Came the cold, included heatingAnd the house is still cold? Familiar to many situations. The first thing that comes to mind - how to make it work the battery at 100%? In today's review we decided to find out which of the ways that you can find on the net, really contribute to the heat radiator, and which are fiction from the scientific and practical point of view. And help us in this specially invited experts.

Read article
- 1 To reduce heat loss
- 2 Using screen-reflectors for the radiator
- 2.1 Shift dewpoint
- 2.2 Cooling wall behind the radiator
- 3 Improved air circulation
- 4 Radiator painted in a dark color
- 5 Changing the way the radiator connection
- 6 Finally
To reduce heat loss
Note! Outset that this item refers to the problem as a whole and not specifically to the radiators.
We begin our analysis with a banal things - reducing heat loss. For most it is no secret that various types of fencing up to 60% of heat loss. Look at the calculator below.
Let's leave the default settings, but we will try to "play" with the characteristics of the walls, floor, ceiling and openings. Let us compare the ideal case, when the exterior walls are insulated, The top and bottom is a heated room, there is one window with double glazing. In this case you will need only 1.2 kW of heating of the premises. And now look at the case when the walls are not insulated, Above and below unheated spaces, and a normal window wood. In this case, you will need as much as 4.69 kW! A significant difference, is not it?

That is why the first and foremost necessary to provide a reduction of heat loss by all available means and then proceed directly to the radiators.

Sergei Kharitonov
Lead engineer for heating, ventilation and air conditioning "GK" Spetsstroy "
"Ideally, these things are provided at the stage of building a house or apartment repairs. Compulsory Thermal calculation of all facilities and to choose the optimal equipment must be carried out. In other cases it is recommended to replace windows with modern double-glazed windows and perform a quality insulation of the room. "
Output: effectively 100%.
Using screen-reflectors for the radiator
Perhaps the most frequently discussed and controversial method. Of the arguments against the most often cited:
- shift or dew point isotherm of the inside space;
- cooling wall behind radiator and as a result, decrease the temperature in the room;
Let's try to understand.

Shift dewpoint
Here it is necessary to understand that the area behind the radiator screen significantly lower wall area. That is why even though many have still a strong influence on the displacement of the dew point of the screen are simply unable to. On it affect too many parameters. This ratio thermal conductivity enclosing structure (in plain language - wall material), and type heaterAnd the method of its installation, and humidity outside / inside etc.

Cooling wall behind the radiator
Very dubious argument follows directly from above. Section of the wall for radiator too small to its heating / cooling exerted a strong influence on the overall temperature in the room.
So what then? Is the screen behind the battery efficient? In most cases, it only prevents the heat consumption for heating the walls of the appliance. This heat can be used more efficiently, but also there is a problem - how to distribute it? If radiator installed in a niche, but still hung with curtains, the use of the screen there will be no.

Sergei Kharitonov
Lead engineer for heating, ventilation and air conditioning "GK" Spetsstroy "
"The main effect of such a screen - is the preservation of the maximum possible amount of heat in the room. And here is how you distribute is a saved heat is - is another challenge. "
Output: effective, but require perfect conditions of use.
Improved air circulation
As many know, in the work-based radiator laid processes convection and radiation. Convection is based on a simple law of physics: warm air has a lower density and rises. Radiation heat transfer is carried out by means of electromagnetic waves in the infrared range. The ratio of these two kinds of heat exchange will greatly depend on the type of heat source. But for simplicity of explanation, let us say that in a conventional radiator convection prevails.

That is, theoretically, setting behind the radiator means of forced circulation, it is possible to achieve a better mixing convective currents in the room, thereby offering a battery generated heat more effectively. In conjunction with the preceding paragraph (screen-reflector), the radiator will be more "quality".

Sergei Kharitonov
Lead engineer for heating, ventilation and air conditioning "GK" Spetsstroy "
"This action is still at least as significant effect on so many conditions. home heating system must work properly, the coolant temperature should be close to the design parameters, radiators do not need to be made to furniture, appliances and curtains, etc. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that coolers can emit considerable noise, and look like homemade too aesthetically pleasing. "
Output: effective, but require perfect conditions of use.
Radiator painted in a dark color
Another opinion, which wanders on the Internet that painting batteries in black or brown color increases heat transfer by radiation. In most cases, these statements are based on the physical concept of "blackbody" is most strongly absorbs and emits. All this applies to radiator. Painted bright paint emit less than dark colored. Let's estimate how.
A bit of physics. By law, the Stefan-Boltzmann radiation blackbody is proportional to the absolute temperature of the 4th degree.
R (T) = σ × T4where
σ = 5,67·10-8 W / (m2TO4) - Stefan-Boltzmann constant.
Real bodies are "gray". For real "gray" must take into account its emissivity ε. The battery itself absorbs IR-radiation of the room, and in textbooks provides the corresponding formula, which includes temperature as a battery, and the room (in Kelvin in the 4th degree). It is easy to show that if the heat pack from 20 ° C to 40 degrees, its radiation will increase 81 times. Calculation (approximate, of course) shows the following. Let the battery area of ​​1 sq. m brown colored oil paint (for her ε ≈ 0,8). The water temperature therein shall be 70 ° C and room - 20 ° C. Then the power of the infrared radiation of such a battery is 300 watts. Not so little! Even more will warm the battery, painted black matte (non-glossy!) Paint. And if the paint is white, the radiation power will be lower. But aesthetic considerations usually take precedence, and the battery (open) is usually painted bright colors.

Sergei Kharitonov
Lead engineer for heating, ventilation and air conditioning "GK" Spetsstroy "
"Physics directly proves the effectiveness of the radiator painting in dark colors, but it all belongs to the ideal operating conditions. Let me remind you that in no way affects the convective heat transfer, and it is dominated by the color of water in conventional batteries. In addition, you need to be sure of the quality of the entire heating system. If you come into the radiator 30 ° C, kras kras not, nothing will. And do not forget the aesthetic component. Are you ready every day to contemplate the black "coffin" for the sake of a few tens of watts of excess? "
Output: effective, but require perfect conditions of use.
Changing the way the radiator connection
Are you familiar with the situation when the battery half has a high temperature, and half cold? Most often, in this case the blame how to connect. Take a look at how the device works with one-sided connection of the radiator with coolant feed from the top.

Now take a look at the wiring diagram of a unilateral feed from below the coolant.

But the two-way connection with the supply of the top and bottom.

If you find yourself in one of the schemes above, then you're out of luck. The most rational from the point of view of the efficiency of a diagonal connection with feeding from the top.

And what about in the case where the wiring pipe You do not want me or impossible? In this case, we can advise to buy radiators, having in their structure some trick. This special partition between the first and second section, which changes the direction of motion coolant.

In the case of one-way connection shown to be effective special stream extensions.

There are devices for optimization of unilateral lower connection, but you think the general principle has now become clear.

Sergei Kharitonov
Lead engineer for heating, ventilation and air conditioning "GK" Spetsstroy "
"Connection is one of the most effective ways to increase the battery heat, or to be more precise to speak, to make the radiator work as it should. For obvious reasons, these things are best to provide the design phase of the heating system, so as not to break the head later. Indeed, any alteration will require disconnection of the riser, locksmith skills or monetary costs, and in some cases, and coordination with ZhEKom. "
Output: effectively 100%.
As we have already managed to make almost all the ways to some extent help improve temperature control. Some are mandatory for implementation, some give very little effect. But the sea is made of drops :) If you know of more ways to improve the efficiency of the batteries, then you are welcome in the comments.