Poor quality of communal housing services forces many Russian citizens to think about where you can make a complaint to the public utilities. Few people know that in no case can be taken to the house was warmer and cozier. We offer to deal with this issue so that you can protect their interests and to defend the rightsWhat is a complaint for housing and how to correctly write the main points
To begin with we shall understand that such a complaint. This appeal is directed into a specific state authority in order to protect their rights. In it should contain information about the poor quality of service delivery.

This document should be written properly so that it immediately took to review and respond in time. For this we need to know how to write a complaint with the housing office. A sample of this document contains the following information:
- at the top right indicates the name of the government agency, which decided to seek help. It is advisable to bring not only the name of the organization itself, but also the personal data of its head;
- Right below provides details of the applicant. It should be fully write his name, first name, home address, and specify all contact telephone numbers;
- below the center is placed the document title "Complaint", which provides an update on what;
- Additional description is written with the bulk of the red line. This part should be given special attention. It should contain only the most important data and to describe the situation in detail;
- below is a list of documents to be submitted with the complaint to confirm the set data. Documents are numbered;
- on the last line put the date and signature of the applicant.
Attention! Treatment can be individual and collective.

Read article
- 1 If any poor performance of the services management company housing sector can and must write a complaint: the basic list
- 2 Where can I file a complaint for housing: the organization, which can help
- 2.1 How to start a fight with utilities: write a complaint to the Criminal Code
- 2.2 How to handle the higher authorities at the inaction of the Criminal Code: the main helpers
- 2.2.1 Zhilinspektsiya Rospotrebnadzor
- 2.2.2 FAS and the municipal administration
- 2.2.3 Courts and prosecutors
- 3 Procedure for specific violations on the part of utilities
- 3.1 Inadequate provision and the lack of housing and communal services
- 3.2 Elevated rates without justification
- 3.3 Missing or invalid The performed training Housing home for winter
- 3.4 Delayed reaction to emergency dispatch service Housing
- 3.5 The lease contract on obschedomovoe property without the consent of tenants
If any poor performance of the services management company housing sector can and must write a complaint: the basic list
Before turning in the housing, make sure that there are reasons for this. must write a complaint to:
- improper performance of the management company housing and communal services of their duties;
- unjustified increase tariffs. If the size of the account has increased significantly, should ensure that there are grounds for doing so;
- not the provision of certain services;
- improper preparation of the house to the utility services, such as the heating season;
- breach of contractual obligations.

Where can I file a complaint for housing: the organization, which can help
Make sure that the application has a good reason, you can begin to assert their rights. To begin to understand offer, which can help to solve these issues and how. This will help you understand where to go with this or that problem.

How to start a fight with utilities: write a complaint to the Criminal Code
Before you will be involved supervisory or judicial authorities to deal with utilities, should contact the management company, sending its claim directly to the office. Perhaps, the necessary measures will be taken after receipt of a formal complaint, which you'll learn from the response. If contractual obligations will be ignored and the next, you can safely apply to any other authority.

How to handle the higher authorities at the inaction of the Criminal Code: the main helpers
There are a number of superior organizations who are ready to restore justice. Each of them solves the issues within their scope of activities. We offer to find out where to go in this or that situation.

Zhilinspektsiya Rospotrebnadzor
If you do not happen to agree amicably, we go to the Housing Inspection. Here to help resolve issues related to:
- the failure of the rules of operation of residential buildings;
- violation of timing of the housing for the heating period;
- failure to comply with its obligations of the Criminal Code;
- improper convening of homeowners.
Attention! Zhilinspektsii exist in every village.

Not get the desired result, we go to the CPS. A contract with the Criminal Code, which defines the conditions for the maintenance of housing, making it possible to attract her to justice in accordance with the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumers' Rights. Here will help to restore the violated rights of the consumer. To carry out this monitoring of the situation, then it becomes possible to use the corresponding sanction.

FAS and the municipal administration
The Federal Antimonopoly Service can also help cope with the problem. Upon receipt of the FAS documents that can confirm the invalidity of the exposed tariffs, the organization will proceed to checkout. Experts verify that the exposed tariff regulations. If abnormalities, appropriate sanctions will be applied in respect of housing and communal services will be found.

Handling of the claim in the administration of the municipality is also one of the methods of pre-trial settlement of the question. It can help protect the rights and interests of the applicant. The competence of the administration of the settlement included the following issues:
- delivery and maintenance of inhabitants of communal resources, tariff regulation, exposed utilities;
- garbage collection;
- improper maintenance of roads;
- beautification and cleaning of territories belonging to a particular settlements.

Vladislav Mikhaltsov
Millwright for operation of water supply and sewerage systems "GK" Spetsstroy "
«Check out the Federal Law № 131 dated 06.10.2003, to know exactly what the rights and powers of the municipal administration. "
Courts and prosecutors
Prosecutors have extensive powers. They have the right to inspect a variety of situations. Complaint sent to the prosecutor utilities, if not satisfied with the answer of the Criminal Code and Zhilinspektsii. Most often, the prosecutor's check is carried out for:
- establishment illegally set tariffs;
- return money wrongly written off;
- testing grounds for refusal to issue a certificate, residence registration, extract from the house register.
Attention! If a violation is found, the prosecutor may ask the court to defend your interests, if you can not do it yourself.
Legal proceedings are generally conducted in the presence of financial claims. Appeal to the court provides a certain compensation for damages. When applying to the court should have available a complete package of applications:
- a copy of the claim to the Criminal Code;
- received response;
- the receipt of payment;
- conclusion of government agencies and others.

Vladislav Mikhaltsov
Millwright for operation of water supply and sewerage systems "GK" Spetsstroy "
«File a claim with the court should be based on the location of the management company. "

Procedure for specific violations on the part of utilities
Faced with the violation of their rights, should clearly understand how to act in any given situation, where to send the complaint to the public utilities. We offer this meet, so you can bring to justice the Criminal experts, doing their job poorly.

Inadequate provision and the lack of housing and communal services
To start, make sure the services provided differ from those stated. To do this, we read the contract conclusion and write out the normative parameters. If Water flows from the pipe or in the room is much colder, so should immediately invite experts from the Criminal Code and to make the report. Be sure to take photos and attach them to the application.
Attention! After revealing the fact of poor quality of services you will need to make a recalculation for the month.
If you are not satisfied with the quality of cleaning of territoryWorth exploring job description janitor utilities. When non-compliance with prescribed amount of work you can count on the recalculation.

Elevated rates without justification
If the figures in the receipts are different from the expected, should immediately consult an accountant to know:
- for which he is charged or that amount;
- how price is formed for the services provided;
- which formulas are used for calculation.
If it seems excessive amount of exposed repairsShould refer to the accountant or the director of the Criminal Code to provide a corresponding report. As a rule, the company refused to provide such information, although it is their duty.

Missing or invalid The performed training Housing home for winter
In preparing the apartment house for winter Housing performs a range of activities. Readiness for the heating season is confirmed by the relevant certificate. In its absence, the structure is considered to be unprepared. In such a situation it is necessary to appeal to the Criminal Code, Zhilinspektsiyu and other higher authorities.

Delayed reaction to emergency dispatch service Housing
In the event of an emergency situation every property owner must fix any problem. If you can not do this, it is necessary to seek help in emergency dispatching service utilities. It should be alert to the possibility that such services will be provided for a fee. If you have problems with general building equipment, you should immediately contact the Criminal Code, as to eliminate such accidents have its employees directly and free of charge. Terms removal utilities accidents should be minimal.
Attention! After receipt of a signal about the accident management company representatives must arrive at the place of the emergency within 30 minutes.
If, due to a late response to public utilities, the problem of the roof or pipe burst occurred flooding the apartment, ask the representatives of the competent authority to fix the damage. Composed act should be provided in the Criminal Code and apply for a refund of the damage. In case of refusal must submit a claim to the court, accompanied by a certificate confirming the amount of damages, expert opinion, and a copy of the statement, which was applied previously in the Criminal Code.

Vladislav Mikhaltsov
Millwright for operation of water supply and sewerage systems "GK" Spetsstroy "
«For the preparation of the report in the case of property damage in the artist (HCS) is 3 working days, after which it must be agreed with the consumer repair bill. It spells out the planned work and the terms of their performance. "

The lease contract on obschedomovoe property without the consent of tenants
Prisoner without the consent of tenants to obschedomovoe property lease agreement is to recognize invalid, turning first to the Criminal Code, and then to the higher authorities. If you have been exposed to improper execution of their duties utilities, share in the comments how you managed to solve the problem and whose help you have used.