We make a screen under the bath with our own hands: simply and in one day

The bathroom is, of course, utilitarian in nature, but aesthetics are also important here. In an apartment, as in a person, everything should be perfect: the entrance hall, the living room, and, of course, the bathroom. The only downside is that usually the bathroom occupies a minimal area and you canā€™t turn around with furniture here, so which raises the question of the beneficial use of literally every centimeter, including the space under bathroom. And it is there, no doubt. All bathtubs are placed on legs, so there is room under it. Many people simply fill these voids with all sorts of things, resigning themselves to the fact that it looks ugly, and itā€™s inconvenient to get it all. So it would be logical to make a screen under the bath. With your own hands, you can make not only a decorative cover, but also functional shelves for small things. This is what we'll talk about today.

Read in the article

  • 1 What is a bath screen for?
  • 2 Types of screens for the bath
    • 2.1 What options can be considered?
  • 3 How to choose a finished bath screen
  • 4 Bath screen made of timber and plywood
  • 5 Do-it-yourself plastic screen
  • 6 Brick and tile bath screen
  • 7 Interesting ideas for bath screens in the interior gallery

What is a bath screen for?

Now on sale you will find acrylic models, complete with ready-made screens. This is convenient: the dimensions are precisely adjusted, the assembly is at the most primitive level, and the bathroom looks pretty decent right after installation. But other models, metal or cast iron, are rarely found with such an addition, so you have to build a fence yourself.

DIY bath screen
PHOTO: youla.ru
And of course, if you have an old bathroom and it still does not have a screen, it's time to deal with this issue.

And is it worth it to "bother" at all? Someone will say that it will do and that this is an optional item in the interior. Here, of course, a matter of taste and details. If you are satisfied with the type of sewer pipes, the unattractive outer sides of the font (and they are usually painted black, as a rule), a warehouse under the bathroom of jars and basins, it's really not worth it be puzzled. But if you are an esthete in everything and love order, then such a question is unlikely to arise.

The screen gives the bathroom a complete look, hides all the unsightly moments, allows you to use the space under the tub for storage with functional shelves.

You can choose the design of the screen for the interior of the entire room and even make it some highlight
PHOTO: san-design.ru
You can choose the design of the screen for the interior of the entire room and even make it some highlight

In addition to external aesthetics, the bath screen has some other advantages. For example, if you use an ordinary bathroom without a screen, splashes of water will inevitably fall on the floor and under bath, and there already forms dampness and dirt - the sources of many problems, from smell to overgrowth mold. But if you hide the sides with a screen, it will be dry and clean under it, which is important.

And finally, in addition to hygiene and aesthetics, the screen also has a functional task. It can become part of a convenient storage system for small things that could not be found in other drawers. Here you can store cleaning products, household chemicals, containers for washing and soaking. A well-thought-out system allows you to maximize the use of all free space.

There is only one nuance that is important to foresee even before you decide to make a screen - all materials must be resistant to moisture. And there will be such stability - rot and fungus, rust will not appear.

It is not recommended to make completely sealed blank screens. In such a closed space, moisture will still appear in the form of condensate, and the absence of an inspection hatch will not allow you to quickly start repairs in case of problems with the sewer.

In any case, you need to leave a hole for ventilation and an inspection hatch for access to communicationsPHOTO: falcon93.ru
In any case, you need to leave a hole for ventilation and an inspection hatch for access to communications

Types of screens for the bath

There are many ideas for bathroom screens, for every taste and budget. You only need to decide on the material that you would like to see in your interior, but, of course, with the condition that this material is able to withstand high humidity in the room and drops temperature. The screen surface should not absorb water, otherwise you will have to endlessly fight the growth of fungal colonies.

What options can be considered?

Screen with hinged doors. In this case, the doors open, as in a closet, to the side. This is convenient and you get full access to the space under the bath. But at the same time, you must have enough space for the full movement of the door. Please note that when opening you need to step back a little more, that is, this is still plus some space.

Hinged doors can be two, three or even four, if you like.PHOTO: laborcolor.ru
Hinged doors can be two, three or even four, if you like.

Another option is a screen with sliding doors. It saves a lot of space, because in this case you do not need a lot of space in front of the bathroom itself to maneuver. In this case, the doors move to the side. But the disadvantage of such a system is that in any case you will have limited access to the space under bathroom, that is, the door will move to the side, left or right and at the same time close the second part of the screen.

A screen with a hinged door is another interesting idea to implement. This model is easy to handle, quite simple to perform, but also does not give full access, it will be especially difficult to get something from the very bottom. If you tilt the door completely, then again you will need a large free space in front of the bathroom.

With such an opening system, it will not be easy to get access to the sewer drain communications, and this is already a more significant minus.PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
With such an opening system, it will not be easy to get access to the sewer drain communications, and this is already a more significant minus.

And finally, bath screens are made deaf, that is, without any doors or drawers. Usually this is brickwork, in which an audit hole is left for access to communications. Here, of course, there is no place for storage, but screens such as a thermos keep the heat of water for a long time. This option is perfect for those who like to bask in a hot font for hours.

How to choose a finished bath screen

You can make a screen for a bath yourself, or you can buy a ready-made one. These are sold in specialized plumbing stores.

This is usually a lightweight plastic construction with adjustable legs and sliding doors.PHOTO: ekran-pod-vannu.ru
This is usually a lightweight plastic construction with adjustable legs and sliding doors.

Such screens cover only the frontal part of the font. Standard sizes are from 50 to 60 cm in height and from 150 to 180 cm in length. There are also more expensive models of MDF screens on sale. They usually have a standard height of 56 cm, and if this does not suit you, you will have to manually file the bottom of the doors. How to install a protective screen is usually described in the attached instructions.

In addition to the dimensions of the screen, when choosing a variety, the location of the communication pipes should also be taken into account, especially if you plan to buy a finished structure. It is very important to pre-calculate how you can get to the place you need under the bathroom.

When choosing ready-made models, be sure to pay attention to the fittings. And if you are making a screen yourself, be sure to choose stainless metal handles and hinges. In conditions of high humidity, these elements fail very quickly if they are of inadequate quality.

Bath screen made of timber and plywood

A simple design that does not require any special skill from the master is a frame made of timber and doors made of ordinary, but preferably moisture-resistant plywood. How to make it?

Before making a frame from a bar, you need to impregnate the wood with an antiseptic - this will protect the structure from decayPHOTO: drevesina.net
Before making a frame from a bar, you need to impregnate the wood with an antiseptic - this will protect the structure from decay

For the screen frame, the best option is a beam with a section of 4 x 4 cm.

If you need to make a frame rack, first mark the contours. To do this, a plumb line is lowered from the edge of the bowl and a line is drawn right on the floor. In order for the screen to go under the side of the font, you need to move the line about 3 cm deep. At this point, the lower frame beam will be laid.

To make a frame with an angle, and not only along the frontal part of the font, the procedure is repeated perpendicular to the first marking.

On the floor, the timber is fixed with self-tapping screws in dowels. The vertical racks of the frame are placed in the corners, fixed with metal corners to the lower beam and to the upperPHOTO: waysi.ru
On the floor, the timber is fixed with self-tapping screws in dowels. The vertical racks of the frame are placed in the corners, fixed with metal corners to the lower beam and to the upper

If you are planning homemade sliding doors, the racks should be placed so that they do not interfere with opening and closing them. The step between the racks should be 50-60 cm, for the length of the bath it is about 3-4 racks.

Doors can already be installed on a frame made of timber. If you are planning sliding doors, then you need to purchase guides for them, and the doors themselves can be made from thin plywood.

In addition to plywood, hinged doors made of lining or thin slats look great under the bathroom. There are several interesting options here: in the form of blinds, panels, shields - the choice here directly depends on your interior.

Any option made of natural wood needs reliable protection from moisture. Plywood or wooden doors must be treated with an antiseptic, coated with paint or stain and varnish.

To make swing doors out of wood, wooden frames are made, and lamellas are already mounted on them at an angle for blinds or a lining or board for a shield is stuffed.

Wooden bath screens give the interior a resemblance to a sauna or bath. It makes sense to supplement them with shelves of the same strength and make a bedside table under the sinkPHOTO: loftecomarket.ru
Wooden bath screens give the interior a resemblance to a sauna or bath. It makes sense to supplement them with shelves of the same strength and make a bedside table under the sink

Do-it-yourself plastic screen

There is another type of frame that is more suitable for plastic structures. You can use the metal profile PN 27X28 - it perfectly copes with light sheet materials.

The markings for the construction of the frame are done in exactly the same way as in the variant with a bar. For a corner bath, the task will be more complicated, because here you need a flexible material for the screen, and plastic fits perfectly.

The lower bar is fixed on the floor, the side and vertical racks are attached to the walls and to the upper and lower trim with corners.

The connection can be made with ordinary short self-tapping screws - for plastic, such strength will be quite enoughPHOTO: euroluki.ru
The connection can be made with ordinary short self-tapping screws - for plastic, such strength will be quite enough

As for the plastic itself, there are several variations. The most logical choice is to use the same panels that you used to finish the walls of the bathroom. In this combination, you will have a complete interior with a logical continuation under the bathroom, that is, it will look like it is recessed into the overall wall structure. For a deaf design, the panels are simply attached to the same profiles as on the walls, and if you want to make doors, they are mounted on frames, arranging them around the perimeter with a plug profile.

You can make a screen under the bath from sheet plastic panels - this way you can easily get sliding doors.

Brick and tile bath screen

Returning to the topic of sissies who prefer to enjoy a hot bath for hours, consider capital sealed screens.

To insulate a steel bath, users often cover it from the outside with mounting foam. Such a heater really delays the cooling of the metal much, turning the font into a kind of thermos. At the same time, the view from the outside turns out, of course, unattractive, so it remains only to reliably hide it with a blank screen.

Brickwork is used as such a screen, which is then lined with ceramic tiles.PHOTO: Yandex Zen
Brickwork is used as such a screen, which is then lined with ceramic tiles.

When planning this screen, you must first determine the location for the inspection hatch. You should not make the hatch too small, its dimensions should be such that an adult can freely access communications. And not just to get, but also to use tools for repairs, and also be able to highlight the place of work, so as not to do all this by touch.

For masonry, markings are first made, as in previous versions, only you need to keep in mind that this line will be the outer part of the masonry. If there is a free corner, laying begins with it, laying out the angular vertical and checking the direction along the building level. Then a brick is laid out from the corner to the sides.

As a rule, there is some free space between the top row and the side of the bathroom. It is difficult to calculate so that it does not exist. It is filled with mounting foam or mortar residues.

You can make masonry from any type of brick or from concrete blocks. You can go an even simpler way - make the screen itself from the GKL, and lay the tile on top of it. How to do it - in this short video:

Interesting ideas for bath screens in the interior gallery

For your inspiration, here are some examples of bath screens with different non-standard design ideas. Perhaps one of them will catch your attention.

1 out of 9

We make a screen under the bath with our own hands: simply and in one day

Bright pictures on thin plastic will look great against the backdrop of a modest interior. These screens are sold ready-made.

We make a screen under the bath with our own hands: simply and in one day

A screen for a small bath, if you need to fill the edges in a niche, is a design that not only covers the front, but also forms the sides

We make a screen under the bath with our own hands: simply and in one day

The mirror screen will make the room visually more spacious. But you need to monitor the cleanliness of the mirror, on which drops of water will be very noticeable.

We make a screen under the bath with our own hands: simply and in one day

Plain wall paneling can make your bathroom interior very attractive.

We make a screen under the bath with our own hands: simply and in one day

You can make a screen from a waterproof laminate, it will look no worse than wood

We make a screen under the bath with our own hands: simply and in one day

Ordinary plywood, with the right approach and some imagination, can make the interior of your bathroom unique.

We make a screen under the bath with our own hands: simply and in one day

The screen can also be made open, with backlight - very creative

We make a screen under the bath with our own hands: simply and in one day

Hinged doors with convenient shelves will help to place various bottles, shampoos, gels under the bathroom

We make a screen under the bath with our own hands: simply and in one day

You can decorate with natural stone - you get a capital and unusual design in the interior

As you can see, there are a lot of interesting design ideas. You just have to choose your own in this variety, and even making it with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears. And it doesn't take much time to do so.

Do you think it is difficult to make a screen under the bath? Did you have to do such work or did you invite specialists? Share your experience in the comments!


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