If your apartment in the off-season cold, or you want to create a more comfortable environment in a country house, pay attention to electric warm floor. Such systems can have various design that has an influence on the order and place of the installation work. We offer to meet with them in more detail, so you can choose the best option for your home.
Warm electric floor - always comfortable.
Read article
1 Types of floor heating with electric heating
2 The principle of operation of electric cable floor
2.1 Overall performance
2.2 floor installation technology and the installation of temperature sensors
2.2.1 The use of solid wires
2.2.2 Using a two-wire cable
2.2.3 The use of heating mats and cables from the grid
3 The operating principle of infrared electric floor
3.1 Overall performance
3.2 floor installation technology and the installation of temperature sensors
3.2.1 Using a heating rod
3.2.2 The use of a foil heating
4 Leading manufacturers of electrical warm floors
5 Popular models of electric fields with different views of the action
5.1 With resistive effect
5.1.1 Devi 330 watts, 16.5 m
5.1.2 Teplolux Green Box GB 60,0 m / 850 W
5.1.3 Devimat DTIR-150, 450 W, 3 m2
5.2 With infrared action
5.2.1 Caleo Grid 220 W 3 m2
5.2.2 REXANT RXM 220-0,5-1 220W
6 Calculation capacity underfloor
7 How to choose an electric warm floor: the main criteria that deserve attention
7.1 As required capacity main or additional heating
7.2 According to the destination premises and material flooring
Types of floor heating with electric heating
Dividing electric underfloor heating on the types made by the form of the heating element. distinguished:
Origin can be in the form of conventional cable or consist of separate sections, in which the wire is fixed in a flexible grid. In the latter case, the conductor has a smaller diameter than the mountable alone. Floor heating is thus carried out using convection heat. The rod of film and electrical heating floors floor covering is performed by infrared radiation.
Attention! Each species has its own limitations on the possible use of the area.
underfloor heating design can vary.
The principle of operation of electric cable floor
The basis of the electric cable laid floors increased resistance. Passing through the heating conductor (resistive wire), electric current is converted into thermal energy. The resistive cables can be single- and two-core with different geometrical parameters. A particular case of a cable floor are heating mats in which the fiber glass mesh attached to the heating cable of smaller diameter.
Stacking scheme selected individually.
Overall performance
Characteristics of the electric floor heating are dependent on the type of cable used in its manufacture. generated power can vary within a wide range: 10 - 200 W / m2. This allows their use as a primary and auxiliary heat source.
Attention! The more wattage, the more expensive will cost the purchase of warm electric sex, and the more its thickness.
System performance depends on the cable used.
floor installation technology and the installation of temperature sensors
mounting scheme thermal sensor It depends on the type of cable used. We offer to get acquainted with work performance technology using one- and two-wire cable.
The system "warm floor" presupposes the existence of certain segments.
The use of solid wires
Installation is performed in the following sequence:
Description of the action
Grooves in a selected area to place the thermostat, as well as the groove for the ends of the heating section and temperature sensor. The site chosen on the wall in a convenient location at a distance of 30 cm from the floor, taking into account the placement of furniture. If the work is done in the bathroom or any other room with a high level humidity, The thermostat should be located outside the room. To place the thermostat setting power is supplied, taking into account current floor heating.
Preparing the ground. It removes dirt. Checks the integrity of the surface. If necessary, the base is leveled. a layer primer. After drying, the composition of the surface marking is performed for a selection. areas in which the construction works will not be executed. The walls should withdraw at least 5 cm.
produced styling insulation suitable thickness depending on the floor location. Fastening insulation can be performed using any adhesive composition which will not violate the integrity of the insulation.
Mounted assembly tape at an interval of 0.5 - 1 m, depending on the chosen steps cable laying. When attaching the tape to the base of unacceptable integrity violation waterproofing carpet.
Installation of the heating circuit begins with the end of the liner assembly to place the thermostat location. Coupling and the initial portion is attached with mounting tape. Performed layout in accordance with the selected scheme. The maximum allowable deviation from the chosen pitch - 10 mm.
Installed temperature sensor. Between him and the wall should be 50 - 60 cm. The system is connected to the thermostat. By connecting the power for about one minute, check the efficiency. poured on top strainer or stacked sheets, which will protect the circuit during subsequent operation.
Using a two-wire cable
Mounting system with a two-core cable runs in the same sequence. The main difference lies in the connection order of the temperature sensor. In this case, the thermostat is supplied only to one end of the heating circuit. This should be considered when starting to carry out installation work.
Wiring diagram of the thermostat to the contour of the two-wire cable.
More detailed floor mounting technology using a two-wire cable and connect the thermostat is shown in the following video:
The use of heating mats and cables from the grid
Installation work is performed in the following sequence:
Description of the action
Choosing a location for the thermostat at a height of more than 30 cm. Site Requirements accommodation similar to those for other similar systems. Stroebe groove in the wall and on the floor. The latter will be used to accommodate a temperature sensor, the first - for the sensor and all mats.
Cooking ground. Sweeping up debris. Gruntuem surface to improve adhesion properties. Perform base markup to indicate the place mats stacking. Held 5 cm from the walls and 10 cm from other heaters.
We decompose mats, guided by markings and adhering to the previously selected scheme. cut off unnecessary parts, if necessary. Overlay elements can not be tolerated. We check the performance of the stacked mats through resistance control.
We connect the system to the thermal sensor, guided instruction manual.
In more detail the procedure for the installation work can be seen in the following video:
The operating principle of infrared electric floor
The operating principle of infrared systems is based on the secondary convection. In this case, the surrounding objects are first heated and then only air. This system is available as a film and rods, interconnected webs. We offer to meet with such mounting systems features.
Infrared floor heating is effective for heating the floor covering.
Overall performance
Membrane systems have a small thickness, which makes their stacking in topical areas with low ceilings. Film thickness may be only 3 mm at a power output of 140 - 150 W / m2. Widely used as an additional source of heat.
Optimal variant for the laminate.
Rod floor is a source of infrared radiation. Depending on the model may have a capacity of 130 - 160 W / m2. In the process, these floors do not produce electromagnetic radiation. The system is capable of independently adjust the amount of heat generated, which eliminates overheating of the floor covering.
Rod-floor has advantages.
floor installation technology and the installation of temperature sensors
When installing rod systems prepared base and carried stacking mats. then fill strainerOr the adhesive composition is applied 3 cm thick. Top mounted decorative floor covering.
Should follow the installation instructions.
Using a heating rod
training grounds, first performed at the installation work for which first mounted heaterAnd then mats with rods. After pouring a thin screed flooring is laid.
Stacking layers is performed in a certain sequence.
Before starting work, should not only study the construction, but also ensure that you have everything you need for the job. The area of the mats should be equal to or exceed the calculated area.
supply kit should contain everything you need.
The procedure for the installation work is presented in the following video:
The use of a foil heating
Installation of membrane systems is performed once under the laminate. This greatly simplifies the work. If, however, to be laying carpet or linoleumIt requires the installation of a layer Particleboard.
Package Contents Film floor heating.
Before starting work, preparing the foundation on which the film is placed. The individual elements are interconnected in sequence and connected to a thermostat.
Wiring diagram of membrane heating.
Installation instructions contained in the following video:
Leading manufacturers of electrical warm floors
The quality of any product depends on the manufacturer. They are no exception and warm electric Flooring. To purchase high-quality and reliable system, pay attention to:
Devi, producer from Denmark. The company has long been manufactures heating cable, giving him a 20-year warranty. In the case of system failure, you can always seek help from a service center, which experts will be able to correct the problem free of charge;
Caleo. Made in South Korea. The manufacturer offers infrared film;
REXANT. Russian manufacturer occupies a leading position in the CIS. It offers warm electric field for different types of floor covering;
Teplolux. It is a local company offering cable termomaty and infrared film, intended for the device of warm electric sex. All products are high quality and exported abroad;
Ensto. Finnish products can be used for electric floor heating device in rooms with adverse operating conditions;
Unimat. Proposed Korean company infrared floor heating can be used for heating bath and saunas. carboxylic rods used for its production are not afraid of moisture, have a 20-year warranty period;
Rehau. The German manufacturer - one of the undoubted market leaders. It produces high quality durable products.
Devi - always excellent quality.
Popular models of electric fields with different views of the action
If you have not decided what to give preference to the manufacturer, it is worth paying attention to popular models. Such systems are able to gain popularity due to the high manufacturing quality and optimum performance. Perhaps among them you will find a suitable alternative.
With resistive effect
Quality models produced by many manufacturers. We offer to pay attention to some that are valued by consumers.
Devi 330 watts, 16.5 m
High-quality cable electric floor with a long service life. Ideal for an area of 2.6 square. Due to the flexible structure, it enables to form the required corners and rounding. It can be used to implement various packing schemes. Due to the high capacity it can be used as a main and an additional source of heat. Laid under the tile.
Feedback on warm field Devi:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_154332.html
Warm floors DEVI
Teplolux Green Box GB 60,0 m / 850 W
This electric floor heating can be used for heating of 7.7 m2. It can be installed under all types of flooring. Twisted pair. Power 850 W enables floor heating device as the main heat source. Allows laying in mortar and tile adhesive. It can be mounted at a temperature of -100 C.
Feedback on warm Teplolux field:
More on Irecommend: https://irecommend.ru/content/komfort-v-lyubuyu-stuzhu
Heated floor Teplolux Green Box GB 60,0 m / 850 W
Devimat DTIR-150, 450 W, 3 m2
Heating mats are ideal for electric devices warm the floor on the balcony. Easy to install. Complete with corrugated protection, coupling and wire connect to the network. Due to the thickness of 5 mm eliminates the need for a large number of mounting adhesive. Heating up to 900 C. Teflon internal insulation. Twisted pair.
Feedback on warm field Devimat DTIR-150:
More on Irecommend: https://irecommend.ru/content/pol-v-vannoi-vsegda-teplyi
Devimat DTIR-150, 450 W, 3 m2
With infrared action
If you plan on laying laminate flooring, you should pay attention to the infrared heated floor. There are many popular models that deserve your attention. We offer a look at some.
Caleo Grid 220 W 3 m2
It can be installed under various types of flooring, including under the tile. Allows cutting to size 25 mm. Heating of the area of 3 m2. Set of contact terminals, electrical wiring, bitumen coating, instruction. Quick installation. The bandwidth of 50 cm.
Review of Film warm infrared field Caleo Grid:
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_2423636.html
Caleo Grid 220 W 3 m2
REXANT RXM 220-0,5-1 220W
Infrared film size 2h0,5 m. Allows for stacking various kinds of floor covering. Installation without tie and glue.
Review of Film warm infrared field REXANT RXM 220-0,5-1 220 W:
More on YandeksMarket: https://market.yandex.ru/product—elektricheskii-teplyi-pol-rexant-rxm-220-0-5-1-220vt/1968559641/reviews
REXANT RXM 220-0,5-1 220W
Calculation capacity underfloor
When performing calculations, be sure to consider the appointment of an electric floor heating. If he will be the main source of heating, it is necessary to address to experts. They will be able to perform detailed calculations, taking into account a number of factors:
area of the house;
wall material used in its construction;
size and number window and doors;
other heat loss (P).
To perform calculations on their own, you should use a lookup table. The value found is multiplied by the correction factor. After this will only find the power density of the heating circuit taking into account the particular features of its installation.
To calculate the required stacking scheme.
How to choose an electric warm floor: the main criteria that deserve attention
To mount the electric floor heating to effectively cope with its task, it is necessary to make the right choice. Attention deserves purpose room, its size, and a number of other factors. To discover the main criteria, can dramatically change your choice.
Sex selection depends on the desired result.
As required capacity main or additional heating
The power of the heating circuit is an important indicator. For its calculation is necessary to know the amount of heat loss. Independently only enlarged calculation can be performed, which is unacceptable when installing electric floor heating as the main heat source. Exact calculations can perform only a specialist.
To find the specific capacity of the stacking loop Rood necessary total heat loss Pn divided into Sot heated area, and the value found is multiplied by the correction coefficient:
Rud = (Pn / Sot.) (1.3... 1.4)
Calculation of the electric floor heating as an additional heat source can be performed independently. To do this, you must know the type of flooring and the floor, the heating area, the power of the heating circuit. To find the optimal parameters of the circuit to be laid, you can use a lookup table.
Appointment of electric underfloor heating - one of the selection criteria.
According to the destination premises and material flooring
Depending on the destination premises, there are certain guidelines for power consumption. To make the right choice, you should use a lookup table. They indicate how much power is to produce one square of the system "warm floor". selected value necessary for the calculation of the specific power divided by the length of the contour, located in 1 m2.
When choosing, be sure to consider the type of flooring, which is expected to put in a particular area. If you have to tiling, the choice should be made in favor of termomatov or heating cable. Such electric warm floor is not afraid of moisture, and therefore, be able to effectively cope with the task.
When choosing laminate or floorboardWorth prefer an infrared floor. Heating cable in this case is not the best one due to the poor thermal conductivity of the fabric. A similar choice is to do and when laying linoleum.
Share in the comments, what system do you prefer, and consults whether mounted electric warm floor with the task.