- Advantages of foam plinth
- Adhesive materials
- Polymer glues
- Liquid nails
- Filler
- Adhesive with own hands
- Adhesion process
- Frequent mistakes
Plinth under the ceiling has become a fashion trend for the design of apartments and houses. In addition, it allows you to hide all the irregularities and roughness when docking the ceiling and walls. But often inexperienced people have a question: how to glue ceiling plinths from foam? This article is intended for those who are interested in how and how you can make such a wonderful finish of the house.
to the contents ↑Advantages of foam plinths
Before deciding on what to paste our decor element, let's talk about why the choice fell on it. For foam plinths there is a number of undeniable advantages over others. The most significant of them:
- Appearance gives a high price to the interior, as it resembles a luxurious stucco molding.
- The ease of processing material allows designers to create masterpieces from a simple piece of foam.
- With this appearance they have just a penny value.
- A light weight allows you to fix it not on a pair of nails, but on a simple glue that will hold the plinth for many years.
- Simple and extremely easy installation allows you to quickly arrange a room for every taste and do not spend a lot of effort.
As can be seen from the above - all the advantages are obvious. Now let's talk about what to glue the ceiling plinth of foam.
to the contents ↑Adhesive materials
There are many different ways to glue the plinth. Here are some tips for choosing one of them:
- Specialists in finishing the premises in the first place put acrylic putty. It is they who use it to glue this decor element.
- There are also many different glue compounds, among which "liquid nails" stand out.
Important! To ensure that the adhesive is suitable for you, refer to the skirting packaging. Usually they are indicated which means are best used in the work. Avoid aggressive liquids - from them the material will simply melt and deteriorate.
- Also an essential option is the ability to prepare its own adhesive substance for use in gluing skirting boards.
Next, let's talk in more detail about each of these options.
to the table of contents ↑Polymer glues
Needless to say that the market has a huge selection of glue options for gluing anything. Among their "congeners" such glues as "Eco-roost", "Moment" and "Titan" stand out especially well. These polymer substances are the ideal option to answer the question, than to glue the ceiling plinths from foam.
Important! Remember: all polymer adhesives are divided into 2 types - gradually hardening and instant. Already from the names it becomes clear what they differ from each other.
What to choose to glue ceiling moldings from foam?
- Clay "Moment" refers to the second group. The principle of its action is to maximally dry out and securely fasten.
Important! He also has shortcomings. The substance that is used in it can cause an allergic reaction in humans, so all installation work should be done in gloves and glasses.
- "Titan" and "Eco-roost" are less toxic, but freeze longer and require some effort to glue the plinth. This group is more accessible and in the price range.
Important! Whatever the toxicity of the glue for ceiling skirting boards made of foam, they all require careful treatment and work in a room with good ventilation. Airing after gluing is also a must.
to the table of contents ↑Liquid nails
"Liquid nails" - an adhesive compound, completely safe for the material, and in compliance with the rules of use - for humans. It is increasingly used to glue ceiling plinths from foam and glue many other things.
"Liquid nails" are divided into several types: neopropilennye and acrylic.
Non-propylene liquid nails
This type of glue is made from an organic solvent. Has a sharp enough smell and non-compliance with safety regulations can harm human health.
Important! They are an indispensable assistant for work in rooms with high humidity, despite all their disadvantages.
Acrylic liquid nails
The second type is a safer type of product, but at the same time, such glue is afraid of moisture, which means it is inappropriate to use it in some rooms.
to the contents ↑Putty
If you talk about how to recommend fixing a ceiling skirting from foam plastic specialists, then the answer is unambiguous - putty. This type of fastening has a number of undeniable advantages over the others:
- The first undeniable advantage is the time of gluing - everything happens almost instantly. Press to the surface, as with other types, is absolutely not required.
- The second is the fact that the putty is not only a way to glue something. With its help, the gaps between the baseboard and the wall are masked easily and conveniently.
Important! Also important is the fact that this material is completely harmless to health - it can be used in low-purposed or completely closed rooms.
to the contents ↑Glue with your own hands
You can also consider the option of gluing self-made adhesive solution. In order to prepare this material, take:
- Putty mixture for the last layer.
- Adhesive PVA.
- Water.
- Capacity for mixing.
To create glue for ceiling skirting boards made of polystyrene, do the following:
- Take the putty and pour it into the container.
- Then fill up the PVA.Approximately proportionality 4: 1 - 4 parts putty 1 part PVA.
- Stir thoroughly by pouring water into the mixture. Strive for consistency of thick sour cream.
- Allow the solution to stand for 5-10 minutes, stir again.
- Use the resulting adhesive for 1.5 hours.
Important! Take care that the mixture does not have lumps and clots. If detected, remove them.
to the contents ↑Adhesive process
It is not difficult to glue the ceiling moldings from foam, and everyone can do it. They are easy to fit to fit, they are flexible and calm to be painted.
Materials for the work of
Before you get started, you need to prepare such tools:
- Brush.
- Hacksaw for metal.
- Stepladder.
- The chair.
- Scissors.
- Water tank.
- Roulette or ruler.
Important! In carrying out such work, greater accuracy is required.
Preparing the
In order to glue the plinth, you just need to do the following:
- Scratch and trim the wall and ceiling with a primer.
- Make a markup to see where the products will be fastened.
- Prepare everything you need: cut out the necessary parts, make corners.
- Check everything prepared in practice.
Important! At the first work with skirting boards take in addition to the main 2 more in stock. It is important that the products are from the same batch and without any roughness.
Sticky -
technology Now it's time to start the main process:
- Select the composition to be used.
- Prime the finished elements with the selected adhesive. How to do this is indicated on the package.
- Pay special attention to the joints between the parts. They should be inconspicuous and neat.
Important! Before proceeding with further processing of products, it is worth waiting at least 24 hours.
to content ↑Frequent errors
Often beginners have situations that the plinth does not stick partially or in general. The most common causes of such situations are:
- The working surface is not completely cleaned. This means that somewhere in place of gluing there is moisture or dust. Eliminate this problem layer primer, which you need to walk in the place of the problem.
- No glue caught. Often, without reading the instructions, we misuse the products of our industry. If the plinth is not attached, try fixing it for 2-3 minutes, look at the result.
- Unsuitable adhesive. The choice should be obvious. Use adhesive to glue the paper in order to fix the plinth from the foam plastic is illogical - it will not work.
- Draft. Excessive ventilation can also affect the result of your work. Air easily drains the material before it grasps, and instead of a well-deserved rest, you have to re-do everything.
Important! In order to avoid the occurrence of ridiculous, incidental, and sometimes harmful to your health situations, while working clearly follow the instructions.
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how to glue ceiling moldings from foam. There are several options, and it is you who will use the most suitable for you. Base your choice on the recommendations of specialists, and carry out repairs simply and with pleasure.