It is impossible to imagine a recreation area in a country house, cottage, dacha without garden furniture. In the optimal version, it serves not only practical purposes - for outdoor recreation of the owners of the site - but also decorates the landscape. Today there is an opportunity to purchase really beautiful, stylish, high-quality outdoor furniture sets.

It is difficult to imagine a landscaped area without garden furniture.
Wooden furniture for the cottage or veranda
- Wooden furniture for the cottage or veranda
- Log and hemp benches
- Metal furniture for summer cottages
- Varieties of designs
- Wooden grill gazebo for summer cottages with windows
- Photos of examples of garden furniture in landscape design
- VIDEO: Do-it-yourself garden furniture made of metal and wood.
- 50 design options for garden furniture made of wood and metal:
Wooden garden furniture is extremely popular. It fits into the natural landscape more organically than other options, is aesthetically attractive, flawless from an environmental point of view and, with proper care, has been successfully used for many years.

Wood is a noble and practical option.
The following types of wood are used to create it:
- Teak is a strong, durable structure that is not prone to cracking and decay. Teak furniture can be kept outdoors throughout the holiday season. The only drawback of teak products is their high cost;
- Larch is the second “champion” in terms of service life after teak. This is a difficult-to-process wood of a reddish hue;

It is suitable for making almost any item.
- Beech is a fairly durable option, but beech products should be protected from moisture so that they do not warp or crack;
- Oak is also a hard-wearing wood that resists moisture well, but is not easy to work with;

This is a classic version of furniture for a summer residence, which you can do yourself.
- Acacia - strong, reliable furniture is obtained from it, minimally deformed by moisture and heat;
- Pine is a budget option; pine is prone to deformation if it is quickly moistened and dried. But it is suitable for lightweight portable products that can be hidden from atmospheric precipitation indoors;

A table, chairs, benches and even garden sofas made of wood, with proper care, will serve you faithfully for more than a year.
- Rattan - this exotic is elastic, resilient and durable, but it should be protected from both excessive moisture and overheating (changes color, and from the proximity of an open fire, which in suburban conditions is very likely, it can ignite). Rattan products withstand loads well, but scratches and chips appear on the surface from rough mechanical influences;
- Vine - wicker furniture is strong and durable if handled carefully, moisture and UV rays can damage it.

Even a novice master can make a simple bench.
Important! Rattan and wicker furniture is most often sold already with a surface treated with protective agents. Furniture made of solid wood of low and even middle price segment can go on sale not treated with special compounds and varnishes - the owners will have to take care of this on their own. Otherwise, it will quickly lose its appearance and will not last long. It is worth studying the manufacturer's recommendations for caring for individual wood species.

Professionals are able to turn furniture into a real work of art.
Log and hemp benches
The simplest version of furniture for a summer residence is easy to make yourself from ordinary logs and hemp left after cutting firewood and uprooting old trees. The simplest round table is easily made from high hemp and a round cut of wood of a larger diameter fixed on top of it; lower hemp can play the role of chairs.

For beginners who have decided to master the manufacture of garden furniture, it should be borne in mind that it is not always possible to do everything perfectly the first time.
Log and hemp benches are also easy to manufacture: one log is required for one bench. From it you need to saw off two blocks of the same size for the role of supports, cut the rest in half - these will be the back and the seat. All elements are joined using branches with metal rods stretched through them (the rods are fixed with ordinary PVA glue). To sand the back and seat, you will need a sander or, more laboriously, coarse sandpaper. The gaps should be filled with wood filler and sanded.

When you have already gained experience, you can easily improvise and create your own unique projects.
The resulting product can be dyed, drawn, or left with a natural color. Such furniture does not require special care - it is enough to regularly wipe it with a damp cloth and detergents.

Making garden furniture is much easier than designing and making a piece of furniture for your own apartment.
Important! If furniture made of hemp and logs is a long-term option, treat it with yacht (boat) varnish to prevent rotting and the appearance of pests - wood-destroying fungi and insects.

Stumps and driftwood that get in the way on the site can also become a unique item or part of it.
Metal furniture for summer cottages
Metal furniture for a summer residence is made in three ways:
- casting;
- forging;
- welding.

Metal interior items are practical, functional, able to fit into any landscape and divide the territory into zones.
The materials for it are aluminum, silumin (aluminum-silicon alloy), steel, cast iron, copper. Forged items are the most expensive, followed by cast items. But it is forging and casting that are ways to create from metal not just furniture, but real works of art. Exclusive kits made to order or from catalogs of specialized workshops and manufactures will adorn any suburban recreation area.

Many people choose metal furniture for their site. First of all, this is due to its long service life.
Metal furniture is durable - it does not deform, is not subject to fading and decay. Its only enemy is corrosion, but you can save a street set of metal by treating it with anti-corrosion compounds or painting.

With proper protection against corrosion, metal objects can serve their owners for several decades and still retain their attractive appearance.
Be careful: under the hot summer sun, metal furniture heats up, and the touch of the skin on it can be unpleasant - use pillows or blankets for sitting.

Metal goes well with plastic and wood, while the legs can be forged, like the back.
Important! For massive metal furniture, it is recommended to prepare a special solid platform (concreted, covered with tiles) - otherwise the legs of the products will be buried in the ground under load.

The main disadvantage of cast-iron and steel forged furniture is its heavy weight, so it is better to place such furniture outdoors.
Varieties of designs
Wooden and metal garden furniture designs are divided into two types:
- Mobile (portable) are small and lightweight structures that do not need to be fixed in one specific place. They are both non-collapsible and folding. Such furniture is easy to move, choosing the best places for relaxation - sunny, shaded, near the pool or barbecue, it is easy to put away for storage;

In which case, there is a place for them under the canopy of the terrace, in the garage, basement or inside the house.
- Stationary - large and massive furniture for long-term use, usually having its own specific place in the summer cottage, made of high quality materials and highly resistant to humidity, climatic changes, temperature extremes and chemical reagents.

For massive and heavy furniture, it is better to choose a permanent place.
Wooden grill gazebo for summer cottages with windows
The domestic climate - especially in winter - is similar to the Finnish one, therefore grill-gazebos from Lapland have become very popular for installation in country houses. The Finnish Grill House is a wooden summer cottage with windows and a barbecue stove. In the traditional version, it is stylized as a Sami log house. It is closed, octagonal, with an area of 6 m2, and a height of 3 m. It can accommodate up to 10 people, and it can be used all year round, because the room is heated.

Wooden grill houses look very solid and solid, and at the same time they feel a special atmosphere of comfort and warmth.
The usual material for the walls of such a gazebo is profiled timber. The house is insulated with mineral plates, extruded polystyrene, wood fiber insulation, the interior is sheathed with clapboard or similar wood finishing materials.

Wooden gazebos are the most common and popular among owners of country houses.
The "heart" of the grill arbor is a hearth, a barbecue stove. For it, even at the stage of creating the foundation, a special site is allocated, where the foundation is laid with reinforcement (it is better to entrust this to a specialist) and a hole in the roof is provided to remove the smoke pipe.

Finnish gazebos have large windows that make the structure look lighter.
The windows give the building a more graceful look and allow people resting inside to admire the panorama.

Finnish gazebos are becoming more and more popular in our country.
Important! Grill houses should be used with the indispensable observance of all fire safety rules: carefully monitor the hearth during the time of its operation, regularly check the condition of the chimney, do not allow children to independently manage the grill house and adolescents.
Photos of examples of garden furniture in landscape design
If you have no or insufficient experience in arranging the site, and you hesitate with the choice of the "right" garden furniture, photos showing the furniture already installed on the garden landscapes will help you.

Pallets (pallets) can be bought for little money at construction sites, in stores or online.
Please note: furniture can be selected so that it fits the overall style of the house or garden.
The French style will require elegant wrought iron tables and chairs, the English style will require wooden benches and pergolas entwined with climbing plants. Wicker wicker furniture is perfect for country. Garden furniture sets made of logs and stumps will perfectly fit into the forest and eco-style. Forged elements with floral ornaments characterize the Art Nouveau style. With a commitment to a minimalist style, simple, ascetic forms of aluminum furniture will do.

Aluminum things are inexpensive, durable with careful use, but they can only have one color - silver.
Stone furniture is expensive and inconvenient to use - it is massive and immobile. And plastic in the open air and in recreational conditions is short-lived: it is afraid of mechanical influences, temperature changes, UV rays, and besides plastic kits (if this is not prohibitively expensive designer furniture) look cheap, making your suburban recreation area similar to a street point catering. Garden furniture made of wood and metal is optimal in terms of price-quality ratio.

You can decorate your site with modern designs that will organically fit into the landscape.
VIDEO: Do-it-yourself garden furniture made of metal and wood.
50 design options for garden furniture made of wood and metal: