- Causes of an unpleasant fragrance from cat urine
- Discharging an unpleasant odor of cat urine
- How to find the source? How to wash a pet?
For sure, every owner of a pet is a cat, faced with such a difficult task as the unpleasant smell of cat urine. The question of how to get rid of the smell of cat urine in the apartment, in this situation becomes the most relevant in comparison with all the rest of the homework, because this smell is not one that can be liked and to which one can get used. It is with this question that we will help you understand this article.
to content ↑Causes of an unpleasant odor from cat urine
A very unpleasant odor from cat urine appears for one reason - this is the composition of this urine:
- Urochrome is an element that stains urine,
- Urea is an element that makes urine sticky, so it becomesafter it dries,
- Urine acid is an element that promotes the rapid crystallization of petfeces. These crystals do not dissolve in the aqueous medium, which makes the urine difficult to extract to the owners of the cat or cat.
When you do your best to wash or wash away stains and remove the smell of cat urine in the apartment, you get rid of only the original components of this label. That's why, after a certain time, the smell reappears.
Important! The intensity of the odor depends on the amount of uric acid in this urine itself, and also on the surface on which this label appeared. From those surfaces that absorb moisture perfectly, the unpleasant odor of urine will be unbelievably difficult to remove.
Given all these nuances, as well as the fact that in fact you can not influence the choice of the place of excrement, if the pet has become shambles in the wrong places, it is important to know the reason why the cat stopped going to the toilet. So you can not only get rid of the smell of cat urine in the apartment, but also prevent bad behavior of the fluff, respectively - do not exacerbate the problem with an even more intense scent.
Why does not your cat go to the tray?
There are several reasons why a cat does not go to the place assigned to it.
So, let's look at the reasons.
The cat does not approve of its toilet
There are several most important aspects here, observing which you do not have to decide how to get rid of the smell of cat urine in the apartment:
- It may not suit the size of the tray. Tray should be chosen, given the length of the animal: the toilet should be at least 1.5-2 times longer.
- Perhaps your pet does not consider acceptable the place you have chosen for the tray. In this case, cats are very similar to humans: they cope for their need in a fairly quiet and preferably dark place.
- Also, many cats can not stand when other people's trays are next to their trays.
- The most common reason for abandoning a pet using a toilet is a banal anti-sanitation. Cats are incredibly clean and have an excellent sense of smell. Therefore, making your animal walk on a dirty tray with an unpleasant smell is almost impossible.
Important! To wash the cat tray is best with special substances.
Cat is offended by its owner or is experiencing stress
An animal may find itself in a protracted depression, even from ordinary fright. And in order to calm down, it starts to mark the territory, spraying its own urine, wherever it suits him.
The owner has to determine the very reason for the stress of the cat, so as not to repeat a mistake in his own behavior in the future.
It so happens that cats just take revenge for old grievances and leave their puddles in the most inappropriate places. In this case, show patience to make amends for your pet.
Important! In no case can you beat and isolate your pet, by punishment you only aggravate the whole situation.
Cat thus reacts to new smells or objects
Any new guest shoes in the hallway or new furniture are regarded by the cat as a threat. With their marks, the animal demonstrates who is the master in this house.
Cat is sick
This reason is much more common in older cats. But in young, and also outwardly healthy cats, this signal will mean a serious illness.
Important! If the cat suddenly, with no reason, no reason, began to cope with their need right in front of you, urgently seek help from a veterinarian. Most likely, you will have to carefully treat your pet, and then deal with the problem of how to remove the feline smell of urine in the apartment.
Cat marking its territory
Uncastrated, as well as unsterilized cats and cats are starting to mark their territory:
- male demonstrates his superiority over someone with such behavior;
- female wants to attract the attention of the cat.
Important! These labels smell much stronger than ordinary puddles. The best way out in this situation is sterilization of your pet.
to the contents ↑Displaying the unpleasant odor of cat urine
As we have already learned, eliminating the smell of urine or the stool is not so simple, but there are some effective means. These include strong oxidants, as well as the following substances.
Manganese( weak solution) has a deodorizing effect. When using this tool, consider that it can paint the surface.
Important! To begin with, test on an inconspicuous area of tissue or a hard surface.
Vinegar, diluted in water, has an excellent effect on the smell, and also does not spoil the surface of the material itself.
Lemon juice
Juice freshly squeezed lemon effectively fights with a sharp smell.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is another universal antiseptic that is great for getting rid of the smell of feline urine in the apartment. Wet it with a cotton pad and wipe the marked surface.
Important! Do not use this product on the lacquered surface.
Iodine solution
Iodine solution, which you can get by diluting 15 drops of ordinary iodine per 1 liter of water, will do the job well. Clean the surface with a suitable solution.
Important! This product is best suited for wooden, non-varnished surfaces.
Soda is an excellent remedy for the unpleasant odor of cat urine and any other flavors. It is a natural absorbent, so you will be able to get results quickly enough. For application it is possible:
- Fill the surface with a powder, slightly moistened and leave for a while.
- Prepare a thick slurry by mixing the soda powder with water. It should also be left in place of a label or puddle for a while.
Important! Use of soda on glossy surfaces is prohibited, because it is an abrasive substance.
Household soap
Household soap is another universal means by which you can get rid of the smell of cat urine in the house, as well as the stool, and without damaging the surface that you are working on.
Depending on whether the hard or fabric surface is to be cleaned, proceed as follows:
- Thoroughly soap the cloth with a lightly moistened cloth. Leave it for a while and then rinse.
- Make shavings from soap or simply dissolve in water so that a fairly concentrated solution is obtained. It treat hard coatings.
Vodka, as a substance against stains, as well as odor, is not so effective, but its main task in this case is to create a very unpleasant smell for the cat. The aroma of alcohol itself does not like the cat - that's why you do not have to worry that he again wants to leave his unpleasant trail on this place.
to the contents ↑How to find the source?
There are times when the apartment feels a very pungent smell of cat urine, and at the same time you do not find puddles anywhere. In this case, you can use any ultraviolet lamp. In pet stores you can buy a special lantern that will help you find urine, but it differs from the ordinary only in its size.
Important! In the ultraviolet light, all the spots of urine will turn out to be yellow or green. The most recent urine will shine brightest.
It is necessary to search for dried urine in absolute darkness. Start from the place where the smell seems most pronounced, and then gradually move away, while illuminating the most suspicious surfaces with the lamp.
Important! Remember that the cat leaves its marks not only on the floor surface, so you need to check absolutely all of your places and cat's reach.
to the contents ↑Than to wash a pet?
As a rule, cats themselves excel at coping with themselves, but it happens that a cat or a cat just needs to be washed to eliminate the unpleasant smell of urine.
Important! Do not wash your pet with your shampoo. Shampoo, which is intended for people, can very negatively affect the coat, as well as the skin of your cat. People and cats have different acid-base balance of the skin, which is why everything that is good for human skin for a cat is not only useless, but also unsafe.
Modern shampoos, which are designed for cats, are divided into several subspecies:
- Liquid shampoos. It is necessary to use this shampoo if the cat gets very dirty. It perfectly copes with dirt, and also makes your pet's coat smoother and shiny. Some shampoos can also contain additives against parasites, such as mites, fleas, etc.
- Shampoos against koltunov - will allow to painlessly untangle even the most collapsed icicles from the wool.
- For light-colored cats, bleaching shampoos are used. These shampoos are not necessary only for white cats. Such funds, as a rule, are not used constantly, but in order to prepare a pet for the exhibition.
- Dry shampoos - this is a rescue for the owners, whose animals with panic fear belong to the water. In addition, this shampoo helps to maintain a sufficient level of moisture of cat hair, and also removes the static stress of the wool. For preventive washing, you just apply this powder to the wool and carefully comb the cat, while removing its excess.
Important! Against strong contamination, this method can not help .
- Shampoo in the form of a spray is also on sale. They are much more convenient to use and can be used for prevention, but against strong pollution and with a strong smell they will not help to cope. A strong perfume fragrance is usually used in sprays, and it can irritate the sensitive sense of smell of your pet. These shampoos are suitable for more hygienic care. If the case is urgent, you still have to resort to using a liquid shampoo.
We hope that our advice and recommendations will help to cope with such a difficult task as to remove the unpleasant smell of cat urine from the house or apartment. Be sure to pay attention to the reason for its appearance and eliminate it to ensure yourself further pleasant living in your home and many pleasant moments with your pet.