💸 How to reduce your energy bills: a brief guide

If you have not paid much attention to utility bills, It is now certainly give them due consideration. The reason is simple: our revenues are growing much more slowly than tariffs for electricity, water and gas. And it turns out that the share of the budget that goes to the communal, will inevitably grow. In this situation, as relevant as ever the topic of possible savings. How to actually reduce energy bills - in this material from HouseChief.ru.

If you irritate the electricity bill - to learn to save
If you irritate the electricity bill - to learn to save

If you are not yet ready to go to the most rigid economy - candles firewood - think about how rationalize electricity consumption. To solve this problem, useful 10 simple and effective tips.

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  • 1 Council №1: replace meter
  • 2 Council №2: learn how to turn off the lights and use the special tools
  • 3 Council №3: change light bulbs to LED
  • 4 Council №4: use point and dimmer lighting
  • 5 Council №5: maximum use of natural light
  • 6 Council №6: Explore the power consumption of home appliances
  • 7 Council №7: buying new equipment, pay attention to its energy savings
  • 8 №8 advice: do not leave the idle mode technique
  • 9 Council №9: where possible - replace the heating gas
  • 10 Council №10: further warm the house or apartment

Council №1: replace meter

Most houses and apartments are cheap and fairly primitive, one tariff counters. They equally believe consumed energy, reducing everything to the same total.

One tariff meters is not very accurate
One tariff meters is not very accurate

What to do: you need to replace the induction counter on a two- or trohtarifny.

This device will separately show the power consumption at different times of the day, and you will be able to pay for part of it by the cheaper night tariff
This device will separately show the power consumption at different times of the day, and you will be able to pay for part of it by the cheaper night tariff

In this case, it is wise to include some very energy-consuming devices at night. For example - washing or dishwasher. They use electricity to heat the water, so you can seriously save on such a decision.

Council №2: learn how to turn off the lights and use the special tools

If this habit was not developed initially, you'll have a hard time. But just swipe experiment for yourself: compare the power consumption of the day, when you do not thought about switching off, with the day, especially when clicked switches in every room, where no one no. The result will please you for sure. How to develop such a habit?

The easiest way - to hang at eye level at the exit of each room reminder
The easiest way - to hang at eye level at the exit of each room reminder

But if it does not help - try adding to the illumination system in each room motion sensors. It is very convenient. While in the room someone is, the light will illuminate. Once out - in a moment the light turns off by itself.

Such lamps with sensors can be installed not only in rooms, but in the hallway, hallway, bathroom
Such lamps with sensors can be installed not only in rooms, but in the hallway, hallway, bathroom

Council №3: change light bulbs to LED

AT LED bulbs You have to invest. They cost an average of 5 times more expensive than conventional incandescent lamps. But the energy they consume three times less and are virtually endless. If you replace all lighting devices lamps on LED - you will immediately see cost savings in the first account.

After a couple of months on the lamp costs will pay off, and you get a net benefit
After a couple of months on the lamp costs will pay off, and you get a net benefit

Council №4: use point and dimmer lighting

one big chandelier in the middle of the ceiling illuminates the whole room. But it is not always necessary. For example, you read a book on couch - there is better targeted and not as bright light to the eyes do not get tired. The same applies to writing desk, working kitchen surfaces and other such places.

There is much more use of spotlights, and that will do without a large chandelier
There is much more use of spotlights, and that will do without a large chandelier

Using dimmers - devices that allow to adjust the intensity of lighting - another way to save. There is no need in the bright light if you just look in the living room TV.

With the dimmer you can easily dim the lights and thus reduce energy consumption
With the dimmer you can easily dim the lights and thus reduce energy consumption

Council №5: maximum use of natural light

Move things to do at the time, when sufficient daylight. Perhaps this will require you to even reconsider its normal mode. Try to go to bed earlier and get up earlier. You'd be surprised how many cases you can do if you stand just an hour earlier.

In good owners always clean windows - do not forget to wash them, hang a light curtain that does not cover the light use in the interior more than light shades
In good owners always clean windows - do not forget to wash them, hang a light curtain that does not cover the light use in the interior more than light shades

Council №6: Explore the power consumption of home appliances

Often, we use a lot of instruments, which are not so necessary. Of course, this does not apply Electromeat - Well, why would you do in order to save manually scroll through the meat? However, there are some devices that duplicate others, but consume a lot of electricity. For example - or multivarka electrical grillCooler and an electric kettle. Do you really think that without them you can not do? BUT stove in the kitchen for what?

And if you spend your inventory according to this principle, you will find a lot of such devices that only make you shell out, without bringing real benefits
And if you spend your inventory according to this principle, you will find a lot of such devices that only make you shell out, without bringing real benefits

And after such an inventory check how well you use what is really needed. If fridge standing too close to the wall, it will consume more energy. overloaded Washer also needs additional kilowatts and superheated iron literally devour your budget.

Council №7: buying new equipment, pay attention to its energy savings

Modern manufacturers interested in implementing energy-saving technology. High levels of energy savings increase the demand for such a product and a favorable impact on the environment. The marking instrument of energy saving level is marked by the letter A and the + sign. The more advantages - the better.

The best results were shown equipment of famous brands. Therefore it is better give up cheap Chinese instruments in favor of more fuel-efficient products from popular brands
The best results were shown equipment of famous brands. Therefore it is better give up cheap Chinese instruments in favor of more fuel-efficient products from popular brands

№8 advice: do not leave the idle mode technique

Even if you are not using your computer, but leave it enabled, it consumes electricity. This applies to all devices in the home. So it makes no sense to keep them continuously on the network. If you do not want every time to pull the plug from the sockets - Set the switches on them.

It is enough to press a button - and the extension cord or outlet is de-energized
It is enough to press a button - and the extension cord or outlet is de-energized

Council №9: where possible - replace the heating gas

If you are using electric heating - it is the most essential part of your utility costs. Warm floor and infrared battery - effective apparatus for maintaining a comfortable temperature, but their operation requires long-term costs.

Much cheaper than heating with gas network. And if there is such an opportunity - go at it
Much cheaper than heating with gas network. And if there is such an opportunity - go at it

Council №10: further warm the house or apartment

Very many use electric heaters as an additional source of heat in cold weather when central heating is not doing its job. But if you pay due attention wall insulation, ceiling and genderYou can cut down on extra costs heaters.

Use modern insulation materials
Use modern insulation materials

If you follow these simple tips and you will soon notice a positive effect, which is clearly reflected in electricity bills. Maybe you have your own recipes to reduce costs? Write about it in the comments!