not rot too quickly.

Croaker and log for high beds
If you have not left board - no problem. Slab cuttings and even logs or logs can also be used. The main thing is to make a solid frame for them, on which everything will hold.

Garden bed slate: it couldn't be easier
Old cement slate - a tenacious thing. Even its fragments do not rot in the ground for decades. So making tall beds out of this material is a great and practical idea. Gathered to block the roof - do not throw away the old slate.

Related article:
Everyone himself can make exclusive do-it-yourself beds are not like everyone else's, interesting ideas, after all, they are born not only among professionals. In our review, we will consider not only photo examples of such a design, but also try to understand how difficult it is to cope with the design of your garden plot yourself.
Bricks and blocks for planting fencing
And again, all the attention to the remnants of building materials. Now we will talk about brick or blocks - depending on what you made the walls from. Leftovers bricks or unused and rejected blocks can be used as a fence for tall beds.

The grid and all the consequences
If you have a rigid mesh, this is a great material for tall beds. You will be surprised how this is possible, because the soil will wake up through the cells. But this is a solvable problem: it is enough to use a coconut mat or at least a geofabric as a barrier.

Related article:
So that your garden does not turn out to be classically dirty and gray, take a look, how to make beautiful beds in the country with your own hands, photos of which are given in this review. With a little effort, the landing site will become a "showcase" for all neighbors.
Decking and no problems
And again we will talk about the remains of building materials. If you start with a roof, then there will most likely be metal, the scraps of which have nowhere to go. However, why nowhere - it can be used for high beds.

Gabion beds
Gabions are mesh frames that can be filled with something like stones or large pieces of wood. Stones are the best option if you have a river nearby.

Wicker bed: and this is possible
Wattle has long ceased to be a familiar attribute of a summer residence. Now it is a hit and eco-style, fashionable and at the same time relatively inexpensive. If you have willows nearby, cut the vine beforehand.

Beds of plastic boxes
In any hypermarket, you can negotiate and pick up light plastic boxes for your needs. They will come in handy not only in the cellar - they can be used to make high beds.

King of the cottage: plastic bottle
This is a truly versatile material for country crafts. And not just for decoration. Practical sides bottle plastic very versatile.

How to make a high bed according to all the rules - in this video:
And from what did you make your high beds? Share your experiences and ideas in the comments!
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