How to decorate a beautiful land in the country? This question is of interest to many city dwellers who want to plunge into the world of nature, to feel oneness with it, to throw off the burden of anxiety, remove irritability, fatigue, accumulating from the frenzied, modern rhythm life. Even in ancient times valued parks and gardens in which to stroll, held picnics and other entertainments. All this can be done on the site, if we approach the matter seriously, thinking through every detail.

Everyone's strength to turn your site into a place where want to come back with great pleasure
Landscaping garden: Fundamentals and features
- Landscaping garden: Fundamentals and features
- Registration of suburban area - the choice of style
- Basic methods of decorating suburban area
- Vertical gardening techniques and hedges
- Garden structures like garden decoration
- We make flower gardens and flower beds
- Photos of the original decoration for the garden and the garden
- Video: How you arrange the garden of 6 acres
- Photo-design ideas suburban area
Making suburban area is not as simple as it seems, because it is necessary to take into account each square meter and not to create a chaotic variety of vegetation, which lost benches, arbors, fountains and create a design perfectly blends into the whole area of garden. First you need to create a landscaping project on paper, which noted all the details, then transferred to the actual terrain.

Making suburban area begins with the territory planning
If the site is small, then the absurd will look on it too much in the decorative elements. The overall design idea should be taken into account in the plan area for recreation, which is represented by a gazebo, deck chairs, hammocks and other outdoor furniture where you can sit and relax with family or friends. You also need to identify all the flower beds, lawns, shrubs and other vegetation, which will be located there. Pond, pond, fountain - should also be indicated in the drawing. If you plan to place on a separate plot - the garden to the beds, then its borders should also be labeled.

Land planning begins with defining the boundaries of functional zones and sizes
Do not forget about the communications - water and electric, without which it is impossible to do. They are also required to place first in the project, and then move to the area.
Registration of suburban area - the choice of style
Garden landscaping necessary to begin with the selection of a particular style, where design of the infield will occur. In design projects in 2019, you can find many ideas that will suit and large garden space, and for one hundred square meters.

Garden in a modern style is spacious, clear geometric shapes and minimalist planting
The use of classical style to be performed over a large area is not less than 15 acres. It was on such a space can be implemented all the details of the design. Symmetry in all smooth paths, statues, columns, stone pots, forged elements, fountains and manicured shrubs exactly - all these are the main elements of this style. To put it in the future to maintain in proper form, you need to work hard.

In the garden, classical style must be present symmetrically arranged flower beds
For registration you need to use Forest style fit a wide variety of shrubs and trees, which will create a large shadow, cool and in some places even dampness.

Forest style - is the solution for those who want to achieve the full unity with nature
English style is the most popular and favorite of many landscape designers. Irregular borders lawns, plenty of flowers, vines, climbing plants covering the walls of houses, surface fences, bright, juicy colors - landscaping garden in this style make it an elegant and a little stiff. Mandatory as is the presence of benches for rest, ponds and a small pond with water lilies scattered on its surface.

The English garden is important to consider every detail and sustain a sense of proportion
Japanese style in the description should be filled with multiple elements of stone, sand, pebble, bridges and low vegetation. Welcome small dwarf shrubs and trees. It can even be applied in a small space.

In Japanese garden major design elements are stones and water
The French have also made adjustments to the garden design and offer great design it, a neat lawn with elegant paths of stone or rubble. On the sides you can plant an even number of flowers or shrubs that give a rectangular shape. Near the house, lay a platform of sandstone, old bricks and finish the design entwined with vines columns, pillars.

Garden in Provence style affects the abundance of flowering plants
High-tech can also find application in the suburban area design. For this application it is characteristic of the material:
- glass;
- plastic;
- metal;
- well-treated wood.
Simple, simple design, angular forms in every detail, the light color of finishing materials - is its basis. On the face of such a site should look like the room-studio, which has no clear boundaries.

Garden in the high-tech exhibits contemporary ideas of beauty of landscape design
Application style fantasy allows the spirit to move into the world of hobbits, dwarves and giants. This style should contain small elements of fairy tales, bizarre stone figures, large hanging vegetation.

In this garden, any construction should create a fabulous impression
Basic methods of decorating suburban area
How to decorate a garden, cottage, using natural vegetation? landing trees, shrubs should be implemented in accordance with the selected site design style. It should be taken into account:
- Under a tree with large, spreading crown the best place for recreation zone.
- Neatly trimmed shrubs can additionally serve as a hedge.
- Before the creation of flower beds need to study the characteristics of plants that will be included in it, because some are more sprawling, can score and displace others.
- Free-standing in the middle of the lawn pine arborvitae add interesting notes of the entire design.
- If you plan on placing in the area of garden trees, fruiting shrubs, cultivated grapes - it's better all placed at a distance from other vegetation because of their seasonal processing chemicals may harm these decorative plants.

In the design of a garden plot perfectly fit the decor, made with his own hands

For garden decor, you can use a variety of subjects

The decor of all useful!
Vertical gardening techniques and hedges
In today's world there is a large variety of plants twine to create hedges, which further decorate your site, make green border - attractive.

Maiden grapes - a very undemanding climber that grows anywhere and in almost any soil

Climbing beans - it's beautiful, and useful. The truth will have to plant them every year anew

The old staircase still serve as a support
Garden structures like garden decoration
Beautiful area should be emphasized, not only vegetation, but also some of the ornaments scattered on different sides as a means of adding some accents. Various compositions can be made with your own hands from unnecessary things: car tires, wicker baskets, clay pots and other things.

In the garden you can always find a use for the old furniture

Alpine hill from old tires

Fairy-tale characters from tree stumps
We make flower gardens and flower beds
With proper planting area near the country house, you need to partition to form beds, flower beds. First you need to choose the desired shape, then pick up the flowers that will grow in it. Given the characteristics of the flowering of individual cultures, it is necessary to make the selection so that all the plants were harmoniously distributed on a bed, and its flowers set off each other.

To bed did not lose its decorative throughout the season, you need to select plants with different flowering periods

For a small flower bed is possible to allocate a place in front of the porch
Photos of the original decoration for the garden and the garden
Making photo suburban area includes not only a large number of plants, shrubs, and flower beds others, but also the presence of taste, harmony and balance of simplicity and combining natural elements and lush green. My cottage photo site design, neat paths that go deep into the area and leading to the resort, who has taken refuge among the wild green, and where you can relax in the pleasant coolness among the heat of the day - this is the dream of every man, tired of the frenzied urban rhythm.

From the usual gardening watering can make an original fountain

From unnecessary pallet will turn creative garden seat

Even wood can be folded so that they will become a decoration of a garden site
Beautiful garden plots, apparently by nature itself, but actually designed by a human hand, are not only delight guests and provide peace of mind to owners, who come here to unite with nature and find the desired peace, a sense of rest. It must be remembered, that the flowers, shrubs, trees not only provide fresh, pleasant air, processed through their leaves, but allow anyone man, listening to the noise of leaves, surrounding himself with natural colors and flowers, throw out the alarm back to the city from the heart quiet, balanced.