At the stage of finishing the walls with wallpaper it is very important to determine the starting point from which to start work. On how correctly the first band will be chosen location depends on the aesthetic appearance of the renovated rooms. Every room has its own nuances - different light sources, the design features - niches, ledges, corners, window and door openings. In addition, there are certain requirements for the installation of different types of wallpaper - paper, vinyl, non-woven. Only after all the individual characteristics of a particular room and the material used, it is possible to decide where to start wallpapering will be taken into account. Consider the various methods that may be suitable in a particular case.
Especially the choice of the point to the wall
- from the window
- from the corner
- From a larger object in two directions
- Selecting start wallpapering the ceiling
Basic rules Wallpapering
- Preparing walls
- What are the materials and tools required
- As noted on uneven vertical walls
- adhesive Application
- How to glue the corners
- Nuances pasting wall behind the radiator and above the
- Wallpaper drying time
- When you can open the windows and ventilate the room
- How to hang wallpaper in the room with a stretch ceiling
- conclusion
Especially the choice of the point to the wall
There are several options for wallpapering - from the window, from the corner of the door, from the largest aperture or other object. Determination of the starting point of the material depends on the type and characteristics of a particular room.

from the window
During the Soviet era wallpaper was thin strips joined overlap, and it was important to stick them so that the light falling from the window, do not create shadows in the joints. That is why the pasting beginning of the window. Today, the sale of a variety of options dense, embossed wallpaper that can be glued back to back, without fear that they will disperse. And the overlapping of their stick is simply impossible - too thick and sloppy seams are obtained. Therefore, when choosing the starting point appropriately guided directly by features of the room. This method is suitable for sticking rooms with natural light - living room, bedroom, kitchen. Thus, the light will fall on the joints, and unnecessary shadows are formed. This will create a visually coherent web, which is quite possible to be mistaken for a seamless. If the room is extended and the window is on the short wall, if the sticker wallpaper with a pattern will be easier to create a symmetrical design. The patterns will start from the corners of long walls and curtains act unifying accent.

from the corner
Wallpapering from the corner - not the easiest way. It is used when windows and doors are skewed so that it catches the eye. Or when there is no window in the room. For example, in a hallway. Glue wallpaper in this way is convenient only when perfectly smooth corners, but it is very rare for the corridors. The same method is suitable when pasting offices that do not have a window, or if the wall is highlighted with contrasting wallpaper. In this case, the only possible option.
Working with angle has the following features - the front page does not need to capture directly into the joint line the walls, and at a distance equal to the width of the wallpaper minus a couple cm. At this point the scheduled line, which becomes the primary reference point. With this approach, carefully and quietly to dock the wallpaper in the corner of a lot easier.

From a larger object in two directions
When the room several door and window openings, define the starting point more difficult. In this case it is better to adhere to such advice - choose the largest landmark and move from it in both directions.
If the room there is a bay window, it is better to start in the wallpaper glue the two sides of the design of the recess.

Selecting start wallpapering the ceiling
There are two basic ways to papering the ceiling wallpaper. Strip can be placed in the direction of:
- from the beginning of the joint walls with the ceiling;
- from the center.
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The first method is much easier, it does not require special skills. Bands overlap in a row, one after the other. But the last strip is almost always necessary to prune, but it is not very aesthetically pleasing looks, especially if the wallpaper has a distinct pattern. In this case it is better to prefer the second method. When pasting from the center is easier to achieve symmetry - extreme webs are of equal width and the pattern will look natural and harmonious. the surface of the center is determined by the two strands, stretched along the diagonals of the ceiling and carry out a straight line, perpendicular to the wall. Further, in retreat from its both sides and a half width of the roll outline border of the first strip.

Basic rules Wallpapering
During installation of wallpaper you need to follow certain rules.

Preparing walls
Preparing walls - a mandatory and necessary step. Unacceptable wallpapering on the old coating or uneven ground. Aesthetic surface to create a fail and the result is likely to disappoint you. Of course, if such an effect was not planned.
Necessary steps in the preparation of the base:
- take out the furniture and cover it with a protective film;
- turn off the electricity and remove the covers sockets and switches;
- remove from the walls of the entire decor - paintings, clocks, candle holders, hanging shelves;
- cover the floor, if you plan to leave the previous coating;
- remove old paint. Tear the wallpaper, if they do not give in - soak them in hot water and remove with a spatula. In particularly difficult cases, you can resort to a spiked roller. If the wall is painted, remove the top coat of paint with a drill nozzle with sand or special chemicals;
- align the rough spots with the help of putty. If the process point is not enough, apply a material to the entire surface. After drying the layer of the mixture and treat the cloth to remove dust formed.

What are the materials and tools required
In order not to be distracted at work, immediately prepare everything necessary. You will need:
- laser level - to control the vertical. You can use the plumb line - the load is tied to a long string and fasten at the top of the wall. To avoid errors, take the thread of sufficient length - it should be up to the floor;
- pencil - is necessary for marking. You can take a marker;
- roller for applying the adhesive on the wall;
- brush - promazyvaniya for corners and hard to reach areas - for batteries;
- the capacity to breed glue - its size must match the size of the roller;
- soft rags and sponges - for priglazhivaniya wallpaper glue and remove the speaker. Background and laminating can by dry roll;
- spatula made of plastic - for working in confined spaces;
- wide metal spatula for cutting the edges of wallpaper in places the wall junction with floor and ceiling;
- Office building or a knife to cut the fabric.

As noted on uneven vertical walls
If the wall is uneven, it may be noted by a vertical load. To this end, the rope is hung on the load, and at the other end of the cord making loop. Sparing no chalk, rub the rope and hung it on a nail driven into under the ceiling. Lightly stretch the rope from below, holding hitched sinker and letting go. As a result, the wall is flat strip of chalk.

adhesive Application
In the era of the reign of wallpaper glue was applied directly to the strip material. Wallpapers were slightly impregnated adhesive composition. This process was rather inconvenient and time consuming. It was necessary to ensure enough space on the floor - for folding material. When promazyvanii stain the floor around the strip, and adhesive residue was necessary to wipe each time, so as not to spoil the following lengths of cloth.
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Modern non-woven vinyl wallpaper and do not need to apply glue directly on the canvas. well enough to fluff the wall and the material is easy to be fixed. If seats are not glued joints can be further applied to the composition of these already on the wall.

How to glue the corners
For quality fining angle following conditions must be met:
- prepare angles - maximum align them using mortars. You can use plastic or metal corners with reinforcing mesh of fiberglass. They need to be fastened with putty. This technology allows the maximum level the corners;
- pasting the strip must overlap slightly bending one of them and the segment covering the first neighbor;
- If the wallpaper is present a distinct pattern, its lines must be accurately aligned;
- must be carefully smoothed wallpaper to hide the existing defects and avoid creases and tears. For this to work you need to use a special roller, plastic or rubber spatula.

Nuances pasting wall behind the radiator and above the
The most difficult work begins at the time of pasting the wall behind the radiator. If the wallpaper is applied to the wall before installing the batteries, the only difficulty will be to correctly measure the pieces of wallpaper and pattern combine well. But such a situation is possible only when finishing a brand new apartment just after putting the house. Otherwise, you must either remove the radiator, which in itself is a challenge, or to paste these places small pieces of wallpaper.
Can and do refuse the application of wallpaper and curtains to hide an unsightly area. This embodiment is suitable only if the curtains are sufficiently dense and extend to the floor. If we use Roman shades or cafe, hide prominent repair deficiencies will not work. So you should try and place this portion of the walls of the same material as the rest of the space.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Dismantle the battery - it is better to invite a specialist, but you can cope on its own if necessary. Before operation, close the faucet hot water supply and a return valve. Be sure to substitute the vessel for collecting water. Remove the battery, you can only after draining the water. If the cranes are old, give this work experts - may need to disable the entire riser.
- Eliminate surface defects - remove the build-up of old paint and plaster with a hammer and chisel, paying special attention to the place with skirting border.
- Shpaklyuem small cracks and potholes.
4. Align the surface with a plaster. We stop working for a few days to complete drying. It will take about a week. - Gruntuem surface to enhance adhesion. Apply a 2-layer structure, each of which must be completely dry.
- Measure out lengths of cloth wallpaper, so that the combined image. Cuts need to stick with the two sides to unaesthetic connection hidden behind the radiator. Apply glue to the wall and pressed pieces produced. Surplus fabric is removed with a knife of office or building. Speaking glue wipe soft natural cloth.
For gluing strips of the window opening must be carefully extinct Cuts. It is better if all vertical band will come on top of the space. To do this, cut a corner in it. This option allows you to carefully go around the window.
When using swags can be dispensed with gluing area above the window. But if you want to change the style of curtains, all have to glue wallpaper - old band during this time can change the color.

Wallpaper drying time
The duration of the drying depends on the quality of wallpaper and material composition, as well as the indoor environment. The higher the humidity, the longer it takes to dry. For monolayer sufficiently paper webs 12 hours. If the fabric consists of several layers - like "duplex" or "triplex", to dry it may take 2 days.
See also:Decorative corners on the corners of walls
Vinyl wallpaper with paper backing to dry for 18-24 hours. The same vinyl vlies can dry basis of 24 to 48 hours.
Note that in the first couple of days only occurs the evaporation of moisture, the adhesive polymerization process continues even longer. It is therefore necessary to avoid airing for a few more days and avoid drafts, as the wallpaper may come unstuck.
Also avoid changes in humidity and temperature. At this time, you can pay attention to the quality of the new coating, glue departed corners.

When you can open the windows and ventilate the room
Windows and doors throughout the drying period, the wallpaper should be kept closed, as the rapid drying of the adhesive can lead to flaking material. So you save yourself from the extra work of pasting wallpaper. From drafts and sudden changes in web temperature can fall behind the partially or fully withdraw the walls. Wallpaper come unstuck often become unusable and finishing materials will need to buy again. Soak the windows closed for 2-3 days. Some types of wallpaper require an even longer period.
It is necessary to take into account the period of drying the adhesive. Modern materials that period is short enough. But for their drying it takes at least 36 hours under normal climate and at high humidity and low temperature and may require two days.
It is unacceptable to artificially accelerate the process of drying wallpaper. In no case did not turn on the heaters and fans.
If the repair is carried out in the summer and the temperature difference is not expected, some types of wallpaper - and even non-woven vinyl can be glued and with the windows open.

How to hang wallpaper in the room with a stretch ceiling
Before you begin to wallpapering a room with a stretch ceiling is necessary to carry out preparatory work - to make furniture, to protect the edges of the ceiling coating using masking tape. This will prevent the ingress of adhesive or primer on the film or fabric. If the profile is attached to the ceiling of the old wallpaper on the edge of the fabric to do a neat incision. Protecting the ceiling wide roll and draw a line office knife. The incision should be smooth and crisp. After this, moisten the old wallpaper and remove them from the wall.
Clean the walls from the dirt to improve the quality of adhesion to the surface of wallpaper, gruntuem base. This will avoid unnecessary consumption of glue, do not allow the wallpaper to get dirty. The area near the ceiling gruntuem as gently as possible, because the dried droplets will be difficult to remove.
If the ceiling is framed by baguette, you can cut off the old wallpaper on his line and stick the new lap. Thereafter, the excess material trimmed office knife. At this point, be sure to use a wide spatula. Any careless movement can cause cuts and tensioning the sheet to complete its deterioration.

If you want to re-pasted wallpaper looked properly, correctly identify the point - where work will begin, and start its implementation. Some mistakenly believe that with such a complex operation can handle only a professional, but it is quite possible to do on their own if desired. Use the tips in this article, and the result is sure to please you.