Decreasing incomes of the population, the problem of limited space, the demand for environmentally friendly materials - all these are the modern realities of Russia. Simfer experts analyzed the market, collected expert opinions and identified key trends in the arrangement of small-sized housing for 2023.

Read in the article
- 1 Market situation
- 2 A smart investment in building
- 3 Russians choose multifunctionality
- 4 Demand for sustainability
- 5 The trend for minimalism and light shades
Market situation
At the beginning of 2023, the share of small-sized housing in the Russian market was 51%*. The decrease in the purchasing power of Russians has led to an increase in the number of apartments with a small area 2022: Developers understand that a significant part of the population will not be able to purchase housing in large dimensions.
In addition, according to forecasts Evgenia Nazarova, director of development of the company Simfer, Now Russians prefer renovation rather than buying a new home:
“Already in 2022, much more money was needed to purchase an apartment than before (for example, the average mortgage payment in Moscow amounted to 108.7 thousand. rub.). According to the latest research, in 2023 people will invest more actively in repairs and technicianat For existing home instead of buying new property».
*According to the report "Housing Construction Housing Construction" from JSC "DOM.RF" as of April 10, 2023
A smart investment in building
In the face of declining incomes and the need for repairs, the Russians began to spend money wisely. Instead of a large amount of non-functional furniture, money is intelligently allocated to ready-made modular options.
«At limitedm budgetThe emphasis is on fast and economical repairs. For example, the most the best solution for kitchensis to accurately calculate its footage and buy ready-made modular options», - tells Ksenia Shakhmatova, head of the real estate investment agency "Million under repair".
The multitasking of furniture and appliances helps to immediately achieve functional comfort and avoid future costs. According to Evgenia Nazarova, director of development of the company Simfer, technical versatility is especially relevant in the kitchen area:
«The kitchen is a unique place in the apartment, in which you need to fit a lot of necessary things. In the conditions of a small area, this turns out to be especially problematic and financially costly, therefore today consumers invest in the technical functionality of the space: they try to immediately choose compact multifunctional models at an affordable price instead of many additional appliances for the home in the future».
Russians choose multifunctionality
In small apartments, even simple furniture should solve several problems at once. For example, transforming furniture is still a relevant solution for arranging small housing in 2023. Israeli designer Elina Nivin believes that today manufacturers of transformer models keep pace with the times, trying to introduce new automated and digital solutions.
“Recently, the demand for transformers has been growing very much. TVs that fold into the floor or ceiling, beds that turn into walls, or podiums that you can hide your bed in. remain one of the most popular solutions for small-sized housing”, - tells designer.
IN Press servicese M.Video-Eldorado Group» also note the growing popularity of brands that provide multifunctional solutions for the kitchen:
“According to the results of 2022, sales of large and small household appliances manufactured in Russia, Belarus, Turkey and Uzbekistan grew in M.Video-Eldorado by 1.5-2 times compared to the previous year. Among popular brandsV - Atlant, "Vityaz", Gefest, Darina, Artel, Flama, Elikor, Biryusa, Beko, Grundig, haier, Simfer. These companies offer some of the best solutions for small kitchens - powerful mini- furnaces, compact hobs with touch controls, compact electric ovens that ensure even baking of several dishes at once»
Demand for sustainability
In 2023, the environmental friendliness of solutions comes to the fore in the arrangement of small apartments. Evgeny Nazarov, director of development of the company Simfer, argues that security is especially important for Russians in a small area:
“In 2023, Russian consumers are watching how environmentally friendly manufacturers of technical solutions for the home are. In conditions limited space, it is important to take into account the safety and environmental friendliness of the materials from which household appliances are made, whether household appliances emit harmful and toxic substances into the air.nye substances.
Besides, co-founder of design bureau PETIT BURO Polina Tsvetkova says that today natural and renewable interior materials are becoming more and more popular on the Russian market:
“The sustainability trend has become an integral part of modern design. In 2023, the interior world is again carefully reviewedit is moving towards natural and easily renewable materials that can last for decades. When choosing a kitchen we recommend giving preference to wood and stone - they are durable, environmentally friendly and will be relevant for a long time».
The trend for minimalism and light shades
According to Ksenia Shakhmatova, head of the real estate investment agency "Million under repair", today in small apartments there is no place for additional elements:
Minimalism and simplicity in the interior - business cards of small sizes. Artsy elements, carved facades with patterns and gilding left the design. Preference is given to smooth facades, natural and muted shades.
Besides, Stepan Bugaev, founder of Tochka Design studio notices the trend towards minimalism in design, even in technical solutions for the home:
“When choosing technical equipment for the kitchen, Russian consumers are guided by a simple rule: the simpler and more concise the design of the equipment, the more applicable it is in the interior of different styles.”
Finally, in 2023, light and glass solutions continue to be actively used by Russian designers and consumers to visually expand the space:
“White color is a trendat its peak. White refers to all shades of off-white (“near white”): ivory, ivory, grayish, etc. At zoning small room it is important to use glasse partitionsand instead of deaf people: they don't interfereallow natural light to penetrate and do not visually overloadut space of the apartment", - comments Polina Tsvetkova, co-founder of design bureau PETIT BURO.
Simfer Company - one of the leading Turkish manufacturers of household appliances, present on the market for 46 years. High quality standards, a diverse range of household appliances, environmental friendliness and production safety have allowed the brand export its products to more than 150 countries of the world, and gain a good reputation in the local markets of Turkey, Russia and Europe. Read more -
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