- Reasons for the appearance of mold in the flower pot
- Signs of the appearance of mold on plants
- Which flowers are immune from mold?
- How to deal with mold on plants?
- Tips:
Beautiful flowers on the windowsill give you a lot of positive emotions, but one day, admiring your wards, you found a whitish coating on the ground? This is the beginning of the development of mold in a flower pot. How to deal with mold in flower pots and prevent its further development, you will learn from this article.
to the contents ↑Causes of the appearance of mold in the flower pot
Fungus, in the common mold, begins to develop under favorable conditions for it. Disputes grow much faster in such situations:
- relative humidity of air above 95%;
- poor ventilation in the room;
- low air temperature in the room;
- clogged drainage system in the pot;
- flower overflow;
- is a heavy or acidic primer.
Very often the development of mildew falls on the autumn period, when the heating has not been switched on yet, the apartment is chilly, and the streets are raining.
Important! If you notice that the fungus starts to multiply on your flowers and you do not know how to deal with mold in flower pots, do not drag with this important task and immediately start actions to destroy it! If this infection penetrates deeply to the root of the plant, then soon it will simply die.
to the table of contents ↑Signs of the appearance of mold on
plants Surely, you know very well which natural color of your plant and how it looks like the soil in which it lives. If you have noticed one of the following signs of the appearance of fungus on your flower, then you should think about how to deal with mold on plants.
These are:
- black fluff spots;
- gray mold filaments on the soil;
- powder coating;
- crust;
- black dots;
- gray or rusty coating.
Important! Never present live flowers in a flowerpot to a person who during the gift is on treatment in a hospital. Immunity of the patient is weakened, and the fungus is a very insidious infection - it is the causative agent of such diseases as:
- meningitis;
- bronchial disease;
- lung injury;
- is a disease of the bladder.
And this is only the beginning of the list of what can be obtained when a fungus spores into the human body!
to the contents ↑Which flowers have immunity from mold?
Imagine that nature has protected some species of plants from the problem of fungus! If you do not want to risk, you can acquire such colors and not be afraid of a molded enemy. These types include:
- ardisia;
- adenium;
- throat;
- caladium;
- patifitrum;
- neurigelia;
- siderasis;
- cyperus.
Important! Remember, most of all in the world mold likes moisture and dirt. The cleaner and drier your home, the less bacteria and fungi that live with you in the neighborhood. Keep it clean, and our tips will help you avoid unwanted problems.
to the contents ↑How to deal with mold on plants?
There are many modern and popular ways that will help in the fight against mold on plants and in flower pots. We are pleased to share with you some of them.
Method 1
Mold develops in foci. And at the same time, its insidiousness is that you see only the "tip of the iceberg" on the surface of the earth. Not only does it grow in breadth, so also in depth! Once you have found mold, you need:
- Remove the top layer of soil together with the fungi.
- Add a new earth instead of a remote one.
Important! By these actions, you will not allow the introduction of the fungus into the root system of the flower, which could lead to the death of .
Method 2
In this case, you will not only struggle with mold in flower pots, but at the same time and feed your plant:
- Remove the top layer of the soil.
- Add humus and leaf earth.
- Add new land.
So you remove the fungus, loosen and fertilize the soil.
Method 3
If you have expanded clay with you and you are ready to make efforts to remove the fungus from the plants, proceed as follows:
- Remove the top layer of the earth.
- Add new soil.
- Top up with claydite.
This method will result in the white coating appearing directly on the expanded clay. You will only need to collect and wash it as needed.
Important! Replacement of the upper layer of the earth works on temporary suspension of the fungal development process. The most radical and efficient method will be to remove all the soil and transplant the plant using the new land.
to the contents ↑Useful advices:
- In autumn, when the microclimate of the house changes and favorably influences the development of the fungus on the flowers, loosen the soil in the flowerpots more often.
- Add freshly ground sphagnum and activated carbon tablets to fresh soil.
- Pour the ground with a solution of foundation( 2g per 1 liter of water).
- The development and multiplication of slumbering spores of fungus will help prevent lemon juice( 1 tsp to a glass of water).
- Water your flowers with manganese solution 1-2 times every month.
Follow our advice and your flowers will please you, your family and friends with your beauty and health.