Modern life is difficult to imagine without the Internet: reading news, communication networks, corporate networks, instant messengers, watching videos - all this has long been a commonplace thing. We are dependent on the network and are not ready to sacrifice habits, even far away from civilization. In this case, sharply raises the question - how to navigate the Internet so the cottage, to be always "online"? You are very lucky if your cottage is located in the city, and if not - will have to look for an alternative. This review will examine possible options for connecting to the World Wide Web (which has long been caught in our network, or say), we consider mobile and wired connections advantages and disadvantages, including the option to connect through satellite.

Read article
- 1 What the Internet is better to connect to a private house
- 2 Wired Internet in a country house - is it always the best solution
- 3 Local network based on Wi-Fi wireless Internet in the cottage
- 4 Wireless WiMAX with antenna installation for the Internet in the country
- 5 Satellite Internet in a cottage outside the city and charging access
- 5.1 Single-sided and double-sided version of the satellite Internet to give
- 5.2 Features connection to the Internet with the use of the cottage Tricolor TV
- 6 How to connect the mobile Internet without wires in a private house
- 6.1 How to increase internet signal 3G and 4G Internet for distribution in the country
What the Internet is better to connect to a private house
First of all, talk to the neighbors in the area, is there in your chosen area stable signal from one of the mobile operators, ask the service rates.

It is clear that the connection speed here will be limited because of the heavy load, but to check the mail, to sit in social networks and see a couple of series favorite series would be enough. Decide for yourself what kind of goals you are pursuing, planning to spend the Internet, namely:
- Internet you need to constantly work or enough mobile hotspot and short-term "dives" into the network.
- to what extent safely in your village to leave the appliance, or it will have to be dismantled every time you get home.
- What is the volume of the traffic. For example, to display video on the network as a normal connection speed is 3-4 Mbit / sec. Typically, operators expect that the minimum amount of data transmitted on a monthly basis will be 30-40 GB. If you plan to additionally download the video, and this amount will increase.
- And the last, but important point - how much you are willing to give for the traffic. In this case, immediately calculate the cost of the equipment. Possible subscription fee and electricity consumption.
Tip! The easiest and cheapest option - wired internet. It does not depend on the weather, the load on the distribution point, always be yourself. However, this ideal is not possible in every case.
If your site is located far from the fiber-optic lines have to look for alternatives:
- Mobile Internet 3G and 4G.
- Collective Wi-Fi access point.
- Satellite.
Which of the above options is the best, hard to say. In this article we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of the connection types.
Wired Internet in a country house - is it always the best solution
There are several variations of this method:
- A fiber optic system;
- network cable (twisted pair);
- television (coaxial) method;
- access through a telephone line.

Woven from tens of thin fiber optic strands, such a compound provides the highest possible data rate - 1000 Mbit / s. This technology eliminates the attenuation or fading signal.
Interesting fact! In the world there is an Atlantic data channel over fiber optic networks. It began operation in 2012. Cable 6 thousand kilometers long transmits data at a speed of 100 Gbit / s, which is much higher rate satellite communication.
The only problem may be the high cost of installation of such networks, in particular, this is due to the complexity of the connection of small fibers. Them welded dot.

Twisted pair is independent of the telephone line and can be connected directly by a special switch, designated either on poles or switchboards. Seal such communications are engaged in large-company providers. Twisted pair uses a technology based on the TSP / IP protocols. That is, the provider holds the power cord from the meter to the distribution of your computer. Usually, the provider publishes on his page, if there is a technical possibility to carry out such a connection in some areas.

Andrey Vinokurov
5th category Electrician Ltd. "Petroc"
«The quality of communication over twisted pair depends on the cable length and the lack of joints and connections. The longer the cable, the worse the quality. "
Another option could be to the Internet via a telephone line. It is also necessary to consider whether there is such an opportunity, and how far away from your area is ATS. All that you need to reach to the nearest point the wire and pay a monthly fee. Pay attention to the quality of the equipment. It is better that it supports ADSL protocol, as in this case, you will be able to "read" signal to both analog and digital. Among the drawbacks may be mentioned are:
- Sensitivity to external influences. In the event of equipment breakdown repairs will take some time.
- Subscription fee.
- Mandatory requirement - the presence of technical possibility.

The speed is directly dependent on the number of users. On average, the reception will be 40 Mbit / s return - 9 Mbit / s. Advantages of wired connection options - a stable signal. However, the possibility is not always the case.
Local network based on Wi-Fi wireless Internet in the cottage
Without a doubt, this method is currently the most available. After all, to use it is sufficient to establish a centralized transmitter (multi-router) with a powerful amplifier and a high-quality antenna.

It is possible to use a smartphone, or tablet, organize the distribution of the signal with these gadgets to other devices.
Important! "Distribution" point should be as close as possible to your site. The signal can "turn off" the usual wall or ravine.
To connect to a public network, you will be given a password. Typically, these rates imply a certain fee. In this case, a huge advantage in the fact that in your house or on site do not need to install or buy equipment. Another disadvantage - the speed limit when connecting multiple devices.
Wireless WiMAX with antenna installation for the Internet in the country
Rather expensive, but effective way to get the Internet, with no restrictions. Required for the connection of equipment, which includes an antenna and a special modem. In fact, you get a personalized radio access point.

Among the advantages - high speed internet, 20 MBit / s, minus - the high cost. The subscription fee can be up to several thousand. And the cost of the connection will cost dearly - of 10 thousand rubles. However, this set of equipment will be a good alternative for remote settlements, where there is no other alternative.
Satellite Internet in a cottage outside the city and charging access
Satellite, as well as a radio, can be installed even where there is no other communication. This technology provides high speed data transfer and does not require laying any network since the data exchange takes place "over the air". The only thing that you need - electricity connection and proper set of equipment.

Andrey Vinokurov
5th category Electrician Ltd. "Petroc"
«The data rate satellite 5-6 Mbit / s - in the forward link and up to 2 Mbit / s - in reverse. It can be used to pay for the traffic, and to buy packages offered by the provider. "

In addition, "disruption" with signal transmission will not be here. The equipment is mounted in just one hour, but you need to hire a specialist.
Note! Transmission via satellite is the most protected way of communication, the risk of connecting third parties to a private network virtually excluded.
Single-sided and double-sided version of the satellite Internet to give
There are two types of connection via satellite:
- The one-sided access. It works on the principle of asynchrony, comparable to ADSL technology. There is a gradual transfer of incoming and outgoing data. Incoming information received through one channel from the satellite, and the outgoing pass through the mobile or terrestrial communications, and already they are sent to the satellite. Such connection ensures a speed of 5000 kbit / s.
- Two-way system It involves the simultaneous transmission of incoming and outgoing signals via satellite. It ensures complete data protection and excellent high-speed characteristics of 10-12 and 30-40 Mbit / s (there and back, respectively).
Features connection to the Internet with the use of the cottage Tricolor TV
In Russia there are so many satellite operators that offer really low offers. Most often, our citizens opt for the federal operator Tricolor. equipment package will cost an average of 4000 rubles.
Warrants high connection speed in the areas where a steady signal is provided Eutelsat 36C satellite. Baud rate - 40 Mbit / s in the incoming channel 12 and - at the outgoing.

The equipment includes:
- Antenna 76 cm with a universal fastening parts.
- Receiver-transmitter operating in the corresponding frequency range.
- The router with the power adapter.
- Cable for connecting local wired Ethernet network.
How to connect the mobile Internet without wires in a private house
In this case, the best solution will be the rates that mobile operators offer. Internet via mobile - accessible and budget option, in case you need access to the network without the device special equipment, choose a tariff with the ability to use your phone as a separate access point Wi-Fi.
Important! The speed and quality depend on the location of base stations. In holiday homes located near major cities or federal highways, you can connect to 3G and 4G and earn stable 10-40 Mbit / s.
But in remote villages can use CDMA technology. Operator's choose not better tariff plan, and for signal quality and speed. ordinary smartphone suitable for testing. The main advantage:
- Ability to select a tariff plan with a limited volume of postpaid or service package.
- A stable compound.
The main disadvantage - the absence of "coverage" of the operator. A few tips on how to choose the best mobile operator:
- Interrogate neighbors. Pay attention to the quality of the connection and signal speed.
- Decide how much traffic you're satisfied.
- Study offers mobile operators.
How to increase internet signal 3G and 4G Internet for distribution in the country
This is one of the most popular choices, we can say that you are lucky if your villa has got into a zone of "coverage" of the operator. When strong signals can consider the use of packet switched services.

Equipment set includes 3G or 4G-modem and SIM card. If you buy additional and more router to use the access point will be able to all your family members. Settings are fully automated, you only need to follow the recommendations in the memo subscriber.
Note! Modern modems operating in 3G or 4G networks, provide data rates of 20 to 150 Mbit / sec.
What to do, to signal "catch" is better:
- learn geography portion: Hills, walls, high-rise buildings can "turn off" signal;
- problems may arise due to the "bad" neighborhood. Some industries and organizations using radio equipment can affect the signal;
- critical look at your home. Some types of finishing materials can "filter" signal. To understand this in advance, go with a cell phone inside your home.

The higher it is determined distributes equipment, the stronger signal and wider than its coverage area. When the signal is weak, you can use simple methods:
- Create reflector itself - foil or an ordinary tin.
- Buy special repeaters.
You may be useful video on how you can enhance the mobile operator's signal.

In fact, the options for how to spend the Internet to the country, a lot. Much more difficult to be able to break away from gadgets and relax in the fresh air without the "withdrawal" of the network. Throughout the necessary measure. And if you have questions to the author, feel free to ask them. We look forward to your views on how best to carry out the Internet to the country.