Quite often, people come to the country to take a break from everyday life and breathe a breath of fresh air. But, nevertheless, as it did not want to idle pastime, croft should not be idle. In this case, help beds for the lazy, the photo of which, together with detailed instructions for the production of a variety of species, we propose to consider right now. And who knows, perhaps these examples come across anyone on the invention of a new type of flower beds, with a unique design and a minimum of effort and time during construction.

Read article
- 1 What type can have a bed for the lazy: photo examples of such structures
- 1.1 Location of beds in the garden - how to make the rows and aisles
- 1.2 Options for the manufacture beds from scrap materials with their own hands - a photo review of interesting solutions
- 1.3 Examples of how to arrange the beds in the garden: photos and instructions for such work
- 1.4 Options on how best to make the beds in the garden
- 2 General rules and examples of how to make a bed out of boards with their own hands
- 2.1 The dimensions of the beds with their hands from the boards: photo examples and some of the nuances
- 3 Photo examples of mixed planting vegetables in the garden, and what culture can not be combined
- 3.1 What could be the neighborhood of vegetables in the garden - a table of compatibility of different cultures
- 3.2 Examples of mixed planting vegetables in the beds, as well as some tricks
- 3.3 Table rotation of vegetables in the beds - what it is and why we need
- 4 Device features beds for cucumbers in the open ground
- 4.1 Outdoor bed under a cucumber: how to do it properly
- 4.2 To learn how to do in the garden beds for cucumbers with a bookmark and features such work
- 4.3 Warm beds for cucumbers in the open ground, their differences and advantages
- 4.3.1 Raised beds under a cucumber in an open ground - whether structural differences?
- 5 How to make a bed in the garden: a video on various types of instruction
What type can have a bed for the lazy: photo examples of such structures
The first thing you need to understand that no matter how called territory planting - for the lazy or something else - a certain amount of work will have to invest in it. Another question - what care it will require in the future. Thinking on the device, you need to calculate what work will be needed in the process of cultivation, in full, well, what can be minimized or altogether eliminated.

Naturally, during plant growth is required:
- Weeding;
- Watering;
- soil fertilizer.
It is these core activities, we'll talk, but only slightly lower. First, it makes sense to understand how to arrange everything. Options there may be several. For example, their design may be recessed or raised, elongated and narrow or unmade. And yet, the most convenient to assume they made themselves beds of boards corrugated or bands. Their popularity is based on the availability, because the wooden box to put together not make much effort, as well as deepen the iron sheets into the ground. At the same time, raised off the ground structure is more convenient because it does not need much to bend as the seed at planting and at harvest.

The main thing - is to calculate and arrange beds the optimum size in width for a more convenient access to both the one and the other side of them. But how to do it now and we will investigate.
Location of beds in the garden - how to make the rows and aisles
Surely everyone knows that passages between landingsRather their convenience, not less important. And it is useless to try to determine their size through trial and error, trying to find the best. Sample calculations are made for a long time by many generations of summer visitors, but by the need to know a few rules.

As for the seats, the larger one and a half meters they should not do. Otherwise, it will be difficult to reach as the middle landing, and during harvesting. The length of the same is not restricted and may be any. But the path between them is usually made about half a meter, but there is a caveat. If the garden will be engaged in a large-build, then this parameter should be increased. Those. across the aisle should be easily placed adult man sitting "squatting" or on a folding stool (stool). Consequently, with regard to the beds and row spacingOptimal size is one that is easy grower. These parameters - just average. Post them, you can also, in any order, but still there is one little secret.

An important tip! Experienced gardeners recommend the location of the "north-south". Thus, together with the ground sprouts are evenly warm throughout the day. If the site has a slope, it is necessary to accommodation across the hillside with mandatory strengthening the lower sides. It helps you understand how to arrange the beds at their summer cottage, photo examples of such structures.
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In order to achieve excellent results without much effort, you can use the method developed by well-known vegetable growers, for Mittlayder name. The principle of the device in this case is a little different from the previous one. The width of the landing area, in this case, should not exceed half a meter, but the passages between them are made in the 1-1.2 m. With this arrangement, planted vegetables receives more sunlight.
Another detail of this method is that the landing is performed in 2 rows in length, wherein the fertilizer is placed on the center strip. In this case, it will be evenly distributed at each watering.
In general, narrow beds on a method Mittlaydera very convenient, and allow to gather a good harvest even novice gardeners. Although, initially, they were held at the same level with the passages, but as the sides used small mounds of soil, nowadays more common wooden boxes. They are more comfortable and better retain moisture, and therefore increase the time between waterings. Well, think of more convenient narrow beds for vegetables unreal - the extreme simplicity of the service speaks for itself.

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Each person can do in his garden Exclusive a bed with his hands did not like at all, interesting ideasBecause, born not only by professionals. In our review, we consider not only the pictures examples of this design, but also try to understand how difficult it is to cope with the design of their garden plot.
Options for the manufacture beds from scrap materials with their own hands - a photo review of interesting solutions
Often, before beginning gardeners there is a question of what to do in the garden beds. The answer to this is quite simple - will fit almost anything that can be found in the barn or in the pantry. After all, in addition to traditional materials such as corrugated boards or sheets, you can use the slate, old barrels and even plastic or glass bottles. They can be to dig perimeter future planting (plastic pre-filled with soil it is desirable). Everything is limited only fantasy summer resident, But by the specific advice here can not be. Of course, the most common option is to make the beds in the garden, is the installation of a wooden box, a height of about 20-30 cm, which is filled with black earth.
As for the barrels, they can be cut in a circle so as to get the tin strip. They are used as skirting beds. Plastic containers have to be cut stripes in height, and dig in their sequence, one after the other. In general, by applying their intelligence and imagination, beds device from scrap materials with their own hands, can be turned into creative gameplay, in which children will be involved. And do not doubt that for them it will be very interesting and informative. It makes sense to see examples of such works.
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Examples of how to arrange the beds in the garden: photos and instructions for such work
With regards to the location of the beds and their schemes accommodation in the area, Here to decide for themselves cottagers. The main thing - that it was convenient. But still, there are some secrets and we can not ignore.
I mentioned about placing them in length from north to south for better warming soil in the afternoon. Yet, this method can not always come up. It is possible that a slight slope ground, and this can be overcome, but if it is significant, according to the cardinal location of the beds are not made. In such a case, moisture retaining only suitable placement across the slope. Otherwise, moisture and nutrients will not be delayed where necessary. The lower part of the ridge may conversely be too hydrated, which will lead to rot and loss of crops.
An important tip! Although summer cottage arrange beds and simple, this action must be approached responsibly. That is the correct placement will depend on the harvest in the end. After all, no one wants to spend time and effort wasted.
For a more complete notion of possible locations, it makes sense to pay attention to some of the options.
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Options on how best to make the beds in the garden
Returning to the beginning, try to figure out how to reduce the periodic work in the garden. After watering and weeding takes a decent amount of time. The answer to this question is quite simple. To begin with, after shoots appeared, it is necessary to fill the bed of a layer of sawdust. It will not allow the weeds to grow in large quantities.
Important! Sami shoots vegetables to fall asleep in any case can not be - they may die.
From frequent watering will save the usual plastic film with slotted holes in it sprouted vegetables. Thus, the plants will breathe and receive the necessary amount of sunlight, and moisture from the soil will not evaporate. watering Periodicity in this case it is reduced by 3-4 times.
Of course, the beds of wooden planksThey are the most common, and we have no right not to dwell on them in detail. But we will make it a little lower. Now it makes sense to talk about another device seats in the garden - a bulk beds. This is probably the simplest of the options, in which the earth is poured over the garden soil stripe width of 40 cm to 1.5 m and a height of 25-30 cm. In this case, it does not need to strengthen the walls of the beds. But it should be understood that in this case it is possible their erosion by rain, but by their need to periodically trim. Photos of bulk beds with their own hands, can be seen below.
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Very often there are situations when it would be desirable to plant more, and separate beds at all lacking. What you can find a way in this case? You can plant a variety of vegetables in the garden together. But do not forget that not all cultures is possible. Indeed, for some large amount of moisture is necessary, while for other detrimental. And fertilizers are not all may be suitable. And yet, there are vegetables that perfectly get along together. Now it is the compatibility of and consider.

If we consider a mixed land that is not only not hurt, but on the contrary, it will create conditions for aid among other plants, it is possible to summarize some of which are in the garden vegetables table compatibility.
Photo | Title culture | Compatible with her vegetables to help the growth and harvest |
![]() | Onion | Very desirably present in one garden of celery, bush beans, iceberg lettuce, carrots and beetroot |
![]() | Cucumber | Increases yield at the vicinity of the beans, garlic, radish, fennel and cabbage |
![]() | Strawberry | Requires the presence of onion and garlic, and radish and beet |
![]() | Potatoes | The presence of legumes and peas helps to increase the size of the tuber and planted around the perimeter of "nails" (calendula) eliminates the Colorado potato beetle |
![]() | Spinach | Fine will help strengthen the root system of tomato, beans. Just his presence was required beets and radishes. |
As can be appreciated, many plants can help each other, but in fact it should not be neglected.
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To your vegetable garden does not get a classic dirty and gray, look, how to make beautiful beds in the country with their own hands, Photos of which are given in this review. After a bit of effort place to land would be "indicative" for all the neighbors.
General rules and examples of how to make a bed out of boards with their own hands
Such work although quite simple, but still requires the observance of certain rules in the performance. For example, it should be understood that very long and thin with time boards can be curved, as in addition to the wet they will press the soft ground, clenched in the hand. So you need to take care of additional props. In addition, the tree would not be a durable material, as in contact with damp earth is subject to decay. In order to avoid frequent replacement, before you fill in the box mold, should wrap up its walls cellophane. For example, we offer to pay attention to photos beds with their hands from the boards.
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An important tip! Properly made bed - is the key to a good harvest. After all, if its width is 2 or 3 meters, then to the middle of already will not be able to reach without stepping on it and without damaging the crop. The same applies to the width of the tracks. For him to be comfortable to walk. Of course, not every garden leads to the aisle is very wide, but this should strive as far as possible.
Well. How to make a bed in the garden, we have understood. Now let's try to understand everything about the height, length and width in more detail and how it affects the yield.
The dimensions of the beds with their hands from the boards: photo examples and some of the nuances
As already mentioned, the size has a significant impact on productivity, and here's why. If we compare the beds, where planting is done directly in the ground, ie, seeds are below row spacing, when this arrangement is insufficient heating of the soil, it can not contribute to the growth vegetables. On the contrary, if the bed is too high, then the chances of quick-drying black soil in it because of the heat and wind action. It is for this reason it is not recommended to make the beds more than 30 cm.

As for the length, the size of the beds of boards is better to do in 2-3m. In this case, much more convenient to mount the board. In addition, in the case of one of the boards rot much easier repair. About convenience rather narrow beds mentioned. The nuances of such work quite a lot, but in fact, each will make the beds so it was convenient. It should be noted that much depends on the vegetables that will be on them to grow. For example, for cabbage width will be most optimum to 40 cm. In this case, it should be located in a checkerboard pattern in two rows.
Another question - what kind of material required for the manufacture of boards beds with their own hands. The size of the board in this case is not critical, but it should not be used softwood and thinner than 2 cm. Otherwise the beds wall will bend and quickly rot.
Photo examples of mixed planting vegetables in the garden, and what culture can not be combined
As already mentioned, many vegetables help each other to grow and improve the end result. But not all of them are compatible with each other. Some crops can not grow on the same beds. This is what now will be discussed. The above discussed general information on this topic to bringing the neighborhood table of vegetables in the garden, but here it is necessary to consider this issue in detail. First, let's look at the photos of interesting neighborhood.
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The fact is that by putting on a garden of various vegetables, we hope for a good harvest, and those and others. But not everyone knows that in the end you can even go without vegetables. That's why leave such an important aspect overlooked is wrong.
What could be the neighborhood of vegetables in the garden - a table of compatibility of different cultures
Now we give examples of how to combine the seeds on a bed of one, and which "neighbors" can hurt each other. And since these plants are quite a few, choose from them the most common.
culture photo | Title culture | It is desirable neighborhood with ... | Incompatible with the ... |
![]() | Basil | Peas and kohlrabi ... | ... cucumbers. In this case, the basil will grow almost |
![]() | eggplant | ... onion, beans and peppers | ... peas and fennel |
![]() | courgettes | ... corn, onions, beetroot and tomato | No similar crops |
![]() | Cabbage | ... potatoes, cucumbers, radish, garlic and beans | ... carrots and beans |
![]() | cucumbers | ... peas, cabbage, corn and onions | ... potato, radish and tomato |
![]() | Potatoes | ... beans, corn, onion, horseradish and peas | ... quinoa, cucumber, sorrel and pumpkin |
Of course, this table-neighbors vegetables in the garden is not meant to complete and detailed, but the main crops that grow in our country, given therein. Generally, such knowledge is necessary for both professional gardeners and beginners. After all, if you think about it there is absolutely no sense to plant the beds peas and beans, thus taking place. It will be much more profitable if they will grow together with potatoes, helping to remove the owner better yield. It is for these reasons that vegetable planting on beds compatibility should not be neglected.

Examples of mixed planting vegetables in the beds, as well as some tricks
An example of a combination of vegetables in the beds in order to increase the yield can serve as a landing cucumbers and cabbage. Both of these crops require abundant moisture, and thus did not interfere with each other. Cabbage root system, unlike cucumbers, tends downwards, and therefore will not be intertwined with a neighbor. At the same time, the lush foliage of cucumber protects the soil from excessive sunlight, and thus retains the necessary moisture to both plants. As a result - increased productivity without the need to use different chemistry.

In general, the joint cultivation of crops on beds in our country is quite common. After all, it would be desirable for small garden plots to the table was a large range of environmentally friendly products from his garden, which sometimes can not be done, if you select individual beds for everyone vegetable. In addition, if the culture of helping each other to grow, what is the point to refuse such a gift of nature? That is why, most often on a bed of vegetables neighborhood is the best solution.
Table rotation of vegetables in the beds - what it is and why we need
Many novice amateur gardeners do not even realize that such rotation is and what it needs. Meanwhile, this concept is very important in market gardening to the work done over the summer, did not become useless.
To begin to define the notion. Crop rotation - it is the replacement of some vegetables that grew in the garden, others. Some may ask - why? As it turned out, each plant in the soil allocates certain substances that accumulate in the fertile layer. As a result, a few years later, there may be certain diseases or pests that are destroying this particular culture. And by the undesirable growing for several years in one place not only of the same vegetable, but his family and plants.

An important tip! Not all cultures are suitable for sowing after the other. For example, if a long time in the garden grew cabbage, it can not be planted in its place the beets. In this case, neither of which a good harvest can be no question. But potatoes, zucchini and herbs will grow in this place is wonderful.
It is extremely important to organize the crop rotation on the bed, because of this, much depends. So try to summarize all the information in one table, indicating desirable, possible and inappropriate predecessors and successors.
followers | predecessors | ||
culture | desirable | Undesirable but possible | unacceptable |
Potatoes | Peas, cabbage, cucumbers and courgettes | Onion and garlic | Tomato and pepper |
Pepper and eggplant | Peas, cabbage, cucumbers and courgettes | Beet | Potatoes and pumpkin |
Tomato | Peas, cabbage, cucumbers and courgettes | Beet | Potatoes, peppers and eggplant |
Onion and garlic | Peas, cabbage, cucumbers and courgettes | Tomato and beetroot | Pepper, onion, garlic and carrot |
Beet | Potatoes, cucumber, squash and pumpkin | Beans, tomato and eggplant | Cabbage |
Peas | Pumpkin, cucumber, zucchini, cabbage and potatoes | Beets, tomatoes and carrots | Corn, peas |
Cabbage | Onion, garlic, cucumber and potatoes | Tomatoes, peppers, corn, eggplant | Cabbage and radish |
An important tip! Such a table rotation of vegetable crops in the garden should always be at hand. In addition, it is desirable to create a site plan with marks kinds of vegetables in the beds for years. Only in this case, you can count on a good harvest.
Device features beds for cucumbers in the open ground
Of course, the most beloved and popular culture on our table are cucumbers. It is therefore worth examining in detail how it is better to plant, grow, and some beds for them to do better. Secrets of growing cucumbers in the open ground at everyone. But, nevertheless, there are common rules that help to achieve good results. About them now and we'll talk.

In itself it is quite whimsical vegetable. That is why his landing should be made in a certain time and always on the sunny side, because the absence of light is detrimental to it. He needs a lot of moisture, but by watering should be done regularly. However, there is a caveat.
It is important to properly prepare the flower bed in the spring under the cucumbers.
An important tip! In no case can not irrigate during the day, when the sun bakes the street (this applies to all plants). With such a "care" of vegetables leaves burn, and therefore the harvest can not think. The best time for watering - early morning (sunrise) and late afternoon hours.
Outdoor bed under a cucumber: how to do it properly
Everyone knows that the heat required for the maturation of this vegetable, and not less than 20-250FROM. its growth is stopped at lower temperatures. But the main problem is that in some latitudes of our country, even in summer the temperature often does not exceed these figures. How to be in this case? Of course, you can set a greenhouse, but there are other tricks.

The fact that the methods of open field cultivation of cucumbers a few, but now there is talk about two of them, which are the most common.
To learn how to do in the garden beds for cucumbers with a bookmark and features such work
In the spring, before the arrival of the pores landing cucumber, small trench is dug (the basis of the beds with a bookmark), the width of which depends on the amount of putative precipitated material (usually about half meters). As it develops fallen leaves, small branches etc. After that, all compacted and plentifully poured out boiling water. Above layer stacked manure with sawdust and humus. All of this is filled with a layer of black soil, again, mixed with humus.

Thus, the bottom rotting grass, leaves and branches, will give the required temperature cucumbers and add nutrients required for their growth. Bed for cucumbers with bookmark - a fairly common form of planting these vegetables. In addition, it will get rid of plant waste to good use. Of course, you have to work hard, but because the result is worth it
There is another similar method. And it differs from the beds with a bookmark for growing cucumbers, only slightly.
Warm beds for cucumbers in the open ground, their differences and advantages
The main difference from the beds with a bookmark in time, their device (such work is carried out with the fall). Usually it has done a solid wooden box, in which the first layer is poured sand. Next, sawdust, twigs, grass, etc. After this it is necessary to lay a layer of food waste. In this role can perform rotten fruit and vegetables (necessarily without seeds). Then again, straw and leaves, and finally land with compost.

In fact, the answer to the question of how to make a bed warm for cucumbers, not too different from the pit with a bookmark. But such work is more appropriate, because all the garbage from the yard will be removed before the onset of winter. That is why the warm cucumber beds are very popular.
Raised beds under a cucumber in an open ground - whether structural differences?
At its core, as described just above, warm bed just is upbeat. Those. such a device can be and warm, and flower beds with laying, and on that there is no need to repeat it again, what has been said previously.
How to make a bed in the garden: a video on various types of instruction
Summing up, it is necessary to remind some of the rules:
- It is better to do a long, but narrow landing sites than short and wide;
- To heat the need to use organic waste;
- Cucumbers grow best on the sunny side and require regular watering;
- And most importantly - you will not extend and fish from the pond easily. And in addition, to work in any case have to.
Well, in order to novice gardeners it makes it easier to navigate, offer to watch a few movies, the first of which will explain how to make a bed out of scrap materials:
Now, pay attention to the nuances of the location of the beds on the site:
And finally - a video device instruction beds with a bookmark: