Landscaping on 15 acres: how to plan the vacation of land

Create your own, not like the other design project on 15 acres of countryside, not so difficult. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the relief available to the territory and the basic principles of proper land zoning.

an area of ​​15 acres

Accomplishment of land - true art.

Features of the design portion of 15 ar


  • Features of the design portion of 15 ar
  • On the choice of a country site design style
    • Gardening style
    • Classical variant arrangement portion
    • Mixed design style
  • zoning
  • Fence and decorative fences
  • Outbuildings
  • areas for recreation options
  • Garden
  • Create a mood with plants
  • VIDEO: Landscaping area 15 hectare.
  • Beautiful examples and variants areas of design:

The first and most important stage - the creation of the project. A detailed plan of the site assumes the form on top of the territory in compliance with the precise proportions. Pre you can see the finished projects or similar right to undertake the development of its own. Before you plan the site of a country house 15 acres it is important to study and take into account some of the nuances:

  1. Explore the terrain available territory, it will affect the layout of the main house, households. buildings and so on.
  2. Soil (acidity, friability, and so on. D.) And climate influence the choice of plants.
  3. Check the level of groundwater, this study is carried out in the summer. If the result of occurrence of water more than 2 m, the possibility of landing practically any plant, if less, will have to carefully choose the species for future plantations or artificially raise the ground level. As an option - to conduct additional drainage works.
  4. In the design of the house is important to take into account the points of the compass. On the south side have a maximum number of windows, terrace, build toilets. In the north - garage and industrial buildings, boiler and so on. The western side is more moist (but it depends on the climate), here are building the staircase, storage rooms, passages, corridors.
  5. Distribution portion 15 ar necessarily include research on illuminance. Measurements carried out at 9 am, at 12 and 17 hours of the day. Depending on this, on the territory of a light-loving and shade-loving trees. On the shaded areas well "take root" destinations. And where there is a lot of light, set the greenhouses and greenhouses.
an area of ​​15 acres photo processing

Beautiful fountains, benches, fences, trees, and the arch lights ennobling appearance portion

Important! Depending on the location of the water-bearing sources need to plan a vegetable garden, garden, flower beds. But the playground should not be here.

Several variants of the main house accommodation:

  1. Right at the entrance. This is the most practical version of the planning - to drive up to the house is not difficult, most of the area is hidden from prying eyes.
  2. The house in the central part. This layout is suitable for a rectangular region. The house is built on a distance of about fifteen meters from the main entrance. In the foreground is a site for cars, flower beds, tree planting. At the rear seating area is placed, a playground.
  3. At the bottom of the garden. The house, surrounded by greenery, will reduce the background noise and will give the impression of privacy.
an area of ​​15 acres photos

Harmony between objects created by man and nature - that's the main goal pursued by landscape designers.

When designing experts advise to adhere to (but not exactly comply with) the following dimensions:

  • house must occupy about 10% of the area;
  • households. construction - 15%;
  • Lawn-and-garden area - up to 70%;
  • sitting area - 5%.

Since the 15 acres it is quite a large area, you can additionally allocate space for a bath or a small outdoor swimming pool. But in this case, the reduced place in the garden and orchard.

On the choice of a country site design style

There are many different styles to create a unique landscape design for 15 acres, but the 4 main varieties are indicated continents names:

  1. Far East - this is the style of Japanese and Chinese.
  2. West - designed in European style.
  3. America - execution involves the creation of shrub shapes, forms and crisp lines.
  4. Russia - feature of the design is to increase the vegetable garden area, a complete mix of styles according to the taste of the owner.
an area of ​​15 acres design

An area of ​​fifteen hundred relate to relatively large.

Important: whatever style is chosen, it is first necessary to take into account the climate of the area, it is difficult to establish a strict English park in the far north.

Gardening style

Execution of landscape design at a garden supply (it is also called the village) style allows the owner to place on your site at the same time fruit and vegetable garden. There is no clear and direct lines of geometric paths, there is no place exotic.

an area of ​​15 acres design photo

The main features of this style will be freely placed without any apparent geometry and symmetry of the plant.

The décor is well suited wicker fences brought from the forest of dead wood. Small fences enclose the beds and flower beds. Suited to the selected style beds framed natural stone and pebbles from the track. When making this area the following specialist advice should be considered:

  • flowing lines, rounded, streamlined;
  • live fences;
  • secluded, shaded corners;
  • Rotunda or small pavilion, as an example - a cozy terrace;
  • raised flower beds;
  • gazebos and swing is not bright color;
  • the lawn should be replaced by a lawn.
an area of ​​15 acres photo design

With the help of a landscape style, you can visually enlarge the space and make the territory of the uniqueness and originality.

Gardening feature depending on the area of ​​illumination, but not near: a chemical that will periodically be handled garden damage garden crops.

Classical variant arrangement portion

The most traditional version of the design suburban area - a classic style. It is characterized by the following description:

  • strict symmetric line;
  • the main axis, on both sides of which there are spaces;
  • The main building is in the middle section or at the end of an axis;
  • households. buildings placed along the back;
  • plenty of open space, a flat, level surface;
an area of ​​15 acres classic

Classic style is more suitable sites with the correct form.

Mandatory part of the classical landscape design - the presence of porter. There are several varieties: floral, lace, split, lawns, etc... The choice of options is totally dependent on the owner. But everything has to be maintained in a single ensemble.

15 hectare plot classic

Classic is characterized by clear lines, symmetrical objects.

Mixed design style

For fans of the experiments for people with unlimited flight of fancy, for those who can not be kept within the limits, ideal mixed style. This dream garden can continually rebuild, make additions and changes newfangled.

an area of ​​15 acres

Mixed style is a mixture of both styles and is ideal for re-registration of already built-up area.

Thus in 2019 following popular varieties:

  • Japanese minimalism, where the stone garden replaced the alpine slide;
  • Regular classic design with the addition of antiquity;
  • Dutch mixed with country;
  • meadow English style with a rustic (country) or bright composition in the form of rockeries (rosary).

Mixed design suits the owners of those houses, where everyone has their own idea of ​​"Garden of Dreams". If the space is zoned, then each family member can create his "paradise".

an area of ​​15 acres photo design

Disposition suburban area depends on the shape of the territory, which is often non-standard type.


The most popular way to divide the plot into zones - hedges. From carefully selected shrubs obtained fence of any height and density. But these "fences" require careful maintenance. Good fit bushes:

  • planted in any climate: juniper, barberry, hawthorn and viburnum;
  • Exotic: almond, cherry or Japanese quince, Thuja;
  • decorative and flowering: forsythia, lilac, cherry felt.
an area of ​​15 acres hedge

After registration of the greenery land gets its unique flavor.

Areas with difficult terrain with altitude differences equipped terraces, alpine slides and artificial reservoirs.

Fence and decorative fences

Any land taken not only fencing around the perimeter, but inside. So playground traditionally separated small transparent fence. And when the kids are older, you can put a gazebo or build a recreation area for guests. Farm buildings separated high fruit trees.

an area of ​​15 acres zoning

Greening is not just an aesthetic form, pleasing the eye image of the area, but also will improve its micro-climate, protect the area from external factors, will help to identify the zone.

In recent years, design has become a fashionable trend in the creation of fences a gabion (wire mesh filled with stones). Such a fence is durable, requires no maintenance, it can be used to neutralize any terrain irregularities.

fence gabions

Modern fence gabions will be an excellent area decor.

Another way to protect the rest area or the head structure of the garden - the construction of arches and pergolas (lattice structure). And she and the other are an excellent basis for the twine plant. Expanding, they completely cover the fence and become a reliable protection against unauthorized curious gaze.


Country house - it's not only the beautiful landscape, the garden and flower beds. Neither site is complete hozpostroek. And the main thing here is not to be mistaken with the preliminary planning. In preparing the plan it is important to put everything right. After all, if a flower bed, and even a vegetable garden can be transferred with time, having equipped the bath in front of the garage, fix it will be quite difficult.

an area of ​​15 acres with house

Choosing which plants to use, and at what point their land to plant, consider the relief to which climate zone it is located, how to navigate to the cardinal.

Experts recommend when planning to take into account the following features:

  1. If the garage is located directly under the central entrance, as close as possible to the road, this will save part of the territory.
  2. Those households. buildings that need to connect to the communications (bath / sauna, pool, summer kitchen, shower), positioned adjacent to the house, but no closer than 5 - 8 m (SNIP).
  3. Such as the construction of a shed for tools and fertilizers build closer to the vegetable garden, 20 meters remotely from the main house.
  4. All constructions must be removed from the fence at least 1 m.
an area of ​​15 acres design ideas

Shrubs and trees can be planted in both the outside portion and the inside.

Important: in order to correctly calculate the location of the permanent and temporary structures, it is worth pre-acquainted with the rules prescribed in the SNIP (building code).

areas for recreation options

In fact, the traditional options for the recreation area near her house is not too much. Plot 15 acres does not allow "turn around" and to build a multi-site transition from outdoor activities to a place where you can sit with your friends.

an area of ​​15 acres design ideas

The lawn will unite the entire composition into a single whole, will create harmony.

For self-assistance approach:

  • dining area with a simple barbecue or barbecue can be done with indoor shelter or select a site under the trees;
  • turn the back yard into a modern patio - wooden floor, deck chairs for sunbathing and a comfortable seating area for rest in the open;
  • Various gazebos - indoor and outdoor;
  • temporary or permanent pool on the terrace - not the budget option, but certainly a place to stay will be popular;
  • playground;
  • playground.
an area of ​​15 acres with pond

When equipment at the site of an artificial pond should be familiar with the sanitary and building regulations relating to this matter.

Important! The most important thing in setting up any variety of recreational areas - compliance with safety regulations. This also applies to places of a fire and a children's playground.


For arranging and garden on a plot of land you need to make a plan diagram. And the plan is drawn up separately for different seasons. Doing the calculations take into account the location and beds, and lighting, and turning away from fences, and the width of the tracks. If there is a need for the construction of greenhouses, they are also applied to the circuit.

an area of ​​15 acres landscaping

Garden paths do not make long and narrow in width. They are paving around the house and from there to each object.

Basic principles of planning:

  1. The beds directed from north to south.
  2. Indicate the width of each bed.
  3. Determined with the initial planting (according to the rules of crop rotation in different years at the same location are planted various vegetable crops).
  4. Walkways and paths more reasonable to make at least 40 cm.
  5. When landing garden trees are initially determined with the scheme: checkerboard, horizontal, square (in the territory of the perimeter).
  6. Select location bushes so that they do not obscure the trees and bushes give the light of the kitchen garden.
an area of ​​15 acres flowerbed

Ideal for those who enjoy an abundance of greenery.

Important! It is necessary to make accurate measurements, while to remember that the vegetation tends to grow over time.

Create a mood with plants

The soul of any site - it's a plant. And no matter what style is selected for the arrangement of the territory, the most difficult to create a harmonious composition with the help of established plants. Someone who likes to herbaceous plants, and some prefer a blooming garden all year round. But there are rules that will help to build a landscape that will delight and create a mood at any time of the year.

an area of ​​15 acres green terrace

That's how you can draw an original dining area outdoors.

  1. North side is suitable for planting hardy perennials.
  2. The eastern side of the middle band Russia is artful sudden changes in temperature.
  3. Near the gutters and edge crowns of trees planted moisture-loving plants.
  4. From the north a cold-resistant trees and shrubs.

Important! When calculating the density of planting into account the biological characteristics of each species separately.

When used to create fruit bushes hedge selected ones that are well tolerated and have cut a thick crown. For example, currant, honeysuckle, Aaron. For pergolas, arches and pergolas use Actinidia, magnolia, grapes.

an area of ​​15 acres clearance

Neatly trimmed bushes, manicured lawn, colorful flowers and trees create a truly luxurious paradise on 15 acres.

Those who appreciate the variety of suitable beds with annuals: portulaca, marigold, petunia, lobelia, Iberis, Chinese Carnation and others. Fans of the constancy necessary to reflect on the composition of the selection of perennial plants: alpine aster, clove-travyanka, begonia vechnotsvetuschaya etc... Create beautiful 'carpet' covering of flowering perennials can be planted: phlox styloid, dyusheneya, Aubrieta and so on.

an area of ​​15 acres photo processing

How will the territory in which areas it will be divided and what buildings and plants find their place in it, depends on the taste and the home team opportunities.

VIDEO: Landscaping area 15 hectare.

Beautiful examples and variants areas of design:

Amazing examples of landscape design suburban area of ​​15 acres, you can see in the photo.