- What is a humidifier for?
- Is it profitable to buy a humidifier?
- How to increase the humidity in the house?
- How to make a humidifier at home?
- Claydite humidifier
- Ultrasound climatic device
At any time of the year, a microclimate in a dwelling is very important to a person for a comfortable life. Everyone knows that dry air negatively affects not only flowers, but also people, because because of the dryness of air, oxygen delivery to the body is difficult, and as a consequence - constant fatigue and drowsiness. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to make an air humidifier by one's own hands is very relevant, especially in the winter period, during which good heating leads to a decrease in the humidity in the house.
to the contents ↑Why is a humidifier needed?
Insufficient amount of moisture in the air negatively affects the human body. There are such symptoms:
- a sore throat;
- drying of the mucous membranes of the nose and lungs;
- skin dryness;
- shortness of breath;
- constant fatigue;
- drowsiness;
- is a common cold;
- Inflammation of the eye.
Important! As a result of the appearance of such symptoms, the human defense mechanism weakens, and penetrating viruses and bacteria lead to various diseases. In addition, people who wear contact lenses, dry air in general is contraindicated. Therefore, if there is no possibility to buy ready-made equipment, it is necessary to consider options how to make an air humidifier with your own hands.
Other Adverse Factors
Dry air adversely affects not only all living things, but also spoils all wooden furniture. For people who play instruments, this problem is familiar. As soon as the material of the instrument dries up, consider that it is irretrievably corrupted.
Important! Too much moisture is also not desirable, although such a problem is easily solved by simple airing. For a normal and comfortable life in the house, air humidity should be maintained in the range from 40 to 60% and it is very important to adhere to this microclimate all year round.
This is why it is necessary to use an air humidifier in the rooms, since with its help the optimum humidity is maintained, allowing indoor plants not to dry out, wooden furniture items do not crack. It is the moisturizer that will prevent many problems not only with health, but also with the well-being of the household, as moisture "connects" the dust, and the heat emanating from the heaters does not drive it around the room.
to the contents ↑Is it profitable to buy a humidifier?
Today a lot of different models of air humidifiers are provided in stores, but the purchase of a factory assembly device requires financial expenses, so we suggest you solve the problem using the available materials and make an air humidifier yourself.
If you have the opportunity to purchase a special device to optimize the microclimate, then you can count on:
- a constant level of humidity, based on the preset mode;
- warranty service from the system manufacturer;
- save your time - both on manufacturing and installation, and on the regulation of the finished humidifier.
To understand which equipment is best for you, note that today there are 4 types of device:
- Ultrasonic, which performs fine spraying.
- Humidifying spray. This device sprays small jets of water and is most effective for large rooms.
- Cold humidification using cold steam.
- Hot humidification using hot steam.
How to increase the humidity in the house?
To increase the humidity in the room, sufficient water must be evaporated. There are a number of simple activities that you can do with your own hands to achieve the goal:
Option No. 1
The easiest way to make an air humidifier yourself is to use a wet towel. Hang a wet towel on the battery, and with a hot battery, the moisture will evaporate. As the drying towel, wet and re-hang.
Advantages of this method:
- does not require electricity;
- costs are minimal( you do not need anything except a piece of cloth or a towel).
- this method requires a constant "reboot";
- humidification occurs directly near the evaporation site;
- is a small method efficiency.
You can slightly complicate this with a towel: one end is lowered into the basin with water, and the second - suspended on the battery, so the water will soak the fabric and evaporate on the battery. Advantages of this option are as follows: does not require investments, this humidifier is automated. The disadvantage is the low efficiency.
Important! In summer, this method looks like this: put a towel on the table, both ends of which are lowered into a container with water.
Option number 2
If to you the first variant seems not aesthetical and ineffective, then you can simply arrange on the premises tanks with water. It can be vases, pitchers. Water from them slowly but surely will evaporate.
Variant №3
Distribute on the house indoor plants that moisturize the air. It can be:
- senpolia;
- phytony;
- hypoestheses;
- orchid;
- hibiscus;
- nephrolepys( home fern);
- Ficus;
- fatsia;
- Drazen;
- cyperus.
Pots with such tropical plants are kept in pallets with expanded clay and, as they dry up, fill with water. In addition, the process of regular spraying of plants will also help moisten the air.
Important! Nephrolepis not only gives a lot of moisture, but also destroys harmful substances in the air, such as formaldehyde, toluene and xylene.
Variant №4
It does not seem strange, but a constant wet cleaning will help to humidify the air at home. And if after washing the laundry you will dry it indoors, then the water, evaporating from the tissues, will get into the air and automatically increase the moisture in the room.
Option number 5
Another way how to not only make the air humidifier yourself, but also to transform the interior - to buy an aquarium. Its capacity is a natural room humidifier. All aquariums are equipped with a special water filtration system and some of the liquid, passing through the filter and coming back to the tank, evaporates. Also, the evaporation of moisture occurs from the surface of the water in the aquarium. The larger the volume of the aquarium, the more water will evaporate.
In addition to the benefits for household members of the apartment, the aquarium will also be a small piece of the biosphere, which is very informative and fun for kids.
Important! The only drawback of this method, but quite significant - for the aquarium it is necessary to look after, and its arrangement will require very tangible costs. If you buy an aquarium solely for the purpose of moistening, it will be cheaper to buy ready-made equipment for special purposes.
Option number 6
Quite simple, but decorative way to increase moisture - a room fountain. The principle of the fountain is quite simple: the water circulates in a closed cycle. You only need to add water to the tank.
Important! On sale there are various designs of all sizes, ranging from laconic miniatures and ending with luxurious outdoor fountains, so to choose a fountain that corresponds to the volume of a particular room is not a problem. But keep in mind that such a decor can also be quite expensive.
to the contents ↑How to make an air humidifier at home?
Plastic bottles from under the water - this is the best material for "self-made".Of these, almost everything is made: from utensils and interior decorations to roofing materials. A humidifier with your own hands from a plastic bottle is the simplest option.
We will offer you two ways to use this material. For the first option you will need: a plastic bottle, gauze, two pieces of wire or a durable fabric. For the second - a plastic bottle and a fan from household or electronic equipment.
First method:
- Make a 10-12 cm cut along the side of the plastic bottle along and along the center.
- Prepare two wires for fastening the bottle
- Hang the bottle under the horizontal sections of the straight pipe leading to the battery( cut up).The distance to the pipe should be 10-20 cm.
- Pour water into the section of the bottle.
- Lower the edge of the gauze strip( width 10 cm, length about 1 m) into the water.
- The second end of the strip is screwed onto the heating pipe.
Second method:
- Take a large plastic bottle( about 10 liters).
- Cut the neck in such a way that the cooler can be attached to the formed hole.
Important! As a cooler, use a fan from the computer power supply, since it has a high power.
- In a bottle at a height of 10 cm from the top along the perimeter, make a few holes( through which air will escape).
- Pour water into the bottle so that it is below the holes a few centimeters.
- Screw the cooler to the top of the bottle with scotch tape.
- Turn the cooler on.
Important! The essence of such a device is to draw moisture through an airflow. Advantages of this option are the simplicity and efficiency of the humidification system. The disadvantage of this method is that the cooler will have to be unscrewed every time you top up the water, and the design of the device is not the most remarkable.
to content ↑Expanded clay humidifier
It can be used to make an air humidifier with your own hands, an old bucket and expanded clay, as expanded clay is an excellent material that not only absorbs moisture, but also evaporates it. For the production of expanded clay humidifier you will need:
- bucket with a capacity of liters for 12;
- 4 garbage baskets( 2 more, and 2 smaller);
- aquarium pump;
- cooler( computer) with a diameter of 140 mm;
- plastic ties;
- hair dryer.
Step-by-step assembly instruction:
- Connect trash bins of smaller size to each other. For this hitch, use a household hairdryer. If not, use plastic fasteners. Connect the basket to the rims.
- Connect 2 large baskets in the same way.
Important! Before the connection, first place the made housing in small baskets inside large baskets. You should get the unit in shape and functions resembling a thermos, consisting of plastic buckets.
- Cut the bottom of the upper large basket with a knife to fill the expanded clay.
Important! Pick up the expanded clay so that it can not penetrate through the holes in the basket.
- Put the aquarium pump on the bottom of the bucket. Pipes from it to the top of the structure. Place the plastic ring with holes at the top of the future humidifier. It is from these holes that moisture will drain down the expanded clay into a bucket.
- Install the computer cooler at the very top of the humidifier. The fan will pump air into the claydite walls moistened with water and through the holes in the trash cans will expel the air outside.
Important! The principle of operation of this device is based on the properties of expanded clay, so take the pellets carefully, and before using, always rinse the expanded clay with warm water.
to content ↑Ultrasonic climate device
The principle of operation of this device is the following: a piezoelectric radiator will be lowered into a container with water on a special mechanism, which will create a cold vapor. The fan in this device will inject air into the air, pushing steam out. If you decide to do just such an air humidifier with your own hands, you definitely will not regret evaluating the result.
Important! When manufacturing an ultrasonic humidifier, you will have to deal with water and high voltage, so we recommend using a personal protective device that will protect you from electric shock.
Materials and tools
For the manufacture of this device you will need:
- plastic bucket with a lid( it is better to take from under the paint);
- two pieces of 10-15 cm plastic plumbing pipe( diameter 50 mm);
- piece of styrofoam;
- disposable plastic cup;
- cooler with power supply( from an old computer);
- ultrasonic radiator( available in various online stores - called "Mist Maker").
We make an ultrasonic humidifier with our own hands
The assembly of the ultrasonic device is as follows:
- In the cover of the bucket, cut two holes with a diameter of 50 mm.
- Attach a cooler to one of the nozzles using an adhesive gun so that it blows inwards.
- In a piece of foam, cut a hole a bit smaller than the diameter of the cup.
- Insert the cup into the hole - it will be a float with a radiator.
- In the middle of the cup make 2 small holes. They will receive water.
- Put the emitter on the bottom of the cup.
- Pour water into the bucket.
- Lower the float with the radiator into the bucket.
- Close the lid in the container.
- Insert the nozzles into the top of the cover.
- Plug the power supply into an electrical outlet.
Important! If you did everything correctly, then immediately after switching on, cold steam will start to flow from one branch pipe.
As you can see, almost without spending time and effort, and most importantly, money, you can create a device that will help to organize a comfortable indoor microclimate. Remember that to maintain health is necessary, regardless of the season and mood, and with a self-made air humidifier it will be much easier. Thanks to a small assistant, you will gain activity, forget about the common cold or other unpleasant sensations, and the skin and hair will stop drying.