The garden arch has been familiar to mankind since the second century BC. Has gone down in history since the time of the existence of Ancient Mesopotamia. Structures entwined with climbing plants saved from the midday heat, decorated the park entrances. Arched forms are still the favorite decor in landscape design. They are built from various materials. They are installed singly - they create an accent, or in groups - they form pergolas, tunnels.

A garden arch is one of the most successful solutions for decorating a suburban area
The multifunctional stylish arched entrance creates an atmosphere of mystery and chic.
There are many options for using arches made of metal, wood, stone, and other natural materials. Describing all the ideas is tedious. In a small review, the best projects that deserve the attention of gardeners are presented.
Garden arch: main types, construction features and functions performed
- Garden arch: main types, construction features and functions performed
- Wood, metal or forging - what to choose?
- Application rules in landscape design
- Garden arches and pergolas - photos of beautiful examples
- Video: Simple do-it-yourself arch from profile pipes
- Photo of arches in the garden
It is customary to call an arch narrow structures with an arched or horizontal flat top and two pillars. Arches installed one after another are called pergola.

The arch can emphasize the selected area or become the centerpiece of the garden composition
On the site, arched forms combine practical and aesthetic functions:
- Decorate the suburban area.
- They are used as a decorative element for framing a wicket, entrance lobby, territory zoning.
- They form a resting place - it is enough to install a bench or a sofa at the base of the arch.
- An arched arcade replaces the gazebo and can become a support for a children's swing.
- Supports and a vault help plants to curl, the green tunnel is able to protect from the scorching sun, shelter from the summer rain.
- Supports are often used as lampposts, a cable is brought to them underground, lamps are hung.
An arch entwined with flowers, a flowering corridor will become the central decoration of a suburban area, make any landscape composition unique.

An arch with climbing roses can effectively decorate any corner of the garden
The arch can decorate the garden and destroy the harmonious composition. Much depends on the location of the wireframe. A win-win over a garden path.

The most common solution is a free-standing arch that creates a point accent in any part of the garden area.
Decorators classify arched structures according to the main features:
- the type of material used;
- the form of a reinforcing frame;
- mobility - there are stationary and collapsible structures that can be removed for the winter;
- place of installation of arches.
A garden structure as a separate decorative element is appropriate only in certain design solutions. Helps to create an atmosphere of style.
Wood, metal or forging - what to choose?
The arched structure must withstand the wind load, the weight created by the plants. The arches are additionally strengthened, installed on concrete bases.

A metal arch with a small gate will not close the area from prying eyes, but will add sophistication and sophistication
Arches and metal pergolas are more common in the garden. Carbon steel is additionally treated with anti-corrosion agents. Alloyed rolled products and wire are not afraid of temperature drops and precipitation. You can make a garden arch made of metal yourself. For example, weld from reinforcing bars or shaped pipes.

In the photo there is a metal arch, entwined with roses and clematis
Metal arches made of duralumin rolled metal are resistant to corrosion, retain a pleasant appearance for a long time, and are not afraid of freezing.
Forged structures are of two types:
- graceful from thin twisted elements;
- simple and massive.
You have to forge arches manually, each project is individual. Arches, like garden furniture, are created in special conditions; certain skills and craftsmanship are needed for forging.

A wrought-iron arch with openwork elements is chic in itself and does not even need floral decor
The wooden garden arch is the main decoration of the garden in the Japanese style. U-shaped structures in red tones are not intended for greenery. In natural landscapes, more durable structures are installed. It is best to use non-rotting larch. Cedar and oak wood is also durable. You can place a wooden frame in any corner of the garden and even against the wall of a building. Antiseptics will protect the tree from the moisture created by the climbing plants.

This essentially simple design looks gorgeous against the background of ornamental shrubs and trees.
Plastic pipes are a life hack of recent seasons. It is better to make light frames collapsible; in the cold, the polymer becomes fragile, capable of crumbling from a gust of wind. For the connections, you will need a special soldering iron used when installing water supply piping systems.

Plastic pipes do not require painting and are absolutely not afraid of moisture
The stone itself is beautiful, rarely supplemented with vegetation. The design itself is already decorative, serves as an ornament. Stone arches are made at the entrance to the site. For an internal environment, they are heavy.

A massive arch made of natural stone will create a medieval atmosphere at the dacha

A round stone arch diversifies the landscape design of the garden plot

The red brick arch looks more modern.
Of the other materials, the vine remains the most popular. A wicker arch or pergola will become the focal point of a country-style project. The bamboo design is appropriate in a garden with an oriental flavor. The arched fence is short-lived, darkens, sags. Only light annuals are planted near such an arch, which do not create a large load.

Willow branches are a unique material that allows you to create a wide variety of garden compositions
When choosing a material, take into account the style composition, financial capabilities. Often, the remains of building materials or other improvised means are used. An arch is an element that attracts attention. The preferences of the inhabitants of suburban real estate, occupation, lifestyle, status are taken into account.

The arch above the gate will decorate the entrance area and set the tone for the entire site
Garden arched structures are made of arbitrary shape, originality is welcomed. It is appropriate to supplement arches for flowers made of metal with a trellis wall.
Application rules in landscape design
The arch will fit into the compositional solution if you follow the rules for the design of arched frames:
- the unity of style provides for the harmony of all elements; it is better to use homogeneous materials, paints, decor;
- a competent choice of green spaces, a visually stationary arch should remain decorative in winter;
- when decorating, you need to know the measure, two or three details are enough, combined with each other;
- when determining the size of the arch, it is important to take into account that green spaces are growing, the optimal width is 1.3 m, the height is 2 m, so that there is a free passage;
- in order for the arched frame to fit into the existing landscape, it is advisable to make a drawing on the photo of the site, where all the details are visible;
- when choosing annual plants, the growth rate is considered the main factor, so that the arch is more likely to be braided by curly stems, the structure looks complete.
An integrated approach will help you avoid unnecessary costs and save time.

A wide variety of plants can be used to decorate garden arches.

Simple tubular arch decorated with clematis

A suite of arches entwined with decorative ivy

Fairy garden with round wooden arches
The main requirement for the frame of the garden arch: strength, durability, aesthetic appearance. The flaws of an unattractive design will not hide green spaces. Firstly, it takes time for growth, and secondly, the vines will only emphasize the asymmetry of the arc, the curvature of the supports. The arch creates a special flavor and becomes the central object of the landscape composition. If we take into account the degree of illumination of the site, the attendance of the corners of the garden, there will certainly be a rational place to install an arched frame.

Wooden arches of an interesting design can be used to separate the garden from the garden part of the site.
Although there are no strict canons in garden architecture, the arch must comply with a single design concept.
Garden arches and pergolas - photos of beautiful examples
A small selection of ideas will serve as an incentive to create similar structures in garden plots. The romanticism of flowering arches is created by bindweed, nasturtiums, and other flowering annual or perennial vines. Chic - climbing roses. For remote areas, hops are appropriate, a girlish grape that does not require constant maintenance.

Maiden grapes are one of the most popular crops used to decorate the arch.

The garden arch can be used not only as a decoration, but also as a support for growing climbing plants, such as fruit grapes.
Painted or whitewashed wood is a sign of a rustic style. An arch over the gate, a cozy shady corner decorated with a pergola - here it is, a country era garden, popular again today. The entourage will be complemented by a low picket fence, a pair of birdhouses, stylized pots on the veranda.

An old overgrown arch will create an atmosphere of mystery and mystery in the garden.
In the opening of the arch there is a place for a small fluorescent lamp, which is charged from the sun like phosphorus. A quiet corner with a plastic arched structure is the perfect place for relaxation. The path, protected by a green tunnel, is full of mystery. A tea table and a bench will be a nice addition.

Using several successively installed arches, you can make a whole alley

It seems that no one will refuse to walk along such a flower alley.

The arch above the bench will create a comfortable corner where you can hide from the scorching summer sun
Pergolas entwined with climbing plants will give you a pleasant coolness and become a comfortable place to relax. The sturdy posts will support the swing or light fixtures. Arches for summer cottages will help summer residents to ennoble and decorate the site, to make it unique.
Video: Simple do-it-yourself arch from profile pipes
Photo of arches in the garden