Dichlorvos from bedbugs

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  • Which one to choose "Dichlophos" from bedbugs?
  • How much do you need Dichlophos?
  • When to wait for the result?
  • How to get rid of bedbugs dichlorvos?
  • What helps with bedbugs?
  • "Dichlorvos" from bedbugs - pros and cons
  • Features of various brands of the drug
  • How to poison cockroaches with dichlorvos?

"Dichlorvos" - the most famous drug, which is an aerosol insecticide. It is produced in the form of a can and is used to fight mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, bugs and other insect pests. Convenient format, high efficiency, affordable price make it popular among different segments of the population. Is dichlorvos effective enough from bugs, you will learn in this article.

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How to choose "Dichlophos" from bedbugs?

Along with preparations of precise action, that is, with certain types of insects, dichlorvos allows to eliminate a wide variety of domestic pests. The product is based on dimethyl-dichlorovinyl phosphate. This component causes damage to the nervous system of insects and leads to rapid death.

Important! Currently, manufacturers, producing the drug under the brand name "Dichlophos", introduce different fragrances into the composition, since the product itself is associated with a caustic and quite difficult-to-blaze odor.

The basis of the drug, produced today, is ethyl alcohol. Also in the composition are:

  • cypermethrin;
  • permethrin;
  • piperonyl butoxide;
  • stabilizers;
  • preservatives;
  • fragrance.

This combination produces an effective insecticide that does not pose a particular danger to humans.

Important! If you have a question about what helps against bedbugs, for home use, use a tool called "Dichlorvos NEO" and "Dichlorvos Varan".Preparations of these brands effectively cope with insects and do not have a too sharp odor.

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How much do you need Dichlophos?

The standard form of the product is an aerosol can. The volume can be from 150 to 300 ml.

Important! If you decide to use Dichlorvos from bedbugs for prevention in a 1-2 room apartment, a minimal amount is enough. Use a larger bottle for the bred bed bugs.

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When to wait for the result?

The action of the drug begins when directly applied to infected areas. Efficiency persists for several weeks.

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How to get rid of bugs with dichlorvos?

Despite the fact that the modern "Dichlophos-Voran" or "Dichlorvos NEO" does not have a pungent smell, but when working with them, protection measures should be applied.

First of all, when using "Dichlorvos" from bedbugs, it is necessary to avoid direct contact with the drug in any way:

  • is not recommended for inhalation;
  • do not let it get on the mucous membranes, skin, and especially inside the body.

Important! If the product gets on the skin, wash it off with plenty of water. In case of contact with eyes, use as much water as possible for rinsing. If signs of irritation appear, consult a doctor immediately. If the product has got inside, then professional medical care is needed urgently, urgently!

Instruction for use

Applying "Dichlophos from bedbugs", proceed as follows:

  1. Prepare a mask and gloves before handling.
  2. Remove all direct items, including food, dishes, clothing and personal care products.
  3. Read the instructions that came with the product.
  4. Close the windows and doors in the apartment.
  5. Shake the can.
  6. Spray the aerosol spray into the clumps of clumps, as well as along the ways of their movement.
  7. Spray aerosol on the inside of the bed and sofas.
  8. Spray the aerosol on the back of the mattress and the soft part of the sofas( the stain does not leave any stains on the surface).
  9. For prevention, sprinkle with poison all possible interior items - this is a necessary measure to prevent the spread of pests, as bed bugs can leave egg laying anywhere.
  10. Process the plinth throughout the apartment, paying special attention to the cracks in the wall, as well as places where the wallpaper is behind.
  11. Carpet or painting from the wrong side.

Important! Be in the treated room as little as possible.

  1. After the treatment, leave the room for 30-60 minutes.
  2. On return, ventilate the room.

Important! Keep unused product in a place inaccessible to children.

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What helps from bedbugs?

If in your apartment pests have already massively spread across the territory, then use only "Dichlophos" from bedbugs is not enough. The atomized preparation acts not very long time and is weathered after the first draft. For complex control of bedbugs, use strong gels, as well as soluble formulations. At the final stage of treatment, apply directly to "Dichlorvos".

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"Dichlophos" from bedbugs - pros and cons

Positive aspects:

  • usability;
  • availability;
  • minimal harm to the body while observing safety precautions;
  • is effective in case of small pest infestation.


  • Difficulty in quality room treatment. A positive result can be obtained only by spraying the largest possible area of ​​the contaminated area. Getting to the secret places( the bottom of the bed, the corners inside the sofa, etc.) is very difficult. This causes additional inconvenience, we recommend for this purpose to use additional devices in the form of a thin nozzle or tube.
  • Short-lived effects - the effect of the drug is completed after the first airing. Gaseous composition, even when absorbed into soft walls or individual elements of furniture, easily erodes.
  • Toxicity. Sprayed fumes still have a harmful effect on the body, so it is absolutely harmless to call such a device.
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Features of different brands of the preparation

When deciding what helps from bedbugs with Dichlorvos, consider the distinctive features of its varieties.

"Dichlorvos Waran"

Aerosol preparation that helps to get rid of a wide variety of pests - flying, crawling. The drug remains for 20 days, so even those bugs that did not die directly during processing will be destroyed.

The aerosol with the smell of lemon is released, but even despite the lack of a corrosive "fragrance", it is impossible to inhale the vapors of this remedy.

Important! This "Dichlophos" is perfectly suited for both the treatment of apartments and country houses, as well as dachas.

"Dichlorvos Neo"

This drug is a universal insecticide. It effectively destroys both bedbugs and cockroaches, as well as mosquitoes and other harmful insects. Has a high degree of efficiency. The impact force is 15 days. It is produced with aromas of lemon and mint.

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How to poison cockroaches with dichlorvos?

Fighting cockroaches is a long time. One of them only looks horror, in addition, they carry various diseases. In order to defeat cockroaches, you must make a lot of efforts, since these insects are very tenacious and the most reliable and effective way to deal with them is chemistry, and quite strong.

The most affordable and effective tool - "Dichlorvos" from cockroaches. To destroy insects, it is necessary to direct the spray of aerosol directly to the congestion of parasites, as well as to their habitats and ways of movement. To process the necessary places and their dislocation:

  • slots along the water pipes;
  • places of the wallpaper departure;
  • slots behind the door frames;Baseboard
  • ;
  • places their conglomerate around the shells;
  • the reverse side of carpets and paintings.

Important! Processing in the absence of household members, especially children and pets. As the cockroaches get used to the remedy, from time to time change the drug until the desired result is obtained.

We wish you victory in the fight against harmful insects with the help of "Dichlorvos", but do not forget about the precautions, because your health and the health of your households is most important.