- Where to start?
- Preparation of the towel for painting
- Painting the heated towel rail
- Useful advices:
The towel heater is not only a very useful device in the bathroom, but also an excellent assistant in the household. Thanks to this equipment, you can not only dry some linen in the bathroom, but also heat the room. Despite its useful function, the towel warmer also plays an aesthetic role, so it is so important to maintain this device in perfect condition. But what if the towel works properly, but has lost its attractive appearance and there is no desire to replace it? In this article we will tell you how and how to paint the towel warmer in the bathroom so that it becomes a real decoration of the interior.
to the contents ↑Where to start?
To paint the heated towel quickly and without any additional hassle, you must prepare and purchase the following necessary items in advance:
- screwdriver set;
- gloves;
- sandpaper;
- primer;
- brush with natural pile;
- spatula;
- is a clean cotton rag;
- detergent.
Paint for the heated towel rail
In addition to all of the above, you will need high-quality paint and varnish. For painting the heated towel rail it is necessary to use a special compound.
Important! We must not forget that a heated towel heater is an appliance that generates heat to high temperatures. Therefore, you can not use ordinary paint, which under the influence of heat soon cracked.
In this case, it is better to take a silky-gloss alkyd enamel, which is designed to cover radiators and can withstand temperatures up to 180 ° C.The finish made with such paintwork material will please you for many years.
Regarding the choice of colors, everything depends on your preferences and the interior of the bathroom:
- The color of the towel "under bronze" or "for gold" looks luxurious and attracts attention, and also brings a touch of chic to the existing design. If you so paint the heated towel rail, then greatly transform the bathroom, and the device will become its key part.
- You can also buy any other color than white paint. This enamel at first looks beautiful, but over time it loses its high aesthetic properties. During operation, the white towel gets a yellowish tint and loses its attractive appearance. To get rid of this shade is impossible, even with the use of cleaning products, so this choice of color design is not the most practical.
Preparation of a heated towel rail for painting
Everyone understands that if the towel heater is immediately covered with enamel, then its surface will look far from perfect. Therefore, before painting the device, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory works.
Surface cleaning
Use sandpaper to thoroughly clean the entire surface of the structure. Increased attention is paid to places where the old coating has cracked or broken off small pieces - a similar treatment level the surface.
To obtain an ideal result, the entire protective layer must be removed. Thus, you will ensure a uniform application of the new coating and its durability.
Important! Of course, such work is quite laborious, but the whole process is more than worthwhile, so we recommend that you do it. Especially important is its implementation, if the towel heater in your bathroom is chrome plated, because it is very poorly enamel.
When cleaning is finished, the towel must be thoroughly cleaned with a cloth using detergents. In this way, you can degrease the surface and remove all large and small particles of dust that have remained on it after stripping.
Primer for heated towel rail
The next step is to perform the primer of the heated towel rail. Here it is necessary to use only that primer, which withstands high temperature. The composition is applied to the device with a uniform thin layer. After treatment, leave the surface to dry.
to the contents ↑Painting the heated towel rail
After the primer has dried, you can proceed directly with the painting of the heated towel rail. Perform these actions are necessary according to the following algorithm:
- Take a brush made of natural nap.
- Open the jar with paint and mix it thoroughly.
Important! It is necessary to achieve a homogeneous mass. For this process, you can use an ordinary long screwdriver. Note that the mixing of silk-gloss enamel will have to be done several times, since the substance may not acquire a uniform consistency from the first time.
- When the paint is ready to be applied to the surface of the heated towel rail, it will need to be spread out in a thin, uniform layer, and avoid the occurrence of unevenness.
Important! Begin the painting process better from the top of the device. Then, during the painting of the heated towel heater, you will see a smudge of paint on the bottom surface and you can hide them.
Enamel should be applied in 2-3 layers, and each subsequent painting can be carried out only after drying the previous one. To torment long expectation you will not have to, since alkyd paint usually dries within a few hours.
Important! After painting, do not use the towel in the bathroom for 4-5 days, or better - a week, so that its surface has time to dry well.
to the table of contents ↑Useful advices:
- You can use not only a brush made of natural lint, but also a special spray gun to apply paint to the heated towel rail. Such a device is very useful and effective, and you can buy it at any hardware store. With the help of the device, uniform application of the enamel is ensured, which prevents over-consumption of the paint. In addition, the spray coating speed is significantly higher than brushing.
- The towel can be painted only when it is completely cooled. Do not turn it on until the enamel is completely dry.
- Painting work is best done after the end of the heating season and shutdown of hot water. Then you will finish them on the scheduled date and carry out as much as possible qualitatively.
- If the enamel that you bought will turn out to be very thick, then you need to dissolve it. To do this, use a special solvent, you can buy it in the same building store.
In this article we told you how to update the towel heater in the bathroom, and sincerely hope that in the future the heating device will become a real decoration of your interior.