Concrete fence: advantages and disadvantages, the right choice of sections and panels

Concrete is a material composed of a mixture of sand, gravel, cement and water. To strengthen the strength of concrete structures, they are additionally reinforced with metal reinforcement. In this case, the material is already called reinforced concrete. Both the first and the second product are widely used in the construction of buildings and structures. The construction of fences around industrial and agricultural enterprises, civil and residential buildings was no exception.

Concrete fence with openwork elements

A modern reinforced concrete fence can look very attractive.

Concrete fence as an element of decor


  • Concrete fence as an element of decor
  • Types of concrete fences
    • Monolithic fence
    • Monolithic sectional fence
    • Stacked sectional fences
    • Monolithic reinforced concrete fence
    • Block concrete fence
  • Decorative sectional fences made of concrete
  • What to look for when choosing a fence
  • Useful video about painting a concrete fence
  • Photos of concrete fences

The massive construction of individual cottages, country houses spurred engineering thought in the direction of the design of fences. The introduction of modern technologies, the appearance of colored cements made it possible to put the production of reinforced concrete fences on stream and even introduce decorative elements into their device.

Textured pattern on the surface of a concrete fence

There is no need to argue that a concrete fence is one of the most reliable structures.

Gray concrete fence at their summer cottage

Such a fence will stand for many years, subject to correct calculation and high-quality installation.

The choice of external design of a concrete fence around the land plot now depends only on the preferences of the owner and his financial capabilities. The flight of ideas is unlimited here. You can order an original project for an individual order, or you can restrict yourself to simple, but artistically expressive elements of the fence.

Types of concrete fences

Beautiful concrete fence in the garden

There are various variations of the concrete fence

Monolithic fence

A monolithic barrier allows you to completely cover the fenced area from indiscreet glances, noise from highways, encroachments of thieves.

Monolithic fences are erected at the place of installation: the perimeter of the site. Concrete and metal reinforcement are used as material. The concrete can be prepared at the construction site in a concrete mixer or ordered ready-made at the factory. In the latter case, the delivery of the material is carried out in concrete mixer trucks equipped with special hoses that facilitate the supply of the liquid mixture.

Construction of a monolithic concrete fence

Monolithic concrete railing is cast directly on site

Formwork for casting a monolithic concrete fence

For casting, formwork is used, on which the appearance of the fence depends

For a monolithic fence, a concrete foundation must be arranged. It can be solid, strip or pile, when a reinforced concrete grillage is laid on the pile heads. The dimensions, deepening and reinforcement of the foundation depend on the dimensions of the monolithic fence and the criteria for its strength. In difficult cases, a design calculation may be required.

The main conditions for the construction of the foundation are sufficient depth and a single design elevation of the top of the foundation.

Casting a concrete fence around the perimeter of the garden area

Monolithic concrete structures require precise calculations

All structural elements of a monolithic fence require the installation of metal or wooden formwork. Reinforcement cages are laid into it and a liquid concrete mixture is poured. So that there are no cavities and voids in the concrete, it is compacted with vibrators or pins. All component parts are fastened together with special iron anchors.

High-tech concrete steles on a garden plot

The main advantage of monolithic fences is the possibility of original architectural forms

The strength of the fence depends on the selected concrete grade. After the concrete has reached the design capacity, the formwork is removed. In its original form, a monolithic concrete fence is not distinguished by high aesthetics. Stone cladding, decorative plaster and other finishing elements will help to give a complete decoration.

Facing a concrete fence with natural stone

The result of finishing a concrete fence can be very attractive, but it raises the cost of the fence.

Monolithic sectional fence

Installation of a fence made of prefabricated monolithic reinforced concrete sections is more mechanized, less laborious than the above-described version of the fence. A strip concrete base is poured, in which supports are provided for fastening the posts of monolithic sections. The deepening of the foundation depends on the type of soil and the weight of the reinforced concrete elements of the fence.

Installing a section of a concrete fence

Installation of a monolithic section is carried out using technology

A separate monolithic section consists of a railing panel and a support post on one side. The reinforced concrete post has a recess on the lower side for fastening to the foundation and a vertical groove on the side for connecting to an adjacent slab.

Gray texture of a section of a reinforced concrete fence

Typical sections come in different sizes, the cost of the product depends on the dimensions

The significant weight and dimensions of finished monolithic structures require special equipment for their transportation and installation. The process of installing barriers from separate monolithic sections using a truck crane is only possible for professional builders.

Standard section of reinforced concrete fence

Manufacturers produce reinforced concrete sections “brick-like”, “stone-like” or with geometric patterns

Factory concrete fence panels are distinguished by a variety of shapes and textured finishes. Once in place, concrete structures can be refined with paint, decorative plaster or tiled.

Stacked sectional fences

The set for the device of such a fence includes reinforced concrete elements made in the same style:

  • poles with grooves for hanging individual parts of the fence;
  • deaf enclosing sections;
  • patterned decorative sections.

Type-setting fence structures are manufactured at reinforced concrete enterprises using a special vibration casting technology. At the exit, products of high density are obtained, characterized by a wide variety of textures and colors. Such fences are strong and durable enough.

Installation of a sectional reinforced concrete fence

The structure consists of small-format slabs installed in the grooves of the H-shaped pillars

The foundation is optional. Installation of the fence is within the power of a team of several workers. The low weight of the sections (40-70 kg) allows you to significantly save on transport costs. The process of installing the fence begins with the installation of reinforced concrete pillars. The supports are spaced from each other at a distance that allows the fence panels to freely enter the grooves of the posts.

The pit of the support is poured with concrete only after checking the horizontal installation of the lower section. The embedment depth of the support posts can be up to 1.5 meters.

The height of the fence depends on the number of sections mounted on top of each other. Usually the number varies from 3 to 5 elements. The stacked fence made of panels is popular in individual construction. The artistic design of the structure must be taken care of at the stage of manufacturing the component parts. Modern technologies are able to make surfaces that imitate wood, brick, stone. With such a decor, an ordinary fence becomes a rich and prestigious decoration of the personal plot.

Concrete sectional fence at the border of the site

The prefabricated section of the fence can consist of deaf or openwork elements

The bottom of the type-setting fence (2-3 sections) is assembled from solid panels, the upper part has gaps, architectural decorations in the form of openwork concrete ornaments, balusters. The panels are finished from both sides or, in an economical version, only from the front side.

Painting sections of a concrete fence in the country

Concrete castings come in a wide variety of shapes and textures

Type-setting concrete fence is much lighter and cheaper than similar monolithic structures. At the request of the owner of the territory, the type-setting fence can consist entirely of deaf elements.

Monolithic reinforced concrete fence

For the fencing of large industrial enterprises and construction sites, self-standing reinforced concrete slabs are often used. For their installation, no foundation laying and installation of pillars are required. These slabs are supported by their massive lower part, the width of which reaches 110 cm. The heavy weight of the T-shoe shifts the slab's center of gravity towards the bottom base and guarantees the stability of the concrete section.

Concrete sectional fence on support glasses

These fences are often used to create temporary fences.

The construction technology is as follows:

  1. Plates are installed on a flat, solid surface.
  2. In the case of installation on the ground, they dig a shallow (15-20 cm) trench wider than the base of the slab.
  3. The mixture of sand and crushed stone is poured and thoroughly rammed.
  4. Plates are lowered onto the prepared pillow using a truck crane.
  5. The individual sections fit together.

A self-contained fence can be dismantled at any time and moved to a new location. Such panels have a modest design. A distinctive feature of a self-contained concrete section fence is its high strength.

Old Soviet reinforced concrete fence

A striking example of a sectional fence is the famous PO-2 reinforced concrete product with rhombuses on the sections

A variety of monolithic slabs with racks at the bottom are available. They come with reinforced concrete glasses-supports. Glasses are installed along the perimeter of the fence at a distance depending on the length of the slab. The monolithic section is lowered so that the lower thorns of the plate enter the container of the glass.

Block concrete fence

There is a huge variety of ready-made concrete blocks for assembling this type of fence. Elements can be monolithic or lightweight - hollow. No decoration and decorative. In the latter case, colored pigments are added to the concrete composition, and by molding, a two-sided texture is obtained for a brick, stone, rock. The standard size of a masonry unit is 20x20x40 cm.

Metal gate in a concrete block-type fence

The name of such a fence speaks for itself - a block fence, which means it is made of blocks

Traditionally, blocks are laid on a strip foundation, the width of which is twice the width of the block. Experts advise to deepen the bottom of the base below the level of soil freezing. The height of the fence is dictated by the owner's preferences.

Strip foundation for block fence

The foundation is calculated taking into account the dimensions and mass of the selected blocks

The blocks are stacked vertically with the bandaging of vertical seams to enhance the strength of the structure. Regular block fencing requires additional finishing to cover the seams.

Laying of a section of a block concrete fence

To strengthen the structure, hollow blocks can be stacked with vertical reinforcement

In addition to aesthetic appeal, block fences have many other advantages:

  • ease of construction;
  • reliability, durability;
  • inexpensive price;
  • the possibility of combining with other materials;
  • a wide range of decorative finishes;
  • many options for execution;
  • the presence of internal sinuses for wiring.
Combined fence in a suburban area

Combined fence based on concrete blocks and decorative metal sections

The disadvantages include:

  • obligatory device of a reinforced concrete foundation;
  • labor intensity of work.
Wooden fence on a concrete base

A combination of stone-faced concrete and wood at the top of the fence

Decorative sectional fences made of concrete

These include all fences, which, in addition to the function of fencing and protection, serve as a decoration of the street and site. Above, decorative type-setting fences, fences made of refined concrete blocks were considered. Component parts of such fences are manufactured at reinforced concrete enterprises using vibration casting technology with decorative decoration of external surfaces.

Girlish grapes on the reinforced concrete section of the fence

Prefabricated concrete fence with decorative elements

Manufacturers have catalogs of products of various sizes, a wide color palette, beautiful textures that create the illusion of expensive natural coatings. The variety of forms and models for concrete casting allows you to create spatial, volumetric structures that are distinguished by original decor.

Beautiful concrete fence with imitation of a wooden fence

Type-setting sectional fence "under a tree"

Designers create combined fences that harmoniously combine concrete elements with a wooden picket fence, cast iron lattice, forged products and other architectural decorations.

What to look for when choosing a fence

  1. Decide for what purpose you need a fence.
  2. Pay attention to the appearance, dimensions of the fence, and the absence of defects.
  3. Check concrete grade and structural reinforcement. Typically, a concrete mix of grades 250-350 is used.
  4. Buy from trusted, reliable manufacturers with accompanying documents.
  5. Consider your financial capabilities.
  6. Try to install constructions that are practical to care for.
  7. Consider labor costs, the possibility of self-installation or the need to use special equipment.
  8. Try to create a consistent style with the design of the house and land.
  9. Do not forget about durability, the fence should not stand for a month or two, but for many years.
    Perform design calculations, if necessary.
Decorative concrete fence near a country house

A “purely” decorative fence is also made of concrete, which serves as a stylish decoration of a suburban area.

Useful video about painting a concrete fence

Photos of concrete fences