Than to wash off a paint for hair from a skin?

  • How to prepare for painting and not get dirty?
  • What colors are easier to clean?
  • Professional paint remover
  • Home remedies for removing paint from the skin
  • Additional tips

To date, it is very rare for women with a natural hair color, because almost every fair sex once asked why not paint their hair, and embodied their ownidea into life? Many save on the services of a hairdresser and dye their hair themselves at home. But in most cases this process ends not only with the coloring of the hair, but also the forehead, hands and ears. On the shelves of shops and on the Internet you can find a lot of money than to wash the hair dye from the skin. We'll tell you about them and the available tools at hand in this article.

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How to prepare for painting and not get dirty?

It is much easier to prevent the occurrence of such troubles, rather than taking action after the occurrence of colorful contaminants in undesirable places.

It is recommended to observe the following rules:

  • Lubricate the hair growth line, neck and upper ears with a fat baby cream.
  • Wear polyethylene protective gloves on your hands.
  • Costly dyes for coloring hair are sold without polyethylene gloves. Do not forget to buy them.
  • If the hair spray is still on the skin, wash it off immediately with alcohol or with a thick cream. Fresh stains can be removed much easier.

Important! If you spent a large amount of money on funds to color your hair, do not be stingy - buy a quality liquid to remove stains.

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What colors are easier to clean?

In order to remove hair dye from the skin, you can find many ways. But first of all, you should determine the type of paint. Coloring agents are divided into three groups:

  1. Organic - this type includes coloring agents, which include natural substances( for example, henna or extracts of flowers).They radically change color, making it more contrast and bright.
  2. Physical - this type includes tonics and balms. They stick to the hair for no more than a month, as with frequent washing quickly erased.
  3. Chemical - for this type of coloring agents include mousse, cream and gels. They penetrate deeply into the structure of the hairs, thereby changing their color.

Important! The more chemicals in the paint, the more difficult it is to wash.

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Professional paint remover

Many cosmetic companies produce special products in order to clean the skin of hair dye. Let's consider some of the most popular variants of such substances:

  • Hair Light Remover.
  • Utopic Cleaner.
  • Igora Color Remover.

Important! These washings are considered to be the most popular and expensive. But their main advantages are considered to be a harmless composition for the skin and economy of use.

The most appropriate for the cost include such tools as:

  • Locon.
  • Normal shampoo.
  • Balm.

They are as effective as expensive professional washing.

Important! When buying a wash, pay attention to its composition - there is a risk of the presence of hazardous substances in the composition, which can leave burns and other defects on the skin.

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Home recipes for removing paint from the skin

If you doubt the quality of professional washings, you can use the available tools to remove "colorful" dirt:

  • Lemon juice - moisten the cotton swab in the liquid, gently wipe the stain from the paint. The acid of lemon juice has a bleaching effect on the skin. Strongly do not zealous, as this same acid can cause irritation and redness of the skin.
  • Hydrogen peroxide - dilute it with water in a ratio of one to one. Then moistened in such a solution with cotton wool, treat the contaminated sites.
  • Ethyl alcohol - when using it, be sure to observe the safety measures, as it can damage the outer layer of the epidermis. Do not use this product on the skin near the eyes.
  • Sunflower oil is an excellent option for washing off hair dye from the skin. Wet a piece of cotton wool in oil, wipe fresh spots.
  • Soda - mix the soda with a little water until the consistency of thick sour cream. Blend the mixture onto a sponge or cotton pad and gently wipe the affected areas.

These methods are time-tested and in no way inferior to shop washings.

How to wipe the paint off your hands?

In case you forgot to buy protective gloves for painting, it is unlikely that you will avoid the appearance of contaminants on your hands. Consider several effective ways to remove the staining agent from your hands:

  1. Liquid for removing varnish - gently wipe the affected area with paint. Do not use this method often, since acetone, which is part of the liquid, dries the skin.
  2. Compress from kefir - put your hands in a container of yogurt, keep them in this state for about 15 minutes. Then rinse the product and apply a greasy cream.
  3. Toothpaste - on a speck we apply a pea of ​​toothpaste. After that, gently rub it over the contaminated skin. The rests are rinsed off with warm water.
  4. Soap solution - soak a rag in a liquid composition and thoroughly wipe hands with it. Then rinse them with warm water and grease with glycerin cream.
  5. Wet wipes are an effective method in dealing with fresh stains.

Important! Regardless of what part of the body you want to clean from the coloring agent, after the procedure, always apply a cream of a greasy consistency.

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Additional tips for

For professional removal of stains from the coloring matter and possible prevention of such a problem, professionals advise fine ladies:

  • Do not use brushes with hard pile for washing up dirt, as this can cause irritation and unpleasant itching.
  • Keep your eyes in the process of painting.
  • Lubricate the forehead and the back of the head with nutrients before staining.
  • After painting, pay attention to the hands, neck, forehead and ears. If you notice blemishes, take immediate action, as fresh spots are much easier to remove and faster in time.

Given these tips with each procedure for dyeing hair, you can prevent the appearance of contaminants in unwanted areas of the skin. And if it really happened - act instantly, taking that remedy from our list, which turned out to be in your possession.