A wise proverb says: a truly rich only those who know how to save. In fact, even in a difficult financial situation, you can find opportunities to gain profit, the main thing to know where to turn. It is no secret that for many years in Russia are paid a subsidy for housing and communal services payments. Previously, they could get either in kind - with some benefits and discounts, recently more and more popular acquires a second type of payment - return of funds already spent. However, not all of our fellow citizens know how to arrange subsidies for housing and communal services, considering that they certainly did not put it. Today Editorial HouseChief.ru tell the simple way how to draw up the documents and receive payments.

Read article
- 1 Who has the legal right to subsidies for housing and who can deny
- 2 As the subsidy is calculated on the payment of housing and communal services in Moscow and the regions
- 3 What documents you need to prepare for the state support
- 4 Where to apply for compensation for housing and communal services
- 5 Calculation Housing subsidies: the basics
- 5.1 A common formula for calculating
- 5.2 How to calculate the subsidy for housing and communal services: online calculator
- 6 Question: What is the term assigned to the subsidy
- 7 What list of subsidies for housing and communal services and what to do if the money did not come
- 8 The size and features of subsidies for housing and communal services for different categories of citizens
- 8.1 As provided subsidies to low-income families in 2018
- 8.2 Subsidies for housing and communal services for labor veterans and pensioners
- 8.3 Grants for payment of utility services for the disabled
- 8.4 Subsidies for utility services to servicemen
Who has the legal right to subsidies for housing and who can deny
Housing Code clearly defines the circle of persons who are eligible for benefits. These are the most unprotected sectors of the population: pensioners, single mothers, the disabled and parents with many children. And people who were forced out of work.
Important! Know your status, you can call the hotline, which operates in each municipality. Such information can provide social protection experts. If a person is lonely, then this information is mandatory nurse can tell from sotssluzhby.
To clarify the right to benefit can be independently studied the document, namely Article 159 of the Housing Code. Remember that in every region of the right to benefit is calculated based on total family income, depending on the subsistence level. To get the benefits you need to apply to the single multi-functional center and collect documents. Subsidies are put only if the cost of utilities take up more than 22% of the family budget, taking into account the current cost of living. This is usually stated in the decision of the Government on 29 August 2005.
Note! At the regional level, this percentage may vary. For example, in 2018, in Moscow - this is 10%, in St. Petersburg - 14%. And in some regions, their percentage rule set for certain categories of citizens, such as pensioners, he is usually higher.
The exemption is not available in the case, if you have signed a contract of life annuity or live in a room on the right of gratuitous use. Also do not have the right to receive benefits, foreign nationals, even if they live a long time on the territory of the Russian Federation.

One of the main conditions for obtaining benefits - is a complete absence of debt for utility services, as well as the registration of residence. And it does not matter, you are the owner of property or use on the basis of square meters sotsnayma contract.
As the subsidy is calculated on the payment of housing and communal services in Moscow and the regions
In Moscow and the Moscow region for this work meet the special centers of housing subsidies, branches are located in all districts. For Moscow and Moscow region limit threshold utility costs of the total budget for the benefits should not be lower than 10%. And the amount of subsidy is one-half of the total amount of costs for housing services.

Other Russian regions set their own rules. However, in any case, the calculation of subsidies for housing and communal services will affect all sources of income, including unemployment benefits, pensions and scholarships, number of family members and the size of living space.
What documents you need to prepare for the state support
The main task - to calculate whether or not you benefit laid, and only then begin to collect papers. It is better to seek advice in the local MFC that there was no ambiguity.

Tip! Make sure in advance the presence of copies of documents. This will save you time and nerves.
If in your area there is no specialized center housing subsidies, all the documents will need to bring in a local multi-purpose center. The list of documents required to obtain subsidies:
- Passport and a copy of all its pages. As it should be the mark of a residence permit to the address to which payment of benefits you expect to receive.
- Documents allowing for the identification and relationship to other residents in the area.
- Contract social rent, another extract from the Unified State Register, or a certificate of ownership, confirming the right to use this dwelling.
- Information and documents confirming the status of the addressed (certificate from the registry office - for single mothers, pensioners - pension certificate).
- Information on the income of all family members living at the address.
- Information about the composition of the family, according to the form 9.
- As well as documents or checks, confirming the absence of debt on utility bills.
- Bank details for the transfer of subsidies in the case of its approval.
Where to apply for compensation for housing and communal services
All documents and copies are sent to the social security department of the place of residence, or the IFC Center in housing subsidies.

Your appeal will be reviewed within 10 days, you will be notified about the results of any SMS message, or mail. This time is necessary to validate the information provided in the documents.
Modern technology simplifies documentation procedures, so most of the applications specialists register via the portal "Public services".

How to make a grant through the portal "Public services" - in a detailed video instructions.
The package of documents for obtaining subsidies for housing and communal services payment with the application can be sent by mail, but, as we have It said such correspondence appeal does not exempt you from the need to provide the original documents for certified copies.
Calculation Housing subsidies: the basics
We have already mentioned that each region sets its own standards for the calculation of compensation. In particular, the following parameters may vary in each region:
- The size of tariffs for communal services;
- The coefficients in the calculation of privileges;
- Norms for housing services consumption per family member;
- The order of facilities improvement;
- Limits on spending on housing.
Every year local authorities claim benefits calculation formula of special resolution.
A common formula for calculating
Responsible for the appointment of state aid authorities apply the following formula for calculation: the amount of subsidy = Limits for housing in the region - the average monthly family income × 0,22 (fixed amount of expenditure region).

The correction factor is taken into account in the event that the family income per month less than the specified region in the cost of living.

How to calculate the subsidy for housing and communal services: online calculator
Each region has its own share of the maximum allowable expenses for utility services. From this value depends on the size of benefits. For the convenience of calculations we offer the online calculator https://www.calc.ru/kalkulyator-subsidii.html
Question: What is the term assigned to the subsidy
Subsidies under the rent paid monthly, and are appointed for six months. After this period, the documents will have to collect and re-affirm the right to benefit.

What list of subsidies for housing and communal services and what to do if the money did not come
Usually the whole procedure verification of documents takes no longer than 10 days. However, in order to get the payment will have to wait another month. Time necessary to get there in a single day of payment, which in each locality own. payments are usually not detained, but if this happens, it is best to consult with the local Social Security office.

Sometimes the cause of delays in the transfers could be an error in the account number for transfers. Then means "freeze" on account of social protection, as long as you do not contact the bank with a question. That's why we recommend to design a package of documents ready to take statement from the bank, and not to fill the data manually, so as not to make a mistake.
The size and features of subsidies for housing and communal services for different categories of citizens
Some regions independently set minimum thresholds for share communal costs for each category of citizens. War veterans, military personnel and retirees, as well as people with disabilities receive greater preferences than other categories of citizens.
As provided subsidies to low-income families in 2018
If your household income allows you to ask for the accrual of benefits, but you do not take any of the privileged categories, the principle of payment of utility charges for grants to you, as a low-income family would be that first you are paying the full bill for the services, and then put the percentage of benefits in terms of money is returned to you score.

Subsidies for housing and communal services for labor veterans and pensioners
Subsidies for housing and communal services payments for pensioners are provided on a common basis. The procedure for applying for the same privilege as that of low-income families. If a pensioner for some reason does not want to or can not receive payments to a bank account, he can receive it in the mail.
Grants for payment of utility services for the disabled
People with disabilities are entitled to a 50% discount or compensation for utility costs. If a disabled person living in a house that is heated with coal or wood, he also has the right to state aid in the acquisition of such fuel. To receive compensation, you must apply to the same organs of social protection, and to provide, in addition to the main documents, certificate of disability.
Grants for payment of utility provided disabled 1, 2 or 3 groups, wherein if the invalid himself can not apply in person at the Social Security authorities, the documents may issue a close relative or other person of power of attorney.

Subsidies for utility services to servicemen
Subsidy servicemen with military rank, given in view of the length of service. To do this, you must apply to the military unit and receive payments in local accounts. To calculate the correction factor is applied if the period of service up to 16 years - 1.85 20 - 2.25, and so on. Each time a year, since 21 years, the ratio increases to 0.075. Maximum - 2.75.

In Russia the right to receive benefits is declarative in nature. Without your personal commitment to provide the service, no one will. It is important to keep track of new developments in the law and follow the information that comes out in the media. Then you will not only pay off the debt, but also to get some preferences.
And how often do you use the benefits from the state? Do you think it is necessary for you? Share your opinion in the comments below.