Best iOS and Android apps for job search

There are many tips on how to write a resume, or how to behave in an interview to produce a favorable first impression on the employer. But before all this, the most time-consuming part of job search is to be found - tracking vacancies.

Once the main source of job offers were newspapers, now the Internet took their role. And thanks to mobile applications, people looking for work have free and powerful tools to help them find the ideal job in a few minutes.

We present to you the best applications for job search .They can be downloaded from the app stores for iOS and Android.


  • 5. Monster
  • 4. Ads Avito
  • 3. SuperJob
  • 2. Job search on HeadHunter
  • 1. Yandex. Work

5. Monster

You can not create a resume inside the application, but you can download it from Dropbox. There is a setting of notifications about new workplaces that fit the user-defined parameters. A convenient feature of this application for job search is the opportunity to talk with the employer through the message center. If you created a profile on a computer, you can access it from your phone. The disadvantage of Monster is the need to use WiFi, so that all functions are available.

4. Ads Avito

New to the mobile market for job search. The advantage of the application is that Avito is the largest ad site in Russia, so there will be no shortage in vacancies. You can save search parameters and track new ads through it, and add your favorites to Favorites.

3. SuperJob

Contains more than 300 thousand vacancies. The advantages of the program include: voice search, the ability to create a resume and send it to the employer. The representative of the company can call directly from the application, sort offers for work by date and salary. Also, SuperJob will notify the "owner" that an invitation has come for the interview. An ambiguous response from users was caused by the option "Summary of friends"( people whose numbers are in the notebook, can see the resume of the user, if it is published in the public domain).Not all people want their colleagues and acquaintances to know about their plans to leave the workplace.

2. Job Search at HeadHunter

One of the best applications for finding work with a user-friendly interface and a huge selection of jobs. Includes the creation and updating of the resume, the ability to respond to the job offer( if there is a resume) and viewing invitations from employers. There are also disadvantages: the inability to communicate with the employer by phone directly from the program and the lack of a section "Spam", where you can send unwanted invitations.

1. Yandex. Rabota

Tops the top 5 best mobile applications for viewing vacancies in 2015. It differs from "colleagues" in that it allows you to call with the employer without the need to fill out and send the questionnaire. Currently, in the database Yandex. Work 400 thousand proposals, available to applicants without a resume. There is a filter of offers on the salary, a site of the company and a working schedule. Check with which of the employers you already communicated, you can in the saved history of calls.