๐Ÿก Transformation old garden: the materials at hand, paint, lighting

Country cottage area It has always been the dream of many citizens. For some it is an opportunity to have on your table fresh vegetables and fruit without chemicals, but for others - a place where you can relax in comfort with family and friends outdoors on weekends, holidays or vacation. However, our garden after the winter, often need to be updated. In today's review we will tell HouseChief edition as a relatively easy way with the help of scrap materials to transform your country site and make it more attractive and comfortable for recreation.

Even old running giving can transform in such beauty if desired
Even old running giving can transform in such beauty if desired

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  • 1 โ„–1 idea: use of transport pallets
  • 2 โ„–2 idea refinement garden paths
  • 3 The idea โ„–3: arrangement artificial pond
  • 4 The idea โ„–4: the use of plastic bottles and cans
  • 5 The idea โ„–5: the use of bright colors
  • 6 The idea โ„–6: arrangement of flower beds
  • 7 The idea โ„–7: garden lighting and area
  • 8 A few words in conclusion

โ„–1 idea: use of transport pallets

The old transport pallets - versatile material and original designer "Lego", allows us to produce a lot of different things to give. Of the pallet can be done original fencesShelves for flowers, garden sofas, armchairs, magazine and dinner table, A hanging bed, swing and even summerhouse. Yes, a lot of which can be made of conventional pallets. However, if you do the table, bed or chair, wood need to carefully handle to avoid injury.

From pallets can make mobile mini-beds, setting them on wheels. Pallets are good because they can be used as a whole, like a "Lego" bricks and disassembled into individual boards. Decorate crafts can use the varnish, paint or the way wood burning.

Flower beds in the trays with wheels
Flower beds in the trays with wheels
Sofa and coffee table from old pallets
Sofa and coffee table from old pallets
Suspended bed from pallets
Suspended bed from pallets

โ„–2 idea refinement garden paths

Without the paths can not do at the cottage. They play not only practical, but also an aesthetic function. Garden paths equips who as you can. The course is everything: sand, gravel, pebbles, Whole or broken brick, concrete plates, Pavement and other materials. Some create original path even of cut a tree. However, it is not even in the material used, but in what form do the track. On the Internet there are a lot of original ideas for creating paths, but it is possible to show imagination and come up with your own version.

7 madly simple ideas how to transform an old cottage
The path from the wood round timber and pebbles
Chic track with patterns of river pebbles
Chic track with patterns of river pebbles
7 madly simple ideas how to transform an old cottage
The path of crushed stone and concrete tiles

The idea โ„–3: arrangement artificial pond

It looks great on a summer residence artificial reservoirs. They not only give a special charm landscape designBut also provide shade in the hot day. Near the artificial pond arrange recreation area, mini waterfalls and cased their plants. Equip small at his dacha pond Anyone can. The size, shape and decorative pond depends on your capabilities, preferences and fantasies. To create, you only need to dig a hole right, decorate her wall concrete mortar and decorated with stones.

A place to relax in a small vodoomchika
A place to relax in a small vodoomchika
Artificial pond with waterfall - a worthy ornament of any garden
Artificial pond with waterfall - a worthy ornament of any garden
Such mini-pond afford anyone
Such mini-pond afford anyone

The idea โ„–4: the use of plastic bottles and cans

Recently, very popular with summer residents began to use plastic bottles, of which the craftsmen doing the most different things. For example, this type of packaging can make a variety of garden figures of animals and birds, wall or hanging pots for flowers and even arbours. This use of plastic bottles leads to the suburban area more original and beautiful, and the kids just love these crafts.

Classy Peacock from plastic bottles
Classy Peacock from plastic bottles
Hanging flower bed of plastic bottles
Hanging flower bed of plastic bottles
Options pavilions from plastic bottles
Options pavilions from plastic bottles

The idea โ„–5: the use of bright colors

Transform an old country house and make it the envy of all the neighbors may be using bright colors. You can turn the entire area into a rainbow, or do only 2-3 accent, immediately catches the eye. Some who have artistic talent, paint the walls of the house or fence with various patterns, landscapes or images of birds and animals, while others are simply painted. Such decoration sure to attract attention and leave no one indifferent.

It is easy to transform the cottage you can use the paint
It is easy to transform the cottage you can use the paint
By such a house, hardly anyone will pass indifferently
By such a house, hardly anyone will pass indifferently
Chic fence, is not it?
Chic fence, is not it?

The idea โ„–6: arrangement of flower beds

What kind of country house without flower beds. Someone just dropped off flowers in front of the house on the plot, fenced fence, while others create original designWhich can even be called real art objects. It can be used for their manufacture anything: old tires, plastic cans, boards, cinder blocks, in general, any building materials that are left over from the construction of villas, and even old furniture. For example, out of the chest, with the charges to different lengths boxes we get pretty original bed.

Multilevel bed of boards
Multilevel bed of boards
Flower bed of old tires
Flower bed of old tires
Original beds of breeze blocks
Original beds of breeze blocks

The idea โ„–7: garden lighting and area

We figured out how to make the cottage has become attractive, but it will be noticeable only in the daytime, but what about the evening? So at night your site look just as beautiful as the day, you need to organize lighting. It may be a basic and decorative. Home Lighting settling near wickets and porch, but garlands you can decorate summerhouse, veranda and even the garden trees. It is also possible along the paths and other garden objects are small lights, running from solar.

Lighting recreation area
Lighting recreation area
Highlighting of garden paths
Highlighting of garden paths
Decorative lights trees, sidewalks and pergolas
Decorative lights trees, sidewalks and pergolas

A few words in conclusion

Transform the cottage can be a variety of ways, there is a will and imagination. We spoke only a few options. In fact, a lot of them. If you have your own ways to make the cottage and the site more beautiful and attractive, share them with our readers in the form of comments. We hope that the article was useful to you, and you will appreciate it at its true worth.

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