Housing prices from July 1, 2018: in figures and percentages

Payment for utilities for many it is a powerful part of the family budget. We offer to find out which will operate utility tariffs from July 1, 2018, to make it easier to plan their costs and to protect interests in case of incorrectly executed calculations.

By billed worth mentally prepare
By billed worth mentally prepare

Read article

  • 1 Causes rise in price of housing services from July 1, 2018
  • 2 Increasing utility tariffs from 1 July 2018 by region and category
    • 2.1 As far as utilities increased electricity prices: an average of 4.18%
    • 2.2 How much more expensive than steel cold water and sanitation: varies by region
    • 2.3 How much more expensive heating and hot water: everywhere in different ways
    • 2.4 How increased gas tariffs: figures differ
    • 2.5 for housing prices from July 1, 2018 in the comparative analysis
  • 3 How does the Russian regions are counting the cost of the services provided: important points
  • 4 What is the order of the government legalized the introduction of new tariffs: consumer information
  • 5 Where can I find the new utility tariffs from 1 July 2018: there are options

Causes rise in price of housing services from July 1, 2018

According to analysts, due to the economic crisis in which the country finds itself, rise in prices of housing and communal services from July 1, 2018 became inevitable. Cost of services is closely related to the cost of fuel. Their size is regulated by the state medium enterprises plan indexation.

The increase in cost is inevitable
The increase in cost is inevitable

A plan in which will do some investment in Gazprom for several years. This will prevent an increase in the cost of natural gas. Also, oil and gas companies receive government will have to invest their own money in the company's development.

A negative impact on growth rates have sanctions against Russia. Because of them, many foreign investors were forced to withdraw from the Russian market, giving an equity investment in the economy.

To improve the situation and curb prices, the government plans to:

  • Tougher to work with debtors;
  • To introduce a new payment system of calculation;
  • Suppress an increase in prices for the population.
Over the same scope of services will have to pay more
Over the same scope of services will have to pay more

Increasing utility tariffs from 1 July 2018 by region and category

The size of the invoice issued will increase in all regions without exception. However, the increase in utility tariffs from July 1, 2018, each region will feel differently. We offer learn it at an example of each type of services provided to the various cities of Russia.

Each region has its own tariffs
Each region has its own tariffs

As far as utilities increased electricity prices: an average of 4.18%

In Moscow, the electricity now instead of 4.3 rubles. / kWh will have to pay 5.38. When the day of differentiated payment price of 6.19 compared to 4.95 rubles / kWh and night, respectively, 1.92 and 1.35. In St. Petersburg, in houses with gas cooker will have to pay 4.53 rubles per kilowatt. (Previously 4.32), with electric 3.4 (previously 3.24). Yekaterinburg Ruble 3.89 instead of 3.71, Rostov-on-Don, 5.34 (formerly 3.83). In Krasnodar rates increase by 17 cop., 20 Ryazan cop. In Tyumen tariff increase electricity reaches 3.7%.

We start to save electricity
We start to save electricity

How much more expensive than steel cold water and sanitation: varies by region

In Moscow, the cube cold water will have to pay 38.06 rubles. instead of 35.4 for sanitation 27.01 instead of 25.12. In Samara, for cold water and drainage will have to pay 27.74 instead of 14.74 rubles.

Sanitation - very big item of expenditure
Sanitation - very big item of expenditure

Ryazan growth rates of 3% and for water drainage of cold 2% water, 4.2% Krasnodar. In Rostov-on-Don similar services will rise in price by 61 kopecks.

Cold water is too expensive
Cold water is too expensive

How much more expensive heating and hot water: everywhere in different ways

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the rate increase by 3.67%. Gcal in Ryazan will have to pay more than 2.9%. In Rostov-on-Don on prices heating will not change, and the decline in Kamchatka.

Batteries should be warm
Batteries should be warm

How increased gas tariffs: figures differ

Increased cost of gas is caused not only indexing rates, but an increase of 6% of the market value of natural gas, as well as its transportation to 3.4%. The smallest increase is characteristic Ossetia and Novosibirsk region (3%). Most natural gas will rise in price in the Crimea, St. Petersburg and Yakutia (6%).

The gas will be more expensive
The gas will be more expensive

for housing prices from July 1, 2018 in the comparative analysis

If we make a comparative analysis of prices for housing and communal services from July 1, 2018, the less likely they will experience growth in North Ossetia, Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, where an increase of 3%. The hardest have the Muscovites. Here, the increase reaches seven percent.

In Moscow the most expensive housing services
In Moscow the most expensive housing services

In Sverdlovsk, Irkutsk regions prices will rise by 5%, in St. Petersburg, Bashkiria, Yakutia will reach 6.9 - 7%

Prepare to pay for communal More
Prepare to pay for communal More

Related article:

How and how much we will pay the bills, new utility tariffs from July 1, 2018Subsidies for housing costs. Who has the legal right to subsidies for housing and communal services, and who may be denied, as a subsidy for housing and communal payment is charged in Moscow and the regions, which Documents you need to prepare for the state support, the size and characteristics of subsidies for housing and communal services payment for various categories of citizens - read publication.

How does the Russian regions are counting the cost of the services provided: important points

Indexing utility tariffs in the Russian Federation is carried out once a year on July 1. The exception is the Crimea, the territory of which increase the cost can be three times a year. This approach facilitates inflation.

How and how much we will pay the bills, new utility tariffs from July 1, 2018
Growth rates are trying to hold back

Attention! According to the forecasts of the Ministry of Economic Development expects average increase in tariffs for housing services by an average of 4% over the next three years.

Ministry officials said that it is planned to gradually introduce a new methodology for the calculation of operating costs, which will be used resursosnabzhayuschie company. Its implementation will allow to keep the increase in tariffs for water supply and sanitation within the projected rate of inflation.

Water supply and sanitation will be considered in a new way
Water supply and sanitation will be considered in a new way

What is the order of the government legalized the introduction of new tariffs: consumer information

New utility tariffs from July 1, 2018 will come into force due to the order of the RF Government dated 26/10/2017 number 2353-r "On Approval indices introduced by citizens resizing utility fees by an average of subjects of the Russian Federation for 2018 ". This regulatory document sets out the index increase, which should take into account the organizations providing public services.

Where can I find the new utility tariffs from 1 July 2018: there are options

Learn how to pay more, and how to grow from 1 July housing prices can be directly in the organizations that provide these services, visit the online resource FAS. Last will let you know what is necessary to make payments to people living at a particular address. With the help of online calculator can perform the necessary calculations.

How and how much we will pay the bills, new utility tariffs from July 1, 2018
Billed should recheck

Share in the comments, how much impact on your family budget increase utility tariffs from July 1, 2018, and if you make timely payments for services rendered.