- What is a scale?
- Why do I need to remove the scale?
- How do I clean the kettle of Coca-Cola?
- Useful advices:
Now it is impossible to imagine at least one person who would not drink such a carbonated drink as Coca-Cola. But few of the fans of sweet soda asked himself the question: how else can you use such water? In this article we will tell you how to clean the kettle "Coca-Cola", and what you need to do to effectively remove the scale from the surface of the household appliance.
to the contents ↑What is scale?
It is hardly a secret for anyone that the water supplied from our centralized water supply to our apartments is imperfect. In it there is a huge quantity of various salts and impurities. Especially dangerous for utensils and household kitchen appliances are salts of carbonate origin. To purify the liquid, expensive equipment must be installed, which will filter and soften the water. But not every tenant of an apartment building can afford it.
It is because of the problems with the water that enters our apartments that there is the formation of scale - a sediment covering the inner surface of the kettle and insoluble in both cold and boiling liquid. From the kitchen faucet we receive medium or high hardness water, so the appearance of an unpleasant plaque on the dishes and electric kettle is only a matter of time.
Cleaning the Teapot "Cola" is one of the most simple and effective ways to get rid of the scale. However, in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to know how to do it correctly and to get rid of all the negative consequences of poorly purified water without problems.
to the contents ↑Why do I need to remove the scale?
The kettle should be cleaned regularly to avoid the following problems:
- The scale that has been deposited on the walls of the kettle greatly reduces the rate of heat release, which increases the cost of electricity or gas.
- If a similar coating has formed on a household appliance, your kettle can quickly become unusable.
- Scale from the walls of the kettle can peel and get into the water. Because of such impurities, the water gets an unpleasant aftertaste, and there will also be a noticeable change in its color.
- If such water is used for cooking and drinking, then there is an increased risk of health problems, among which the deterioration of well-being associated with the accumulation of carbonate salts in the body.
Important! At the initial stage of the formation of scale - this is a porous structure, which is easy enough to remove from the surface of your household appliances. However, after each boiling of water, the amount of scale on the walls of the kettle grows, and consequently - it is becoming increasingly difficult to remove it every day.
to the contents ↑How to clean the kettle from the scale of Coca-Cola?
Excellent to cope with the problem of scale on the walls of the kettle will help you loved by many, but quite acrid drink - "Coca-Cola."To eliminate the plaque, buy this drink in the store and follow the instructions below:
- Fill the kettle "Cola" to about half the volume.
- Bring fluid to a boil.
- Kettle with hot liquid leave at least half an hour to allow a chemical reaction between the deposits formed on the walls of the device and the chemical composition filling it.
- To remove plaque, clean the inner surface of the kettle with a sponge.
- Especially carefully wipe hard-to-reach places - most often it's a nozzle of the device.
- For the perfect result, repeat the procedure again or leave it in the kettle "Cola" for the whole night.
- You can remove the unpleasant smell of sediment lemon juice, which can also clean the appliance.
Important! To enhance the cleaning effect, to "Kolya" you need to add a small amount of soda and leave this mixture in the kettle for 30-60 minutes. But it should be remembered that soda leaves an unpleasant smell, and for its removal it is necessary to wash the kettle thoroughly and boil pure water in it.
to the contents ↑Useful advices:
- To minimize the sedimentation rate on the walls of your household appliance, rinse the kettle in cool water after each boil.
- Try to clean your equipment as much as possible from scale and use natural products at the same time. This approach will help to prevent the accumulation of an unpleasant plaque, respectively - to improve the quality of the fluid used.
- If possible, install water purification filters, as well as a system for softening it.
- If you still have a scum in the kettle, do not rush to get rid of it, because your device can be easily and quickly cleaned in an affordable way.
- To remove the plaque, you do not need to purchase expensive chemicals, as they can not always be effective enough. There are folk ways that do not require large financial investments, and there is no risk to your health.
- You can use not only "Coca Cola" to clean the kettle. You can also use acetic or citric acid. Vinegar for one device will need 1 glass, and the powder of citric acid - 1-2 bags.
- To get rid of the problem of scale formation permanently, a magnetic water converter will help. This device consists of a metal tube that is mounted inside the heating pipe and contains a magnet. The magnetic field created by the device does not allow salts that are contained in the water to be deposited on the instrument walls. Such devices are relatively inexpensive, but the benefits from them will be clearly palpable.
In this article, we told you how to clean the kettle from scale using Coca-Cola, and therefore we hope that household appliances for a long time will please you with good work and allow you to enjoy fragrant drinks.