Plot on 4 weave: layout and photo successful examples of a garden site design

The presence of a small land plot gives city dwellers the opportunity to relax after work, people and grow your favorite berries, fruits and vegetables. But before you create a beautiful landscape design on 4 acres need to properly plan everything to modification and change will not give you a hassle.

Canopy of the polycarbonate before the house on the plot in 4 weave

Have pretty try to give a small portion of the organic and pleasant appearance

Nuances small clearance portion


  • Nuances small clearance portion
  • Basic errors in the design of a small portion
  • The first stage of planning - conventional zoning portion
  • What style of design to choose
  • Video: Planning of garden on a plot of 4 ares
  • Photos successful examples of homestead lands

Acquiring land and draw a plan, which will be built on it: a small house, a garage and all of us loved Bath. Do not forget about hozblok the area in which to store tools and equipment. And what function will perform the remaining land, decorative or practical: it is desirable to plant at least one fruit tree, to enjoy apples in autumn, berry bushes and create several vegetables beds.

Natural stone on the site with a mesh fence

A distinct advantage of a small area - easy to care for them

4 weave portion when planning a photo, which is desirable in view Internet, requires the detailed scheme with hozpostroek dimensions, or upon completion of construction, you may miss out on the ground, with one large yard.

suburban area Draft 4 weave with house

The project site development can be ordered from a specialized organization

The basic design of a small fineness suburban area:

  • House. Prefer a small one-storey buildings, to expand the useful area of ​​the house can be constructed on the second floor attic. For construction materials is better to choose natural and alternate them with panoramic windows, these buildings seem to be air and the glass retains heat well in winter.
    The project is a small house with an attic and a garage

    In order to save construction space can be combined with a garage dwelling house

  • Bath. It is not necessary to install next to the house. It would be better to look a little bath-house from a frame on the opposite side of the house, and between them is organized rest area with shelter from the rain. With this arrangement of the main buildings on the site will stand in one line, and the remaining space will remain under the stands.
    Small-sized barrel-bath at summer cottage weave 4

    For a small area is perfectly suited mini bath in a barrel

  • Trees. In a small area is best limited to one or two fruit trees planted on the edges of the site, so krona will provide less shade in the garden and flower beds.
    Fruiting dwarf apple trees on a small cottage

    The optimal solution would dwarf varieties of fruit trees

  • Fence. Discard the deaf and high fences - this creates difficulties for the normal circulation of air in the area, and planted along the bushes will be constantly in the shade, it will affect the quality of the crop. Better and more budget embodiment will be low wooden fence or mesh - netting.
    Low white picket fence out

    Low fence light color will make a feeling of space and visually increase site

In determining the locations and sizes of the main buildings and large trees on the remaining site can plan a vegetable garden and flower beds.

Hozblok for garden tools against a wall at home

For storing garden tools, you can use a small hozblok, adjoined to the house wall

Basic errors in the design of a small portion

To minimize possible errors in the design of the site that make gardeners when buying a garden, Plan not only buildings, but also the necessary landing and look at the plan from the top, as far as it is in harmony will look.

Lawns in the garden area with stone walls

The first step is to determine the size and location of the house

Arch from a tree on a country site

Intelligent design the front area and the main track from the gate to the house

Basic mistakes novice gardeners:

  • Planting of large fruit trees. Notice the trees dwarf varieties, which do not yield large plantations. This will give you the opportunity to plant several different varieties of apples and pears not obscuring the portion of such small plants root system, which will not interfere with other plantings.
  • Dark house and a fence. Prefer light tones, are particularly relevant in the country all shades of green, it is visually expand the boundaries of the garden plot.
  • Track. Area paving should not exceed 20% of the total land plot. Limit the most appropriate paths to the functional areas - a bath house and recreation area, the rest of the land should be free.
  • Partitions. Installation of such structures in a recreation area of ​​course is needed for a comfortable pastime away from the public eye after a bath. Should give preference to open-work or mesh structures, which can be used for vertical gardening.
  • Split-level terrain. If your land is on a slope, turn this small disadvantage into an advantage by means of a cascade layout, it will give a unique and original look at the design.
Rectangular lawn on a small area

Even a small difference in height can dramatically change the look of the site

Border plant in the garden of a small area

For landscape design small area suitable fillets and creepers

The first stage of planning - conventional zoning portion

To create a harmony in the design space portion 4 acres, must adhere the correct proportions allocation of land: 10% are allocated to the farm buildings, 15% - recreation area, including the beds, and 75% is given by plantations. House is better to put off the road, close to the entrance to the site. If there is a need in the garage, build it in the same group with the house, it will save your budget for building materials and a few meters of land.

The optimal solution for zoning is to minimize the buildings and the alternation of open areas the beds or flower beds, while all plants will be enough sunlight for proper and healthy development.

Sitting in the shade of vines

Separate areas with each other better by means of hedges

The main factors that must be considered when zoning:

  • Relief. On flat terrain is easier to erect buildings, plan the beds and trees feel better on the plain.
  • The form. On the square and rectangular area created more options harmonious arrangement of buildings and landings than on complex trapezoidal and triangular forms.
  • Soil type. Sandy and rocky soil create a lot of trouble with laying the foundations for buildings and not very good for the plants, they have enriched.
  • Orientation. If the neighbors standing two-storey house on the sunny side, it is unlikely your site will get a lot of sun, such a site will have to plan on the basis of the features of the house on the neighboring property.

Subject to planning proportions and minimizing the negative factors in the purchase of land, you can even create a cozy four acres of natural area.

Separation arch portion with climbing plants

Delimit the extended section, and to divert attention from an inconvenient layout can arch with loach, through which a meandering path

Small rock garden in front of the facade of the house

Diversify the landscape and make it more attractive site to help small rock garden

What style of design to choose

Creating a landscape design on 4 acres, at a glance, what style in the design of stick: it will natural landscape as close to the natural landscape or regular style with strict, symmetrical shapes and straight lines.

Minimalism in landscape design garden plot

Lately, especially popular gardens in the style of minimalism

site clearance in the garden in the style of minimalism

The minimalist garden line and form clearly defined, and landscape design - clean and simple

It is worth noting, straight lines and right angles in planning visually make the plot less but create a sense of perfect order and forethought in detail. Small randomness of natural design, expanding the border area and create a piece of nature with the amenities available.

Dry creek from a natural stone and pebble

Suitable for decorating the garden the most diverse stone

Styles of landscape design in small areas:

  • Landscape or English. When making this style create a harmonious human interaction with nature, which successfully balances the slight negligence in plantings with manicured lawns. The main feature of the style - is the lack of right angles and smooth lines of the stone paths. The presence of the corridors of plants of varying heights and arched structures with vertical gardening. Neat lawns in a recreation area in conjunction with flowerbeds with English roses of different colors. A distinctive feature of the style - a small statue with a fountain and benches made of wood or stone.
    Wooden bench under the trees of the garden in landscape style

    Garden-scenery would be the best solution for those who want when going to the country to be on the real nature

  • Dutch. This design is difficult to combine with the presence of the beds if your private economy is only for the rest, the idea of ​​Dutch style with the parterre lawn, and a minimum number of trees, not disappoint. A large variety of vines, which partially cover the house facade and flowering shrubs, located on the lawn in a chaotic manner. Fence in the form of hedges and neat track, sprinkled with fine gravel. Obligatory presence of decorative elements in the design: a well designed under the windmill and sculptures of birds, animals and even insects from stone finish overall design.
    Rose bushes along the house to the garden plot in the Dutch style

    Garden in the Dutch style, characterized by an abundance of flowering plants

  • Rustic. This trend will make it possible to create a design a bit chaotic situation, combined with the simplicity of rustic flavor. Track, sprinkled with stones of irregular shape and with randomly distributed punched grass. The presence of trees, shrubs and flower beds, combined with clumps of flowers without clearance in the flowerbed. Wooden fence entwined with climbing plants. Wicker furniture in a recreation area in a self-made hearth with flowers in large earthen pots. Scarecrow in the middle will be the finishing touch to a rustic style.
    Wooden gate in country style garden

    rustic garden should not be too neat and tidy

  • Chinese. When placing kept flowing lines, creating a feeling of infinity landscape with the obligatory presence of a water source. This may be a small natural creek, edged with stones flowing down hill with a cascading waterfall or a small fountain in the Eastern design. recreation area can be made into a tea house round, which is set on a hill to view the entire territory. Fences made of light welded structures with vertical gardening. Obligatory presence of evergreen plants and bonsai along the meandering stone paths.
    Pond in the garden of Chinese style

    Oriental flavor is perfect for processing small area plots

Making a small area and experiments in the combination of different plants is very interesting to do, which will entice you for many years.

Video: Planning of garden on a plot of 4 ares

Photos successful examples of homestead lands