Quite often driving to an apartment in a newly built house, people are literally bare walls without decoration and with a minimum set of communications. In principle, it is even advantageous, since such housing is cheaper, and you can design it on your own. In this article we will look at how to make repairs in an apartment building from the ground up, the stages and the approximate cost of the work.

Read article
- 1 Rough, Predchistovaya furnish an apartment in new building - what is it
- 2 When it is possible to carry out repair work in the building
- 3 Where to start repair in a new building: the prohibitions and permissions
- 3.1 List of repairs that are strictly forbidden to carry out in an apartment
- 3.2 What repairs need to resolve BTI
- 3.3 Overhaul of the apartment, does not require any permits
- 4 Where to begin repairs in the new apartment
- 4.1 The choice of stylistic solutions for the creation of an interior
- 4.2 Repair plan apartments in a new building
- 4.3 To entrust the repair: stroybrigada or individual experts
- 5 Stages of repair in a new building from scratch
- 5.1 Renovated apartment with a rough finish: demolition work
- 5.2 Installation of interior partitions
- 5.3 The procedure for repair of an apartment in the building: electrical installation work
- 5.4 Installation of sanitary equipment
- 5.5 Priming of walls before finishing work
- 5.6 Construction of the floor in the apartment buildings
- 5.7 Plastering of walls in new buildings
- 5.8 Flooring
- 5.9 Making the ceiling in the building
- 6 The approximate cost of repair of an apartment in a new building
- 7 Photo design inexpensive repair of apartments in new buildings
- 7.1 conclusion
Rough, Predchistovaya furnish an apartment in new building - what is it
The cost of repair and decoration works in the new apartment is directly dependent on the state in which it gives up the developer. Accommodation can be transmitted to the hosts as follows:
- blister repair, for a free room layout;
- Predchistovaya finish;
- finishing repair.

In the first case - it is a spacious room with a load-bearing walls made of bricks, building blocks or concrete without finishing. Gender is a concrete base without ties, and the ceiling - floor slab with no signs of finishing. In these apartments usually set shaky cheap front door and windows with double glazing. The room is supplied with electricity, and with a small switchboard to the RCD.
The flat finishing has a standard heating system with isolation valves, and riser with hot and cold water and laid and sealed metering devices. Paved and sewage risers with a tap and a plug. If the setting of the gas stove, then placed upon the flat pipe and is also mounted metering devices. Apartments for finishing require the new owners not only for repairs but also the layout and wiring of all necessary communications.

In the apartments, where there is Predchistovaya finish, everything is ready for papering the walls with wallpaper, putty, tiling and floor screed made. Accommodation has a typical layout, installed all the necessary heating and plumbing equipment. Accommodation in the new house with a fine finish is completely ready for the universe hosts.
In these apartments are usually carried out by the developer budgetary finish the walls, ceiling and floor. Also installed everywhere inexpensive heaters and plumbing. Electricity in the apartment let down, so remains set lighting and arrange the furniture.
When it is possible to carry out repair work in the building
Before you begin repairs in the new apartment, you should consider one feature common to all buildings. In the first years after the construction of all the buildings shrink, that affects the state of the design elements. Perhaps the formation of cracks in the ceilings and walls, and if the house is a block, and the on-site panel joints. If we carry out major repairs to the building until the completion of the building of shrinkage, then all the costs of construction and finishing materials will be in vain.

To avoid this, experts recommend to spend a minimum maintenance activities and only after 1.5-2 years to bring the apartment to finish desired state. Such an approach would pre-plan all future stages of finishing works, taking into account identified in the Operating defects, to determine the perpetrators and to procure all necessary building and finishing materials.

Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
"Winter -Best time to buy building materials, since it is the decline in demand is observed in this period. But the construction and repair work should start in the spring, when construction companies and teams still lightly loaded, and, accordingly, the cost of services did not have time to grow to their maximum. "
Primarily during overhaul of the apartment in the new house should carry out the most power-consuming, noisy and dirty work, namely:
- assembling or dismantling of internal partitions (remodeling);
- electric installation work;
- laying various communications and installation of plumbing equipment;
- screed floors and alignment of the walls;
- hinged or installation of suspended ceilings (when selecting design data types);
- "Warm floors" of the system apparatus.

Where to start repair in a new building: the prohibitions and permissions
Too many people are deciding to make a major overhaul of the apartment in a new home, ask a question: where to start? The most important thing - is to perform competent planning. Typically, developers are now offering apartments, where there are only bearing walls. Basically, it's a good idea, since it is possible to organize the space according to their own desires, but on the other hand, you need to know that there are a number of restrictions, the violation of which may result in imposing a fine or even the loss of housing.
On the plan of the apartment, which can be done by yourself or order a professional designer, must be specified place of erection of new or the dismantling of old walls. Next, the plan must be approved by the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI). Only after a change in the layout of the apartments will be approved by the relevant authorities, you can begin to layout all the necessary communications, which will be installed in accordance with the location of electrical equipment, plumbing fixtures and large furniture.

List of repairs that are strictly forbidden to carry out in an apartment
When carrying out repairs in the apartment and redevelopment law is strictly prohibited to carry out the following activities:
- combine the kitchen area, which includes a gas stove, a living room;
- to equip the entrance to the bathroom from the kitchen or a room;
- to carry the kitchen on the location of the living room or a bathroom;
- to equip a bathroom or a kitchen area of premises neighbors;
- to equip the premises or the kitchen in places without natural light;
- implement a lining pipe or electrical cable and in the plates overlap the joints of the wall panels;
- walling vents or reduce their section;
- build on the supporting structures of the load exceeds the limit specified in the project of an apartment house;
- obschedomovoy connected to transfer piping system of hot water (DHW), and central heating radiators to a balcony and balconies;
- connected to district heating or hot water system "warm floor".

What repairs need to resolve BTI
In principle, no one stops to carry out repair and finishing activities on your own, but there are certain types of work on the holding which would require authorization from the appropriate authority. These activities include:
- all works affecting the architectural appearance of the facade of the building;
- work directly affecting the load-bearing structures at home;
- extension or migration of toilets and bathrooms;
- all activities related to gas utilities and appliances.

Overhaul of the apartment, does not require any permits
Most of the repairs in the apartment can be carried out without the permission of the BTI, but their implementation still need to notify the relevant authority. So, to such works include:
- transfer of plumbing fixtures in the existing limits of bathrooms, toilets and kitchens;
- laying device or door openings in partitions without a carrier function;
- glazed loggias and balconies;
- device additional interior partitions, but without a significant increase in the load on the floor plate;
- demolition of interior walls that do not perform the function of the carrier.

Work that can be carried out without permission and notification BTI:
- redecorating the apartment;
- installation of new utilities, with the condition that their design and characteristics similar to the previous;
- transfer plates in fixed electrical current within the kitchen;
- disassembly or installation of built-in cupboards and mezzanine;
- installation of antennas, air conditioning and mosquito nets on the facade of the building;
- installation of doors carousel or sliding type, if it does not entail a change size of the room;
- changing the appearance of loggias and balconies;
- transfer of heating batteries and gas appliances.

Submitted videos will help you understand where to begin repairs in the apartment building:
Where to begin repairs in the new apartment
Before proceeding to the arrangement of a new apartment, you should define the interior volume, complexity and sequence of repair the apartment. For example, to make the apartment bright and visually more spacious, sometimes enough to hold small repairs: change the wallpaper, paint the walls and ceiling, replace old flooring, etc. AT that if decided to completely replace the old environment, it is necessary to give preference overhaul of: alignment of walls, replacement of windows, installation of new floors and modern ceiling structures. Thanks to this apartment is completely transformed to become more beautiful and comfortable.
If you do not have the appropriate knowledge and skills, it is best to seek the assistance of professionals: designer, construction team, plumbing and etc. This is especially true when creating interior design, remodeling, which involves the demolition of walls and transfer communications. When planning repairs in the first place should be based on their financial capabilities.

The choice of stylistic solutions for the creation of an interior
Matter what style will be executed interior space depends largely on the comfort and functionality of the situation. It is better to entrust the work of the designer, who will design and visualization based on personal preferences and wishes of the owners of the apartment. You can develop your own design, good on the internet a lot of information on this subject, which will significantly lower the estimate of repairs. The most popular styles of interior design for apartments are:
- classic;
- Provence;
- loft;
- minimalism;
- Art Deco;
- the avant-garde;
- high tech.

The features of these styles we have described in some of our articles on interior design space, but you can see photos and more information on the Internet.
Related article:
Styles in the interior. In our review, you will find descriptions with photos and video of the classic, modern ethnic and mixed areas. As well as expert advice on the proper use of styles in the interior.
Repair plan apartments in a new building
Before making repairs in the apartment, you need to make detailed drawings of all stages of the work in accordance with their sequence. It is advisable to make five designs for every room: at first must be applied a general view from above, while the remaining four - walls. Each of these thumbnails need to be accompanied by a detailed description and sequence of performance of repair work. This will avoid inaccuracies and omissions in the work.

When planning repairs, you must:
- consider the arrangement of furniture;
- correctly calculate the future location of lighting to the room was the most covered;
- for competent electrical arrangement, installation of sockets and switches you need to consider the location of the home appliances;
- consider placing decoration elements: brick walls, paintings, mosaics, etc.
Vsostavlennom plan is recommended to specify a preferred option walls, ceiling and floor. Zoning komnatdizaynery advised one of the walls painted in a different color to serve as a focus and helps to visually divide the room. Separation of the room into zones should also be reflected in terms of repairs.
To entrust the repair: stroybrigada or individual experts
It is difficult enough to complete the entire apartment repair by yourself, because you need to have the skills, the right tools and a lot of time. All work is desirable to entrust to specialists, but many people are asking the same question: what is better - some experts, the construction team or company profile? Instruction repair professionals is beneficial for several reasons. First, the experts, whether it is an individual with a narrow specialization, stroybrigada or construction company will be able to carry out all the necessary work quickly and efficiently. Secondly, there is no need to buy expensive tools, which have to use only one or two times.

Builder of single or specialist can perform the necessary work cheaply and efficiently, but you can get and scams that will take a prepayment and do nothing. Brigade or construction company will perform all the necessary work quickly and efficiently, and in some cases even cheaper than the private builder, especially when eating a full range of services. Besides stroyfirmy an estimate, purchase materials, and after the repair will take out debris and make cleaning. No matter which option you prefer (own builder, team or company), your choice is best done on the basis of the recommendation of friends, friends, or reviews on the Internet. And now look at stages where to begin repairs in the building.
Stages of repair in a new building from scratch

On the question of where to begin repairs in the new apartment, one answer - with a rough finish. This type of work is very dusty, noisy and time consuming, which is carried out simultaneously in all the rooms. After that, you must take out all debris, clean up all the dust and dirt. This stage is also called repairs Predchistovaya finished apartment in a new building. Let us consider what works belong to the rough finish of apartment:
- disassembly of the inlet and interior doors and windows with a probable reduction or expansion openings;
- installation of new windows and the front door;
- erection or dismantling of interior non-bearing walls, in accordance with the drafting;
- drilling holes and shtroblenie channels of communication;
- wiring in accordance with the plan and installation Enclosures, junction boxes and switch board;
- arrangement of low-current networks (Internet, phone, television, security systems);
- soundproofing the walls and ceiling;
- laying the local system hot and cold water, as well as the installation and connection of plumbing fixtures to water supply and sanitation;
- alignment, putty and priming the walls and ceiling;
- glazing and arrangement of the balcony or loggia;
- reinforcing screed, insulation and sound-proof floor;
- finishing a bathroom and a toilet.

After roughing stages of repair of an apartment start to finish, or finishing buildings. Fine finishing includes the following stages of repair work:
- installation of interior doors;
- wall lining and laying a floor covering;
- installing baseboards and casings;
- installation of switches and sockets;
- placement of furniture and decoration;
- household appliance.

Recommendation! Finish the repair is best done after the final shrinkage of the building.
Renovated apartment with a rough finish: demolition work
Repairs in the new apartment should start with conducting demolition work. For redevelopment can demolish interior walls without supporting function. They, in contrast to load-bearing walls allowed to bear without damage to the building structure.
Typically, developers in new installed cheap and low-quality windows, requiring replacement for more expensive and reliable design. Also to dismantling operations necessary to carry the device or enhancement of doorways. The new flat and may require dismantling the elements of the heating system (cells), especially if the placement of radiators performed unsuccessfully.

Installation of interior partitions
To properly form the inner space of the apartments with a free plan, recourse to the arrangement of interior walls in accordance with the preparation of the plan. Typically this is done using "dry" system of building - constructions of metal profiles trimmed sheets of plasterboard 12.5 mm thick. Such partitions have a small mass and do not create a large load on the slab.
Professional advice! Between the upper edge of interior wall and ceiling is necessary to leave a gap of 35-40 mm, filled with foam.
Another embodiment is the construction of interior walls and the use of foamed concrete blocks having high quality characteristics. For walls in rooms with high humidity it is recommended to use foam concrete blocks, which have a low level of hygroscopicity. To ensure high quality insulation is desirable to use blocks with not less than 75 mm thick, It allows partitions to withstand heavy front loads without compromising the integrity of design.

The least popular option today - the creation of partition walls of solid bricks with the mark of not less than the M100. To ensure the stability of the structure, its thickness should be not less than 170 mm, in view of the plaster layer. Such partitions occupy much space and thus create an additional burden on the slab. Internal structure of the bricks has a greater strength and a high degree of moisture resistance, but its construction - it is a time consuming process that requires a large consumption of materials, which naturally affects the value of partitions.
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Partitions for the zoning of the space in the room. From the publication you find functions, types, materials, and manufacturing variations partition structures, as well as find examples of photo-glass, drywall, wood and other products.
The procedure for repair of an apartment in the building: electrical installation work
The layout of wiring in a flat distribution starts from the electrical panel with the device Registry, terminal blocks and a device (RCD) which is mounted on a wall or in the niche. If the electrical panel is installed outside the apartment, then on his premises should stretch to the junction box cable with copper conductors. In modern apartments recommended to arrange some electrical wiring, designed for the connection of high-power appliances. Wires can be run in special cutting grooves in the wall, the floor, as well as within the outboard or tensioning ceiling structure. In case the interior walls are made of plasterboard, the cable is routed inside the structure in gofroshlange.

Before mounting the wiring in an apartment, you must draw up a detailed plan, which specified cabling runs, lighting connection point, the installation of sockets and switches. According to the plan made shtroblenie grooves and drilling the necessary holes. Grooves made in view of the thickness and the number of laid wires.

Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
"The device wiring must be done before the start of plastering and finishing works."
Installation of sanitary equipment
Plumbing work, as well as electrical installation, performed by a predetermined plan, according to which they have the necessary materials and equipment. Allowed concealed laying of pipes of cold and hot water in special Stroebe. If the thickness of interior partitions does not allow for hidden wiring pipes, they hide in drywall or plastic boxes, coated with the same material as the walls. Currently, most communications device plumbing pipes demand of polypropylene, which is caused by a high strength material. Compounds pipe fittings operate using solder that ensures a long service life, maintaining the high temperature coolant and the considerable pressure of 12 atm.

When a hidden installation of plumbing communications cutting grooves resolution must be twice as large diameter pipes, because the coolant at high temperatures the material expands. The water supply system may be wye or collector type, with the second option is preferable, because there is a possibility of installation of locking devices for clipping, plumbing if necessary instruments. Installation of plumbing must be performed only at the end of the rough finish of the apartment. equipment installation made on specially prepared ground, which are located near the fittings for connection to the sanitary Communications. Connection to a central water supply system is carried out only after all the valves on the LAN will be set.
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Priming of walls before finishing work
Wall structures in modern buildings are built of brick, concrete, gas silicate and some cases w / w panels with high-quality surface, which is enough to proshpaklevat. Typically, the walls have to align with the help of plaster.

Interior decoration is recommended to use mortars, gypsum-based, and for bathrooms - sand-cement compositions with reinforcing mesh. Before plastering, as well as before Shpatlevanie or sticky wallpaper, wall surface must be well treated soil composition. For concrete surfaces can be any primer for walls made of ceramic brick or aerated recommended to use special formulations. Also, the wall exposed priming and after the application and drying of the plaster layer.
Construction of the floor in the apartment buildings
As a rule, just handed over apartments buildings flooring is a conventional monolithic slab without any decoration. Therefore, after the repair requires not only smooth the surface, but also to make high-quality insulation, sound insulation and screed for subsequent device flooring. For this purpose, conventionally used concrete block which is laid on the floor with a minimum thickness of 50 mm, and the liquid concrete shed. Also used for decorating floor expanded clay-cement-sand mixture.

Once performed acoustic and thermal insulation filling the floor, you must make the final alignment. Finishing preparations for laying the floor covering is made using cement-sand screed or self-leveling floor technology. There is another more modern version - a device prefabricated floors of gipsovolokonistyh dry plates that are mounted on expanded clay layer or other heat and sound insulation material.
Plastering of walls in new buildings
Plastering walls is one of the types of finishing works. The plaster can not only align the walls, but also prepare them for a better finish (putty, painting, tiling, installation of wall panels or Wallpapering). Since the "geometry" of modern apartments is far from perfect, the plastering of the walls helps correct this deficiency and facilitates, for example, the installation L-shaped kitchen or wallpaper pasting angles premises.

In addition to sand-cement plaster, is used for the walls and other building materials (putty, wallpaper, drywall, wallpaper, paint it.d.). However, for finishing it is still required to prepare surfaces with plastering and priming.

Related article:
How to plaster the walls with his own hands the newcomer. Video, photo detailed instructions and comments on the application of technology on different surfaces, the correct selection and use of different materials - can be found in our publication.
Whatever kind of flooring is chosen, it is clear that the first thing to be done qualitatively base. A choice of floor finish largely depends on the future of the interior design apartments and the financial capacity of the owner. The most common and inexpensive option of flooring - linoleum. In addition, this is the best kind of floor in a new building when the building still gives shrinkage. Laying linoleum is performed directly in the filler and does not require additional use of the substrate. This flooring is a good indicator of the quality of the floor, you just have to watch him for a year and after the change of the material to eliminate the detected defects. If linoleum rubbed, so at this point there is a hill, which can then be cut down, as well, and will be visible cavities.

The next budget option that is suitable for apartments in new buildings, is a carpet. This linoleum floor covering is better, especially for bedrooms and children's rooms, and easy to serve 1-2 years until building gives shrinkage, and then you can replace it with the more expensive materials (laminate, tile or parquet). Type of carpet is selected in accordance with their financial capabilities. However, most experts agree that once exported debris, you can do the finishing floor screed and to arrange an expensive floor coverings (laminate, parquet, etc.). In the case of high-quality and professional work on paving external factors will not have any effect on him.

Making the ceiling in the building
Doing finish the apartment with his hands, it should be noted that in the new buildings in the first years of operation of a building on the surface may cause cracks due to shrinkage of the house. The most economical method is to paint a ceiling or whitewash, moreover, in the case of formation of cracks can easily remove the defect, restoring the original appearance of the surface.

If the ceiling has significant irregularities, they can be removed with a plaster, which is then puttied. Now more and more resorted to the device of tension, mounted and plasterboard ceiling structures with a "floating" mounting frame, which avoids the occurrence of cracks even when shrinkage building. In addition, the suspended ceilings allow to hide the wires inside the structure, communication and install recessed lighting fixtures.

Tip! Since the suspension and tension ceiling structures reduce the height of the walls of 100-150 mm, it is not recommended to use them in rooms with low ceilings.
The video shows the main stages of repair work in the building:
The approximate cost of repair of an apartment in a new building
We have already considered the question of where to start repairing the apartment rough, but not least, how much it will cost. A clear answer to this is quite difficult because the cost of repair depends on many factors: the firm, or a single stroybrigada will fulfill all works price, quantity and quality of the necessary building materials, etc. We give the average cost of repair of some standard packages works.

Type of package | Complex repair works | The average cost per m², rub. |
economy |
| from 2900 |
Standard |
| of 3600 |
luxury |
| 4 900 |
As you can see, the cost of work depends on many factors, whether it's a budget renovated apartment in a new building, or "luxury" class. In addition to the price of services affects the reputation of the artist, range of activities, types of building materials and of course the region. Possible to save money to repair their own hands, but it takes a lot of time and effort, and as a result it turns out that still more profitable to hire experts.
Photo design inexpensive repair of apartments in new buildings
1 10

Repairs in the building, you can do it yourself or hire the professionals of the construction firm. We reviewed the main stages of repair and some details of the meeting. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments and nashiadministratory will try to answer them. We hope our article will help you when you decide to do repair his apartment.