Do not leave the water in the bathroom - what to do?

  • Why does sewage become clogged?
  • How to eliminate clogging of the system?
  • Bad water in the bathroom, no clogging - increase the slope of the drainage system

The bathroom is one of the most necessary and frequently visited places in the house. It is in the bathroom that we put ourselves in order, at least twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Sometimes, because of too intensive operation of the bath, clogs occur. In the beginning, water starts to go badly. If the problem is not eliminated in time, the pipes can become clogged up completely. So, if the water does not go away in the bathroom - what can I do?

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Why does sewage get clogged?

The main causes of disturbance of sewage passability are soap residues, grease and dirt. Sticking to the pipe from the inside, they worsen the permeability of the drainage and sewage system as a whole. The causes of clogging sewage can be divided into the following categories:

  • Mechanical. Are formed due to falling into the sewerage of different objects - rags, small pebbles, wool of pets, hair, etc.
  • Operational. Occur due to improper operation of the sewage system, absence or untimely implementation of preventive measures.
  • Technogenic. Arise due to violations made during construction - wrong choice of the site for laying communications, errors made when choosing the slope of the pipeline. The category of man-made ones include blockages due to emergency situations - pipe freezing, fracture, and wear of structural elements.

If the water leaves the bath badly, try to find out the reason.

Important! Independently, you can only remove mechanical impurities.

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How to eliminate clogging of the system?

There are the following ways to eliminate clogging if the water in the bathroom does not go away:

  • Chemical.
  • Mechanical.
  • Hydrodynamic.

The choice of this or that method depends on the cause of the disturbance of the sewerage patency. Sometimes, to completely eliminate the cork, you need to use several methods at once.

Chemical cleaning

Using special products containing caustic alkalis or acids( "Tiret", "Mole").

Important! Before using this or that chemical, read the instruction label carefully. You will find out for which pipeline materials this substance is used, the kinds of clogs that it liquidates. The label also contains information on how to use this tool.

The chemical stripping algorithm is as follows:

  1. Read the instructions printed on the label.
  2. Fill the pipe with the correct amount of the tool.
  3. Wait for a while( it is indicated in the manual) to allow the chemicals to foul up the clogging.
  4. Turn on the water and watch as she leaves the bath. If still water does not go away in the bathroom, while there is no visible clog, try another method of cleaning.

Important! In order not to damage the plumbing equipment and your own health, do not mix various chemical products.

Mechanical removal of obstructions

If you can not eliminate the plug in a chemical way and the water in the bathroom is still poorly drained, try cleaning the system using a plunger or a special plumbing cable.

Cleaning the pipe with a plunger

The valve will help restore the water flow if the problem is not very large and the clog is not global:

  1. Put on old clothes. The work is rather dirty.
  2. Collect water in the bath so that the rubber valve from the plunger is completely submerged underwater.
  3. Close the overflow opening with a wet cloth. It is necessary that the water that pushes the plunger is not poured out through the overflow hole, and rushed to the sewer.
  4. Cover the drain hole of the bathtub with a rubber part of the plunger.
  5. Press the handle of the device to push the collected debris together with water into the sewer.
  6. Press the handle of the plunger several times until the blockage is completely eliminated.

Important! To rinse the drain well, after closing the cleaning, close the drain hole, fill the bath with hot water, and then drain it.

Elimination of blockages by means of a cable

If the water in a bathroom badly merges, it is possible to use a special cable for sanitary works. The procedure for working with the cable is as follows:

  1. Disconnect the siphon from the pipe.
  2. Lower the cable into the pipe and, turning it, try to push the cork that is formed. In order for the cable to lie better in the hand, fold the end of the cable with a ring.
  3. If the cable has bumped into the obstacle and does not go any further, press it again and turn it. It is possible that you stumbled upon the cork.
  4. Periodically pull the cable out of the pipe and clean it of debris.
  5. Continue to push the cable until the blockage is completely eliminated.

Important! For the domestic sewer system or "hundred" in the suburban area is quite suitable cable with a diameter of 7-8 mm. Such cables are sold in stores of household goods.

Hydraulic cleaning

This is the elimination of blockage with water, which is fed into the pipe under pressure.

Important! For hydrodynamic cleaning, you will need a compressor unit with special hoses. Therefore, most likely for such a method of leveling the problem will have to call a specialist.

How to work with hydrodynamic equipment, if the water in the bath does not go away:

  1. Prepare the entire set of equipment.
  2. Remove the siphon from the drain pipe, insert the hose into the pipe.
  3. After turning on the compressor, apply water under pressure.
  4. If the water leaves the bath freely, turn off the compressor. If clogging is not corrected, try again.

Important! Hydrodynamics is considered to be the most effective, efficient and safe way for sewerage to fight against blockages.

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Bad water flows into the bathroom, there is no clogging - we increase the slope of the drainage system

If the water leaves the bath poorly due to insufficient slope of the drainage system, the use of chemicals is useless. The solution to the problem in this case will be an increase in the slope of the drain. There are two ways to achieve this:

  1. Raise the bath.
  2. Lower the socket of the sewer pipe.

Important! If the angle of inclination - on the contrary, is too large, the merging water produces a characteristic bubbling sound. For this reason, it is advisable to observe the optimum slope maximum of 15%.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to clean the sewer systems. But the best way to eliminate garbage plugs is to prevent them. Remember this!