One of the features and advantages of a land plot or a household plot is the ability to improve it according to at your own discretion, making a small area attractive and comfortable for recreation, and revealing your creative talents. The time spent, invested funds and decoration techniques are chosen at their discretion and fully reflect the owner's inner world, in which he will be as comfortable as possible.

To create your own garden on the site, to refine the local area is a completely feasible dream for many amateur gardeners.
Garden design (the second name is landscape design) is a composition, mainly from plants, using different styles, forms, natural materials and decorative products, in order to transform the appearance of the garden, create an atmosphere and make a person pleasant emotions.

The main criterion for garden design is its style.
The design of the garden can be made in different styles of landscape gardening, formed in different cultures and over a fairly long period. Style is, first of all, the harmony of shapes, colors, arrangement of elements necessary to create a certain picture.
French style
- French style
- Decorative camouflage
- English style
- Mediterranean style
- Alpine style in garden design
- Rustic style (country or country)
- High-tech style in garden design
- Ecological style in garden design
- Japanese style
- How to decorate a garden plot
- VIDEO: DIY garden design.
- 50 modern and colorful garden design options:
This garden photo design is also called classic, it is characterized by clear symmetry, straight lines and geometric shapes of the correct shape, laid down at the beginning of the design process and bookmarks. The artificiality of forms is felt in everything, as the main way of dealing with the surrounding chaos. A house, fountain or lake with perfect geometry is the center of the composition and a reference point for other decorative elements.

The main task of the direction is expressiveness.
Trees and shrubs must be perfectly trimmed. One of the striking characteristics of the French style are antique sculptures, stone balls, Greek ones, arches, vases and bowls on columns or pedestals. Preference is given to plants of the correct structure, for example, cypresses, thuja, dense shrubs with the ability to create the desired geometry. To realize a French design, you need a lot of space for a sense of freedom, an open space and a lot of effort to maintain a vegetation of the right size and shape.

Symmetrical flower beds are surrounded by small borders, decorated with sculptures of greenery or multi-colored filling.
Decorative camouflage
The philosophy of this garden landscape design is based on methods of hiding or drawing attention to other objects of park elements. Shrubs, climbing plants and perennials will serve as decoration of the fence. Some shrubs, after a certain time, can completely replace the fence. A house can be completely transformed if its walls are partially or completely overgrown with grapes.

It is important to understand what the owner of the personal plot wants to see in the end, at the end of the work.
A dead tree can also be hidden from public attention if its crowns do not pose a danger in a possible fall. Beautiful gardens and summer cottages with flowers, bushes, photos with declarative camouflage will save time and fight overgrowing branches and leaves to a minimum. This type of design can be carried out even on the smallest areas.

The style is beautiful in its own way, reflects the inner world and preferences of the owner of the garden.
English style
Unlike the French style, it offers complete freedom of natural shapes and lines. The main attribute of the English garden is the lawn, which is always mowed and well-groomed, it remains green all year round due to the peculiarities of the weather conditions in England. Along with the lawn, vertical landscaping is widely used with climbing plants or shrubs, which are constantly cut along with the lawn.

The design of a garden plot in the English style does not imply clearly delineated lines.
The garden is surrounded by flowers, creating intricate compositions from a large number of densely planted plants. Much attention is paid to the texture and colors of natural materials from which paths, benches, gazebos, park compositions are made. Plants of different heights create the levels and natural relief of the park. The garden area and buildings are a single composition. To embody the English design, you need a plot of at least 12 acres.

All paths, flower beds, arches, gazebos along with green spaces create a single integrity of the picture, with pleasant soft outlines and shapes.
Mediterranean style
The Mediterranean in its color and rich culture of the adjacent peoples is significantly different from other territories. The birthplace of the Mediterranean style is Greece and Rome, which means that it has classic strict forms and straight lines. This is the most colorful and picturesque garden of all possible plant species. It is characterized by a subtropical climate, a wide variety of flora: citrus and conifers, spices, flowers of various shapes. This version of the garden is applicable in the southern regions, using more winter-hardy plants or with the creation of a winter garden with the possibility of heating in winter.

The Mediterranean style is a godsend for areas with difficult terrain.
In ideal conditions, evergreens are used: palms, lemons, oranges. There is a species of evergreen that can withstand low temperatures, such as boxwood. Pergolas and walls of the house can be decorated with climbing plants and shrubs. Stone and amphorae are widely used as park sculptures and decorative elements. Pools, fountains, cascades are an important and necessary addition to the style.

The Mediterranean garden is attractive for its richness of colors, splendor of plants.
Alpine style in garden design
This type of design makes it possible to create, despite the possible harsh environmental conditions. Any stones are suitable for an alpine slide. The resulting composition is easy to care for, no fertilizers, transplants, or top dressing are needed. The alpine landscape of the garden has a number of distinctive features:
- Terrain relief.
- Lack of fences.
- Gazebos in a prominent and well-viewed place, but lower than the location of the house.
- Plants sit between stones.
- Much attention is paid to mosses as integral inhabitants of natural stone structures.

Alpine landscape design is relevant for all regions of the country.
The point in alpine style is to find the best and most natural location for each stone. In addition to alpine slides, alpine ramps, podiums, paths, flower beds, etc. can be erected.
Rustic style (country or country)
Rural life will always attract the attention of people living in megacities. It is close to nature and is as natural as possible. Even rustic household items evoke a sense of calm mind and serenity. Sometimes you really want to be in an atmosphere where the absence of strict rules in the interior and everyday life is the norm.

Naturalness, it is this trait that characterizes the rustic Country style.
Features of Rustic Garden Design:
- Some chaotic, not irritating.
- Loose gravel paths with grass growing between.
- Flowers growing in special flower beds.
- An abundance of hand-made carpentry, wrought iron or wicker household items, gazebos, benches.
- Abundance of fruit plants and trees - pumpkins, grapes, apple trees.
High-tech style in garden design
This modern garden design is based on the influence on our environment and consciousness of modern technology and appeared thanks to the development of new materials, more durable, cheaper, with dissimilar properties and external view.

High-tech style involves the embodiment of the most daring ideas, unusual for other directions in landscape design.
High-tech features in garden design:
- Industrial concrete, glass, metal and plastic structures.
- Straight lines and angles, clear shapes.
- Polished glossy or matt surfaces.
- Vertical gardening.
- Well-groomed lawn of regular geometric shape.
- Park compositions and sculptures of abstract forms.
- Several levels of garden or park.
- Musical fountains.
- Comfortable gazebos and benches with the ability to charge your phone.

Here you can create optical illusions using decorative lighting, any unusual shapes.
Ecological style in garden design
Ecology plays an important role for a modern person. Ecostyle allows minimally interfering with natural processes while preserving the natural beauty of the park. The garden space, made in an ecological style, is a complex biological system, the elements of which are interconnected and are in constant balance.

Beating the pristine nature, creating your own eco-system on the site - this direction in design has especially enjoyed success over the past few years.
Signs of eco-style garden design:
- The materials of construction are typical of the area and ecosystem.
- Natural relief, not changed by man.
- Combinations of wild and garden plants and trees.
- Wild plants are used for the lawn.
- The paths have a conditional meaning and can be interrupted, rather they indicate the direction and are laid out with natural stones.

The task of the designer when creating an eco-style is to emphasize the existing landscape as best as possible and play with its features.
Japanese style
The traditional garden of Japan is more than one millennium old, unlike other types of landscape design, and made under the influence of Zen Buddhism, as a way to liberate a person and Shintoism - faith in power natural spirits. Such gardens can still be seen in Japan on the territory of temples and monasteries, they are conducive to meditation and contemplation. Japanese garden interior design techniques are used in whole or in part to emphasize a person's connection with the surrounding nature.

In a Japanese garden, every pebble or decor item carries a special meaning, and a whole science is subordinated to the creation of a refined territory.
Features of Japanese design:
- Asymmetry is the basis for the layout and all decorative elements.
- The so-called "rock gardens", using boulders, gravel, pebbles and sand, reminiscent of mountains and valleys in miniature.
- A wide variety of natural reservoirs or stone bowls of water.
- Walking trails using boulders and cobblestones.
- Using large trees with a wide crown to dim sunlight.
- Bamboo structures for bridges, arbors, benches.
- Traditional Japanese lanterns and deities made of unpolished stone.

All items used to create a Japanese-style garden have asymmetrical lines.
How to decorate a garden plot
There is always an opportunity to make your site more attractive for relaxation and feel like the creator of a small or impressive piece of art. Some elements will be able to decorate and refine any garden plot as in the photo:
- Hang up the swing. You can make this simple device yourself from a wide variety of objects, starting from a car tire and an old chair. A large and healthy tree or a structure made of sturdy wooden or metal beams is suitable for support.
Swing is entertainment not only for children, but also recreation for adults.
- Flower beds. Flowerbeds are an additional opportunity to grow flowers, but its very design and appearance create an entourage. You can fully give free rein to your imagination, adhere to the chosen style or show creativity without conventions and rules.
It is easy and simple to create unusual flower beds of perennials in the garden.
- Porch decoration. The porch in summer allows you to fully enjoy the beauty of both the home and the garden. Planters and large plant pots can be used.
- Paving paths. Tracks are useful for practical purposes, they have less dirt and moisture, but they can be made in a variety of ways. Whole mosaic panels can be laid out of pebbles, Japanese-style step-by-step paths will look organic if your garden is necessary for pacification.
Garden paths are beautiful and convenient, and their correct arrangement and arrangement is a good addition to landscape design.
- Hide all utilities. The entire effect of the implemented landscape gardening design can be spoiled by hanging wires or a passing water pipe. There are many ways to hide communication systems, you can use decorative objects made of natural wood or fired clay. Shrubs and climbing plants are also well suited for this purpose.
The best way is to auto-irrigate.
- Bird feeders. In snowy weather, it is difficult for birds to find food for themselves; feeders help the birds to hold out until spring with minimal losses for themselves. Its appearance can delight not only in winter, but also in summer, being part of the garden composition.
Decorative decorations for a summer cottage or local area can be supplemented with practical products.
- Climbing plants for the walls of the house of the gazebo and fences. The foliage of trees is one of the most pleasant to contemplate and inner peace. Such a design is worth it, even if you have to wait for several years, and in cold weather this beauty disappears for a while.
A garden gazebo can be a decoration for your garden.
- Porch furniture. Wooden pallets are a fully underestimated material. You can make garden furniture from it, which will be as comfortable as possible in the summer, it will not take much time and much effort. The cost of the furniture received will pleasantly surprise any owner of a country house. Moisture-resistant paint will be able to protect the material from external natural factors. The use of vibrant colors will highlight the furniture and create the right atmosphere.
Garden furniture made from pallets turns out to be as stylish and practical as home furniture.
VIDEO: DIY garden design.
50 modern and colorful garden design options: