The therapeutic effect of water treatment is known from ancient times. The first studies in the field of massage pressurized water brought into the middle of the XIII century as a surgeon and talented writer T. D. Smollett. In the XIX century pediatrician doctor from St. Petersburg A. N. Nikitin study conducted hydromassage mixture of water and air.

Hot Tub without contact.
Whirlpool - what is it?
- Whirlpool - what is it?
Materials producers and baths with whirlpool
- Features and additional features of modern whirlpool baths
What types
- Cast-iron hot model
- Acrylic whirlpool model
- Steel hot model
- The sizes and shapes of baths with water jets.
The functions and selection of hot tubs
- The choice of hot tubs
Jacuzzi and massage, there is a difference?
- What types of Jacuzzi
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Are there any contraindications for aero and hydro?
- Which is better to buy a hot tub
- 50 photo ideas interior with hot tub
During the time elapsed since the beginning of research, we have accumulated a lot of material, revealing the therapeutic effect of water treatments. Whirlpool in the bathroom is shown in the following disorders and diseases of the functions:
- lowering the immune status;
- venous insufficiency;
- sleep disorders, stress, depression;
- Gastrointestinal diseases;
- sexual disorders;
- dystonia.

Spa adoption can eliminate many diseases.
Equipment equipped with hydromassage pools and baths, there are showers, shower panels and special cabin.
Materials producers and baths with whirlpool
The first production hot tub was released by "Jacuzzi" in 1968. It was a primitive device equipped with a special pump for feeding air into the water. After ten years or so, the same company introduced a design with a completely closed water circulation, equipped with special nozzles.

The first bath with hydro-massage was created in 1968.
Until now, the firm "Jacuzzi" leads the list of spa equipment manufacturers. Official statistics of top manufacturers of hydromassage equipment there, but by the reviews published online in five best can enter company: Roca (Spain), Ravak (Czech Republic), Cersanit (Poland), Riho International (Netherlands), Aquanet (Russia).

The first spa bath was to create a company Jacuzzi.
Features and additional features of modern whirlpool baths
Modern for hydromassage baths vary in size, material of construction, the presence of additional devices. Each modification has its own individual properties that determine the functional features.

Depending on the functionality of hot tubs may differ cost.
What types
Cast-iron hot model
Housing iron bath has a high strength and high corrosion resistance. A long time is able to withstand heavy loads. The thick walls able to retain heat for a long time. The surface can be restored by applying or acrylic enamel coatings. Disadvantages: heavy weight, complicating installation. For a long time the walls warming.

Hot tubs are cast iron, acrylic and steel.
Acrylic whirlpool model
The product of sanitary acrylic (PMMA) combines high thermal capacity with low weight. They are easy to install, are not critical to the quality of water, are a good indicator of sound insulation.
For reference. Weight average size acrylic bath is 25-30 kg. Large bath may weigh 50 kg or a little more. The rate of cooling water - about 1 ° C for 30 minutes.

Hot bath of acrylic.
The disadvantages can be considered static low density exposure surface exposed to the abrasive particles.
Steel hot model
It has high strength, low weight and very budget price. Resistant to aggressive chemicals and abrasion. Able to withstand the temperature changes over a wide range. Easy to assemble. Disadvantages are expressed in a high thermal conductivity, the need to use additional means to reduce noise during water intake and taking a shower. The bath has a small resistance, slippery surface.

Steel hot tub.
The sizes and shapes of baths with water jets.
The shape of the Jacuzzi whirlpool baths can be rectangular, oval, round and angular. The smallest area occupies a corner option. But as a result of the volume of the product is limited. Less water quickly cools. Bath is designed for use in a sitting position. Less compact versions - a rectangle and oval. But they involve a lot more fluid, it is possible to carry out the procedures lying. There are models for two people. Round tubs require a lot of room for the installation, but they are most comfortable.

Round hydromassage bath in the bathroom.
On the size of hot tubs can be full-size, seating, for certain parts of the body
The functions and selection of hot tubs
The main function of a jacuzzi massage the body. Additional equipment will allow for:
- aromatherapy;
- chromotherapy;
- ozone therapy;
- ultrasound therapy.
They can also be equipped with disinfection systems, lighting, auxiliary mixer, music.

In addition to massage whirlpool baths can perform different functions.
The choice of hot tubs
In addition to prices, the determining factor is the geometric size, which limits the size of the room in which the installation will be made jacuzzi.

Before buying you should carefully measure the room bathroom.
Equally important is the material from which the manufactured article.
Bath of Iron
The most budget option. When you select should pay attention to the condition of the enamel surface. It should be smooth, without cracks and chips sag. As the operation of chips and cracks will grow, the rough places will turn yellow. The thickness of the enamel layer should not be less than 1.2 mm.

Hot bath of cast iron.
Important! The sides of the bath must be symmetrical and located in the same plane with each other.
steel bath
The main criteria for choosing a wall thickness (4 mm) and enamel (1.5 mm or more). Bath should not have mechanical damages, dents. Enamel should lie flat, without sag and bulges.
Note! High-quality steel bath weigh 30 kilograms or more.

Hot bath of steel.
Bath Acrylic
The internal surface should be smooth to the touch, do not have depressions, bumps or roughness. The bottom of the bath should not be deformed by pressing a hand.
Important! Durability acrylic bathtubs defined wall thickness. They should not be thinner than 5 mm. Strength reinforcement reinforces the outer surface of fiberglass. quality bath body consists of no more than two layers.
Power Norm water pump and air compressor should be about 1 kW per 250 liters of the product volume. It is desirable that the bath had a disinfection system, which greatly facilitates maintenance.

Hot bath of acrylic.
Jacuzzi and massage, there is a difference?
The functional and therapeutic effects of a Jacuzzi whirlpool bath - similar to other hydro resources. This is the name of a common noun for baths, just as Xerox copier. Differences from the hot tubs is only in volumes (at the pool they are much larger) and from the massage shower panels and booths - that is used in the hot tub closed loop, while the shower requires a constant influx of fresh water.

Jacuzzi and whirlpool differ only in size.
What types of Jacuzzi
In addition to material and shape different whirlpool:
- type massage - hydro (water jet under high pressure), aerial (air under high pressure), a turbo (the combination of the first two types);
- Nozzle according constructions - microfluidic, vortex, swirling, rotating;

Jacuzzi vary by the type of design and functionality.
Advantages and disadvantages
Compared to other private jacuzzi have undoubted advantages, which include health benefits, the possibility of a combination with other types of physical therapy, deliver greater positive emotions.
However, in hydromassage bath has its drawbacks. Complicated construction with an abundance of inlet and outlet pipes helps water stagnation and development of bacteria.

It is scientifically proven that taking a hot bath adds a positive experience.
Price jacuzzi significantly higher than that of conventional designs. Installation requires some special knowledge.
Are there any contraindications for aero and hydro?
As with all medical procedures, and aero massage has its contraindications. They can not deal with:
- acute inflammations, infections and viral diseases;
- Oncology, thrombophlebitis, coronary artery disease;
- after strokes and heart attacks;
- diseases of the kidneys and circulatory system.

Before using the hot tub should consider carefully all contraindications.
In the absence of contraindications for the use of whirlpool organism is undeniable. Reasonable price and relatively small size make them available for home use.