- Reasons for the appearance of mold
- Prevent the appearance of fungus
- Removal of mold in the bathroom
- How to get rid of mold?
- Modern methods of fighting
- Traditional methods of struggle
- Radical methods of struggle
Beautiful bathroom is not only the walls decorated with expensive tiles and a design solution. In fact, the most important factor is cleanliness and well-being, which is very difficult to achieve. Because of the high humidity, very often the fungus can settle here and every hostess sooner or later asks the question: "How to get rid of mold in the bathroom?".Fungus is not just an aesthetic problem, it is harmful to your health and your family's health. In this article, we will tell you what measures to take to avoid the appearance of mold, and how to get rid of it, if it does appear in your bathroom.
to the table of contents ↑Reasons for the appearance of mold
The fungus appeared in the bathroom - the situation is very common. It is necessary to fight with it without delay.
Important! Mold is a fungus that has several kinds: blue fungus, mold, yeast, fungus. The most common of all types of mold is black. It is very dangerous both for your health and for your bathroom for the reason that it eats deep into the thickness of the walls, gradually completely destroying them.
There are several reasons for the appearance of the fungus:
- There is no normal ventilation in the room.
- Violation of rules when performing finishing works.
- Lack of normal heating.
- Use of moisture-resistant materials.
Important! Also, the main reason why mold in the bathroom appears is the ideal conditions for its dwelling: high humidity( 90-95% with an allowable 70%) and air temperature of about 20 ° C.
to the contents ↑Prevent the appearance of fungus
In order that you do not think about how to deal with mold in the bathroom, try to do everything so that it does not appear. Start by removing the root cause of this disaster in your bathroom - excess air humidity.
For this:
- Ventilate the room regularly.
- After taking a shower, wipe the walls and dry the bathroom.
- Ensure normal ventilation.
- Avoid drying clothes in the bathroom.
- Take care of the plumbing system and watch the condition of the flooring.
It is also important to adhere to the following tips to get rid of mold in the bathroom:
- Provide good heating, avoiding supercooling of the walls.
- For repair use antiseptics and materials intended for rooms with high humidity.
- Once a month, wipe the surface with a chlorine-containing solution.
Removing mold in the bathroom
If you could not avoid the appearance of mold, then at the first signs start fighting with it.
The first signs of mold
If you notice a black, gray or marshy green patch that is not characteristic for dirt when cleaning, touch it. The mold is soft and porous to the touch. Usually it appears in places where the humidity is constant - under the bathroom, in the shower cubicle or near the washing machine.
If you are not sure what this mold is, smell it. The fungus has a specific smell that you can not confuse with anything - the smell of dampness that is present in the cellar or basement.
Important! Once your suspicions are confirmed and you have a fungus in the bathroom, immediately take active steps to get rid of an uninvited neighbor.
to the contents ↑How to get rid of mold?
There are many ways to fight mold. All of them can be divided into 2 groups: modern and traditional. The first - professional antiseptics and chemicals that appeared recently in the market, the latter - the people's methods of struggle.
to the contents ↑Modern methods of fighting
Many manufacturers of varnishes and paints produce special products from mold in the bathroom. They can easily be found on the shelves of building supermarkets.
There are several directions for the production of such chemicals, which differ in their basic component composition.
Copper vitriol
Sufficiently easy to use, but toxic, therefore it is necessary to wear a respirator and gloves. To use:
- Dilute copper sulfate as described in the instructions.
- Lubricate affected areas with a thick layer of this mixture. Apply it with a brush.
- After a few hours, wash, dry and air your bathroom.
Chlorine bleachers
Such a remedy is a good answer to the question of how to clean mold. The only minus of such bleaches is a pungent odor, so it is recommended to work in a respirator.
For cleaning, you will need:
- Solution from bleach and water( 10: 1).
- A rag, spray or sponge for applying a solution.
Apply as follows:
- Apply the mixture to the affected surface. It is not necessary to rinse, as bleach will prevent the appearance of mold again.
- Ventilate the room.
Antiseptic means
If you decide to use special drugs to get rid of mold in the bathroom forever, take note of such remedies:
- Antiseptic composition "Antifungus", which is successfully used in repairs and when a fungus is found. The solution is applied to virtually all types of surfaces: plaster, concrete, wood, brick. The advantage of this drug is that it is non-toxic.
- Another means of fungus in the bathroom is a series called "IZOTSID".Removes microalgae, blue and other microorganisms that multiply in bathrooms. Another "IZOTSID" is a good basis for water-soluble paints.
- Antiseptic "DALI" is suitable for treating both foci of fungus, and for preventive work. It is also safe for humans and animals, but it is also effective in cleaning.
Ready-made solutions and mixtures
Ready-made products for the destruction of fungus everywhere and at all stages. One such means is the latex emulsion "MIL KILL", which includes antimicrobial substances prevents the appearance of fungi. This emulsion is perfectly suited for treating leaks and products that are in places with high humidity. With the fact that "MIL KILL" kills the fungus, it is completely safe for humans.
Important! When purchasing finished products, in order to clean the mold, ask the seller what is better to choose in your case. This is due to the fact that the mold on the ceiling or walls is destroyed by various means.
to content ↑Traditional methods of fighting
Although the market provides a lot of modern chemicals to clean mold, not everyone is fit. For people with respiratory diseases, with allergies to chemicals, folk advice will be helpful to solve the problem.
Method 1
- In 2 glasses of water, dilute 2 tsp.essential oil of tea tree.
- Use a spray gun to apply to the surface.
Important! To wash off this agent it is not necessary. Use better before the night so that no one after that does not take a shower or bath.
Method 2
Black mold in the bathroom is perfectly excreted with baking soda, slaked vinegar. For cleaning:
- Put soda on the affected surface.
- Fill with vinegar.
- After the foam settles, rinse with warm water with a detergent or soap.
Method 3
- Take 4 parts of water, 2 parts hydrogen peroxide and table vinegar and 1 part boric acid.
- Mix them.
- With the mixture, wipe the affected surfaces.
Important! With such an effective remedy, you can forever get rid of mold in the bathroom.
Method 4
If you are interested in how to remove the mold safely, then this method is for you:
- A glass of borax is dissolved in 2.5 liters of boiled warm water.
- Clean the surface and apply the resulting solution with a paint brush.
- Remove excess wipe with a tissue.
Method 5
Anthracene oil - protects the surface from fungus, does not lend itself to moisture, but has a persistent unpleasant odor. Therefore, after the treatment of walls or sanitary ware, this means necessarily ventilate the room.
to the contents ↑Radical methods of fighting
Unfortunately, not always the means of mold in the bathroom, which were listed above, help. There are so neglected cases that you have only one thing - repair. This is also the most effective method. When repairing it is recommended to use different antiseptic agents. And only after you were convinced that you destroyed the hearth - mold mycelium, you can whiten, paint or put a tile.
Important! That all your efforts are not wasted, install a special ventilation door.
The above methods will help you get rid of mold for a certain period of time. But whether it will appear again depends only on the frequency with which you will conduct preventive maintenance to prevent the appearance of this unpleasant phenomenon.