- Choose the mop. What should I think about before buying?
- Types of mop for floor washing
- Useful advices:
Mop for floor washing with microfiber, steam mop, electric, robot vacuum cleaner. .. Could the mistresses 40-50 years ago have imagined such miracles? Women cleaned, sometimes general, thanks to just a rag from an old tank top, a broom, and two worn hands. When the house sparkled with cleanliness, the mistress broke her back and cracked the skin on her hands. A wooden mop and a brush on a long handle made this hellish labor a little easier. Whether it's now!
In the supermarkets there are full of various gadgets to facilitate the cleaning process. But there are so many of them that sometimes you can figure out which one will be convenient for you - it's hard. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of each species to know exactly which mop to choose for the house. Our article will help you understand this difficult situation. In it you will find a detailed description of all the cleaning mops, which are currently presented in stores, an overview of their positive and negative sides. Thus, you can make a choice with "open" eyes, not in vain having spent money, because some copies are not worth a penny.
to the contents ↑Choose a mop. What should I think about before buying?
Which mop is better for washing the floor? To get an answer, first you need to determine a few points regarding a new acquisition.
How much money are you willing to spend on a new mop?
If you do not want anything special and the budget is not designed for an expensive purchase, then you should pay attention to mops with a sponge or with a rope nozzle, however, you need to buy a bucket for them:
- for the first variant - an oval shape;
- for the second - with a squeezing basket.
Important! If you are ready to shell out for a real cleaning to be fun, then you should consider mop-flounder, butterfly, and ideally - steam mops.
What is your floor covering?
For linoleum as well as vinyl cover all types of mops for washing are suitable, and for a wooden floor and laminate flooring, a microfiber mop scraper is the preferred option. She also perfectly cleans the tiles and marble.
Important! Also for these coatings, a steam mop, which also disinfects the surface, is also suitable.
Who cleans?
If you are small or in the washing of the floor help everything - from children to her husband, then when choosing it is worth paying attention to the handle. It would be better if it was regulated in height( that is, it was telescopic), and it was convenient for the "helper" of any growth.
How dirty and how often do you need to change the water for cleaning?
- If you do not want to get in touch with dirty water when cleaning floors, look for a squeegee with squeezing. It can be on the handle of the product or in a special bucket.
- If you have a lot of furniture in your house, there is a staircase and other difficult areas for cleaning, then ask the sellers for those mops that have a platform that can turn and bend at any angle( for example, a mop-flounder).
If you have decided on the basic requirements for a future mop, then it's time to get acquainted with the characteristics of each kind. Which of them will ideally match your needs?
to the table of contents ↑Types of mop for floor washing
How to choose a mop among simply a huge assortment in the store? The price of each product is different, but with the characteristics of one or the other so you can not understand right away. Consider the main ones to have a general picture of the functions and capabilities of the device.
Wooden mop
Of course, a wooden floor sweeper is a "last century".But still, it is worth mentioning, since it is still in the home of many. And people of the older generation who are afraid of everything new, are still buying such wooden "dinosaurs" on the market.
- The undoubted advantage of this mop is that it costs a penny and has served for decades.
- Facilitates this accessory washing the floors so that the hostess does not need to bend his back and crawl on his haunches with a rag.
- In addition, this tool does not require replaceable baits and the availability of special buckets.
- Any old cotton sweater can serve as a rag, or you can buy a ready-made rag in the economic department, which also does not require large expenses.
- A wooden mop can handle any surface.
- The mop is bulky, unaesthetic and non-lethal.
- It is hard to wash the floor under furniture and in hard-to-reach places.
- In addition, the rag constantly strives to slip off the mop.
- A dirty rag should be rinsed and pressed with hands, which is not pleasant for everyone.
Important! It turns out that the significant disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Modern housewives should regret themselves, and therefore - forget about wooden mops and get a more convenient and practical accessory for cleaning.
Rope mop
Mop with a nozzle consisting of hanging ropes of non-woven viscose material is very unusual. It resembles those harvesting tools by which sailors tear the deck.
As a rule, a bucket with a wring is offered to the mop in the store, since the function of self-squeezing on the product does not practically occur. The bucket has an oval shape, on one side at the top is a basket with holes.
Methods of cleaning:
- In a simple version, you rinse the mop in the open part of the bucket, and then move it to the basket and remove excess water, pressing on the mop from above.
- Buckets with a more expensive mechanism have a mechanism that, with the help of a pedal or handle, untwists this basket as a centrifuge, which results in the discharge of excess water. To buy such a bucket makes sense, since it is not very convenient to unscrew these ropes by hand, and who wants to get their hands dirty in dirty water.
Important! An excellent option will be a set for washing the floors of Leifheit CLEAN TWIST MOP, where a maneuverable rope mop and a bucket with centrifugal spinning are included.
- This "rope head" quite well copes with washing the floor - tiled, painted wooden linoleum.
- Moisture viscose ropes absorb better than a sponge.
- The rope attachments themselves are removable. They can be washed in a typewriter and changed when they come into disrepair.
- Modern models are very convenient in that they have a telescopic handle with a manoeuvrable head that rotates and tilts at any angle. You can wash it all hard-to-reach places.
- The pluses of a rope swab can be added and its relatively low cost.
- This model is not suitable for parquet and laminate, as for those types of flooring that are afraid of excess moisture. It turns out that this mop perfectly absorbs water, but here it is hardly possible to squeeze it carefully to a semi-dry state.
- For marble floors, it also does not suit, as it leaves a lot of moisture and stains.
- In addition, this model does not very well collect litter, wool and hair.
- Judging by the opinions of consumers, it must also be dried carefully, otherwise - the nozzle will get an unpleasant odor, which is hard to get rid of.
Important! There are on sale models with attachments of ropes on the basis of cotton with polyester, which cope worse with moisture and leave after themselves villi.
Mop with sponge
Mop with detergent part in the form of a sponge cushion became popular about ten years ago. She washes the floor of the house, in offices and small shops.
- Ease of use.
- The price of such a device is quite low.
- This mop has a spin system on the handle that will shorten the cleaning time, and you do not have to get your hands dirty in dirty water.
- Sponges perfectly absorb moisture and are easily wrung out. And what is important is that they carefully scoop the small rubbish and sand brought from the street on the soles, beautifully collect wool, fluff, dust and hair, which is very pleased owners of pets.
- It is easy to eliminate the liquid spilled on the floor.
Important! It should be remembered that the dry sponge becomes hard, so before washing the floor, you need to hold it for a couple of minutes in the water.
- Sponges, when they fail, can easily be replaced with new ones. They are always on sale and are inexpensive.
- Mop with sponge with spin is suitable for all types of floors, especially for linoleum and tiles, it is good washes high skirting boards.
- Most of these devices have a telescopic handle, which can be "adjusted" to their growth.
- For it, you need to buy an extra oval bucket so that its length matches the length of the sponge.
- Although sponges are inexpensive, but they need to be changed quite often( provided, of course, that you wash the floor more than once a year).
Important! If the sponge does not change in time, it will lose shape, become loose, it will not be easy to wash the floor, and then it will completely detach from the metal holder. The sponge for a mop with spinning consists of polyurethane foam and perfectly copes with cleaning when it is new and resilient.
- For a high-quality washing of a vast space, you will often have to change the water, otherwise - you will simply take out the dirt.
Important! If there is dirt on the floor, then this squeegee will leave the stains and will have to wash the surface again.
- The fixing bolts that hold the sponge rust over time, and the squeezing mechanism is short-lived.
Important! The cheap mop of Chinese manufacturers generally do not last long, even a handle can break. So before buying a mop with a sponge and pressing, weigh all the pros and cons.
Butterfly Mop
This mop is very similar to the previous type, because most often it has a nozzle in the form of a spongy roller. It only squeezes the moisture out by folding the nozzle in half. This action is very similar to the movement of the butterfly's wings, which is what the name came from.
Only for the price of this option is more expensive. This model has similar pros and cons, just like a spongy mop. In addition, it is worth noting the following:
- It collects dirt and water, wool and dust well.
- There are nozzles in the form of a rectangular sponge, on one side of which there is a layer of microfiber.
Mop with microfiber
Such mops are now universally used in cleaning. Microfiber is a popular new generation material( polyamide + filament):
- It is very hygroscopic, soft and durable.
- Its microfibers penetrate into all the cracks, grab even the smallest particles of dirt and perfectly wash all kinds of contaminants, including fat.
Important! Thanks to such qualities, there is no need to once again use household chemicals. This is especially important if there are children, allergies in the house, and for the well-being of an absolutely healthy adult, too, will only be "in a plus."
A mop with a microfibre usually has a telescopic handle and a flat washing platform on which a rectangular rag of detergent material is fixed( can be fixed with buttons, pockets, Velcro).The nozzle is wetted in a bucket of water( manually or on a mop) and squeezed out( by hand or by a squeeze mechanism).
- When cleaning a squeegee with a microfiber with wringing, it leaves no streaks and excess moisture, so it is suitable for all kinds of flooring.
Important! A mop for this type of parquet should be used with caution. Only after a good detergent release.
- Mop brush is lightweight, telescopic and sturdy, has a rubberized handle that prevents the hand from sliding and makes the cleaning more enjoyable.
- The nozzle itself serves for years, it is very wear-resistant, easily rubbed off in the machine and dries quickly.
- Thanks to the design of the mop( hinge) - the platform turns and bends at different angles, so it climbs under the furniture with ease and removes hard-to-reach places.
- Mop with microfiber and pressing is not cheap, although not the most expensive.
- The microfiber nozzle should be dried well after cleaning, otherwise - an unpleasant odor will appear.
Important! On the battery, the nozzle is not recommended for drying, otherwise it will lose its quality.
- Periodically you need to buy replaceable microfiber nozzles.
Important! The more the rag comes in contact with the fat, the faster it will fail.
- In addition, such a mop does not very well collect wool, compared, for example, with a mop with a sponge nozzle.
- Skirting boards with a household appliance of this type can not be removed because of the flat shape, so they will have to be wiped separately.
- If there is a lot of dirt, then you need to constantly rinse the rag.
As you can see, the disadvantages are not very significant, so a mop with microfiber is worthy of attention.
Mop Flaker A simple and comfortable flat mop. A flounder is called the lower plastic part of the mop, on which the mop is fixed( a nozzle made of cloth).
Important! With such cleaning equipment it is convenient to clean both a small apartment and a huge office.
- The flouner is attached to the handle by means of a hinge, so it can rotate and bend, thereby pulling out all the corners in the room.
- Due to its maneuverability, this mop for washing walls and ceilings is also convenient.
- Mops can be made from different materials - microfiber, cotton, mixed fibers, it can be a sponge. Also there are acrylic nozzles, which can be used for dry cleaning, that is, you can pick up a nozzle for any kind of flooring.
- Nozzles for such devices are quite durable, perfectly erased in the typewriter and quickly dry.
- Mops are fastened to the platform using "pockets", stickers, buttons or "ears".
- The handle is made of durable metal, can be disassembled and adjusted in length.
- The kit includes a special bucket with a suitable nozzle, which allows you to squeeze the mop( folds it in half) without touching it.
Important! Not long ago, manufacturers equipped the flaunt with an improved bucket with a spinning centrifuge and a splash-proof design. You simply put a squeegee in a bucket and press a pedal. The nozzle will be rinsed and wrung out without your direct participation in the process.
All of the above allows you to refer the flounder to professional cleaning equipment.
Disadvantages of
Such a perfect mop can only be called 2 minuses:
- Quite a high price, especially with a modernized bucket.
- This device does not wash the skirting board during the cleaning of the floors, because the mop itself has a flat base.
Steam Mop This model is probably the most expensive, and it can be attributed to professional cleaning equipment. In fact, it's a small-sized steam generator. The water tank is located on the handle, and a suitable nozzle is put on the lower part, for example from a microfibre.
- A jet of steam, the intensity of which can be adjusted, helps to wash any stale dirt, and also disinfects the surface without using household chemicals. This is important if the house has small children, allergies or animals.
- Also a steam mop you can refresh and clean furniture, carpets, drapes and even soft toys.
- With a special nozzle, you can even wash the windows.
Important! Suitable unit for all surfaces that are not afraid of high temperatures - tiles, marble, linoleum, wooden floors.
- The disadvantage of such a mop is that it does not collect sand and other rubbish badly, so it will be necessary to sweep it beforehand or vacuum it.
- The floor after harvesting remains slightly wet, which in some cases presents an inconvenience( for example, tiles can be slippery, and therefore dangerous).
- It is not advisable to wash the laminate and the engineering board( the glue may become unusable from high temperatures).
- Not everyone can afford the price of a steam mop.
Useful advices:
- It is also important to choose the product better than the proven manufacturers.
- Check carefully when buying a reliable mechanism, fasteners, durability of the handle to be sure that you are buying the best mop, and after a few cleaning do not feel disappointed.
This article presents all modern types of mops. Which mop is better - you can define individually, taking into account your requirements and advantages with shortcomings of different models.