Power surges can cause the failure of any technology. To protect the heating system from possible problems, it is necessary to install a gas boiler for bespereboynik. Due to the design features of such equipment makes it possible to stabilize the power network parameters and provide load operation for some time. Offer to meet with existing types, and the order of their choice.
Bespereboynik - a stable operation of the heating system
Read article
1 Appointment of a uninterrupted power for gas boiler unit
2 How the uninterruptible power supply for the gas-fired boiler: the basic units
2.1 The inverter and the voltage regulator for the gas boiler
2.2 Rechargeable batteries
3 Bespereboynik for a gas boiler: the main types of
3.1 Reserve (Offline) and line-interactive (Line-interactive) UPS
3.2 Double conversion UPS (online)
4 Main technical characteristics of the UPS (UPS) for a gas boiler
5 Determination of an uninterruptible power supply for the heating boiler parameters
5.1 How to determine bespereboynik power boiler heating and battery life: the procedure of calculation
5.2 How to determine the battery capacity for a heating boiler: Basic formula
6 Popular UPS model for gas heating boilers
6.1 INELT Monolith K 1000 LT
6.2 Helior Sigma 1 KSL-36V
6.3 Bastion SKAT-UPS 1000 - T
7 How to choose a UPS for a gas boiler - recommendations HouseChief.ru edition
8 How much is bespereboynik for gas boiler with accumulator - overview of the prices
Appointment of a uninterrupted power for gas boiler unit
With their help it is possible to stabilize the operation of the various heating equipment. Uninterruptible Power Supply for a gas boiler allows to maintain performance for some time after heating power outage. In addition, it supports the load supplied to the input voltage in the allowed range. Allows connection to the power generators of various types.
Output parameters stabilized
How the uninterruptible power supply for the gas-fired boiler: the basic units
Design uninterruptible power supply Gas boiler may vary. The main elements determining the order of device operation are current and AKB regulator. Manufacturers offer models with built-in batteries, and allow the connection of external devices. Consider the basic modules in more detail.
Bespereboynik includes a number of basic elements
The inverter and the voltage regulator for the gas boiler
The inverter device is part of the double conversion. With the help of the incoming alternating current is converted to DC and then back to AC, but with stable characteristics. Inverter power sources provide continuous heating equipment at switching-off of power supply system. Its capacity has to be more than 50% of the desired value. On this basis, the majority opts for devices with power greater than 0.3 kW.
The inverter provides double conversion
stabilizer gas-fired boiler It works differently. He "smooths out" the input parameters. For the consumer is important the speed of response to changes in input parameters. Preferred rate of 0.01-0.05 seconds.
Wiring stabilizer
Rechargeable batteries
Choosing a gas boiler for UPS with an external battery, you should prefer a sealed battery. Such devices do not emit toxins during operation. battery capacity depends on the characteristics of the equipment being connected. Most often the product is selected with average (60-70 Ah) or high (10 Ah) indicators. Bespereboynik high capacity can support the heating system operation for at least 7-8 hours.
Attention! Usually, the battery is recharged during operation.
The battery should have sufficient capacity
Bespereboynik for a gas boiler: the main types of
Manufacturers offer a variety of modifications bespereboynik with various design. We offer to get acquainted with the main types and features to make it easier to choose an appropriate model.
The devices are of different type
Reserve (Offline) and line-interactive (Line-interactive) UPS
Offline UPS Heating boiler ensure the stability of the load. In the event of a freelance operation starts self-powered. To switch requires 4-12 ms. The time depends on the modification. Such UPS usually begin to work on the internal battery.
Scheme of AKB
Working from the network, they stabilize the voltage settings. A quantity of consumed energy is directed to charge the battery. The moment of transition to the autonomous operation and its duration depends on the characteristics of the particular device. Upon discharge, the UPS switches off the consumer and the supply recovery mode the battery starts charging.
Line-interactive models are equipped with stabilizers to operate continuously. Battery connected is rare. The connected equipment is protected against voltage surges. When changing the network parameters is switched tap autotransformer for adjusting the voltage value. At impossibility of adjustment connected backup power for the gas boiler. The order of switching depends on the design features of a particular model.
Line-interactive equipped with stabilizer
Double conversion UPS (online)
The devices operate as follows: voltage rectification occurs with transformation into stable AC, which is then supplied to the load. The use of more powerful rectifier provides battery charging, and also stabilizes the voltage. If the dual conversion output parameter is not fully stabilized, the device takes an additional charge of the battery.
Attention! Bespereboynik use this type in a private home is inappropriate. Such equipment is important for public buildings.
Double conversion provides a high quality output signal
Main technical characteristics of the UPS (UPS) for a gas boiler
Bespereboynik opportunities largely depend on their technical characteristics, which include:
power. An important parameter that indicates what kind of equipment can be connected to a specific device. Choosing a UPS for a gas boiler, there should be some headroom to avoid any problems during operation. Denoted by VA or Watts. To convert the values ​​of VA (VA) in W These values ​​multiplied by 0.6;
UPS type. When obvious advantages of the double conversion devices for domestic use expedient acquire line-interactive or offline sources;
switching time;
operation, the duration from the battery. Typically, up to 2 days;
connectors to connect the load.
Power - the most important parameter
Determination of an uninterruptible power supply for the heating boiler parameters
To prevent depressurization of the heating system during the cold season, you need to select an uninterruptible power supply for the boiler heating with the appropriate parameters. To do this, you must first calculate their power and longer battery life.
Installed equipment must be suitable parameters
How to determine bespereboynik power boiler heating and battery life: the procedure of calculation
To bespereboynik heating boiler was able to cope with the function conferred on it, to determine the required power, add up the values ​​of all the connected devices. In addition to the boiler, it may be a circulating pump and other equipment, a part of the heating system. The resulting value is multiplied by three because of the large quantities of inrush currents. In addition, we must add another 30%, so that the system was stable.
The autonomy of producers tend to point directly to the packaging of the sold equipment. This option depends entirely on the location of the particular home. When you select should remember how long there may be no electricity in your area.
Power can be calculated
How to determine the battery capacity for a heating boiler: Basic formula
To ensure that the characteristics of the particular bespereboynik satisfy the requirements of the requirements, you can use the formula that calculates the minimum battery capacity for heating boiler:
C = (R × T) / (8,65 × N)where
T - the required runtime (h). Sets the user;
R - total capacity of the equipment to be connected to the network (W);
N - the number of batteries that can be connected to this model;
8,65 - a constant factor.
battery capacity depends on the operating time
Popular UPS model for gas heating boilers
Manufacturers offer a wide range of modern UPS for gas heating boilers. We offer to meet with the most popular models that are in high demand among consumers.
Execution bespereboynik may differ
INELT Monolith K 1000 LT
double conversion apparatus. It can be used as a UPS for the boiler. It enables the boiler efficiency for 15 hours. It comes without built-in batteries. Capacity of batteries connected to bespereboynik may reach 150 Ah.
INELT Monolith K 1000 LT
Helior Sigma 1 KSL-36V
The qualitative model allowing to stabilize the input voltage, fluctuating between 138-300 V. The output value is chosen by the user and may be 220, 230 or 240 V. Device error does not exceed 1%. It can operate in a bypass mode. It has a capacity of 0.6 kW. Provides self-diagnostic function. It can be connected to the generator.
Helior Sigma 1 KSL-36V
Bastion SKAT-UPS 1000 - T
The best option for a private home. It can be connected to various equipment. Ensure stable operation of the boiler in stand-alone mode for at least 9 hours. It needs to be connected the three batteries of 200 Ah.
Bastion SKAT-UPS 1000 App. T
How to choose a UPS for a gas boiler - recommendations HouseChief.ru edition
System to work stably, it is necessary to know exactly how to choose the UPS to a gas boiler so that it was consistent with the characteristics of the installed equipment. Desirably, the selected device provides proper feeding of the voltage with a timing sine wave in phase, so the installation of equipments for computers, not immediately refuse. The main selection criteria bespereboynik should include:
bespereboynik type;
battery capacity;
the ability to connect external batteries. The selected equipment must have special connectors. If you buy a UPS for a gas boiler with additional connectors in the future, you can connect additional equipment to the heating circuit.
Andrey Vinokurov
Electrician of 5 category LLC "Petroc"
Ask a Question
"When deciding which to choose bespereboynik boiler, pay attention to the way of setting the specific model and the available space in the room."
Fitting Position - one of the criteria when choosing
How much is bespereboynik for gas boiler with accumulator - overview of the prices
Before you buy bespereboynik for a gas boiler, it is necessary to familiarize with the average cost of a particular type of equipment. It depends on the manufacturer's specifications. The table below shows the average price of bespereboynik for a gas boiler with a rechargeable battery.
The average price (as of June 2018), rub.
Spare. Power - 270 Watts. One output connector.
8 500
Stark Country 1000 online
With the double conversion. 800 watts. Two output connectors.
16 900
Offline. Power - 300 Watts.
11 000
INELT Intelligent 500LT2
Power - 300 Watts. Two output connectors.
10 000
Ecovolt Solo 312
Power - 300 VA. Two output connectors.
7 500
In order not to doubt my choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the reviews on bespereboynik.
Review model Inelt Monolith K 1000 LT
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_2522461.html
Review model BP Teplocom-600 Bastion
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_3526601.html
If you also use bespereboynik for gas boiler with an external battery, share in the comments, what model was preferred and why.